Assignment 10: Microsoft (MS) Word Basics 1 (10:00 class)


This is the first lesson on Microsoft Word. It describes some of the most basic concepts and vocabulary needed to create Word documents. This is also known as “word processing” or creating documents with a lot of words (text).

1.  Opening MS Word
Use the Start menu (See picture below) to open MS Word.

2.  Using the Microsoft Office button
Use the Microsoft Office button to create New, or Open, Save, Save As, Print and Close documents. (See picture below).

IMPORTANT: What’s the difference between Save and Save As?

·  Use Save to save changes to a document that you’re working on.

·  Use Save As to save a document with a new name or to a new location.

3.  Quick Access toolbar – frequently used actions
Use the Quick Access toolbar (See picture below) to (1) Save (not Save As), (2) Undo, and
(3) Redo.

IMPORTANT: What’s Undo and Redo?

·  Use Undo when you made a mistake and want to Undo it.

·  Use Redo if you used Undo and decide to you want to Redo it or to repeat the last action.



  1. Open MS Word (a new document should open up in the window).
  2. Save (Save As) your document to a folder with your name on it in My Documents (on your computer. Name the document “MS Word Practice 1.docx”.
    NOTE: If you have a USB drive (removable drive), you can save your document there.
  3. Close the document (but keep MS Word open).
  4. Open the document again from your My Documents folder (or from your USB drive).
  5. Save (Save As) the document to your Flash Drive again, but this time name it as “MS Word Practice #1 NEW.docx”.
  6. Type “I’m using MS Excel!” at the top of the document.
  7. Change “MS Excel” to “MS Word”.
  8. Click Undo.
  9. Click Redo.
  10. Save (use Save, not Save As) the document.

4.  The Ribbon – the Home tab
The Ribbon contains most of the tools you need to work with Word documents. First, we’ll look at the Home tab on the Ribbon.
Use the Home tab to Copy, Cut, Paste, Paint Format, Format Font (font type, size, bold, underline, italics, etc.), Format Paragraphs (bullet and numbered lists, indent, alignment, spacing, etc.), and other things we’ll learn later! (See picture below).

A GREAT SECRET! You can also use Keyboard Shortcuts to do a lot of these actions:

·  CTRL + A = Select All

·  CTRL + C = Copy

·  CTRL + V = Paste

·  CTRL + X = Cut



1.  Open the email from your teacher. It’s called, “Text for Ex 2”.

2.  Open the attachment, “Text for Ex 2.doc”.

3.  Select All the text.

4.  Copy the text.

5.  Create a New Word document.

6.  Save (Save As) your document to the folder with your name on it in My Documents (or in your USB removable drive). Name the document “My Qualities.docx”.

7.  Paste the text (from the attachment) into your new document.

8.  Save your new document.

9.  Make the first line of text the title of your document. Make the font type, Arial, size 14. Also make it Bold.

10.  Change the alignment of the title so it is Centered.

11.  Make the rest of the text in the document Calibri, size 11.

12.  Make the second line of text “Personal Qualities” a subtitle. Change that text to Bold.

13.  Make the list of items under the subtitle into a Bulleted List.

14.  Look at the list of personal qualities and decide which of these qualities is the most important to you. Make the font color of this quality red.

15.  Save your document.

16.  Close your document.

17.  Email this document as an attachment to your teacher. Make sure you put an appropriate Subject, Greeting, and Closing in your email.


Computer ESL Spring 2010 – Robert Griffiths