2 Oakleigh Park South, Whetstone, London N20 9JU
telephone 020 8445 3854 e-mail
headteacher Mrs C McMahon MA PGCE NPQH deputy headteacher Mrs G Porter BA (hons)
25th May 2017
Year 4 Trip, WWT London Wetlands Centre, Tuesday 4th July
We have arranged to take our Year 4 children on a trip to visit the WWT London Wetlands Centre in order to support what we have been learning in Science about vertebrates and invertebrates, habitats and food chains. The children will have an opportunity to enjoy a tour of the wetlands and take part in an hour session on vertebrates and invertebrates. They will discover wetland microhabitats and identify the invertebrates they find there. They will also investigate their environment, what they do and study their size, shape and movement.
The trip will take place on Tuesday 4th July and we plan to travel via coach. In order for this to occur safely, we will need a number of parent volunteers to help accompany us. Please indicate on the slip below if you are able to help. We will contact you prior to the trip to confirm arrangements.
This trip is an activity for which by law we are unable to make a charge. However, the trip cannot take place unless we raise enough money by voluntary contributions to cover the costs involved. We are fortunate in the high level of support that we have received from parents in the past, which has ensured that all the planned trips have been able to proceed.
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £ 16.65 to cover the cost of the workshops and travel.
Payments should be made by Friday 16th June 2017, using our Wisepay system.
We will leave the school 9.10am and are hoping to return by 3.30pm. Your child should be in full school uniform including a coat and will need a healthy packed lunch; we advise that this should be in a carrier bag as it can be disposed of after lunch.
Yours sincerely
Miss Byrne Mrs Vyas
Year 4 Teachers
Please return this slip by Friday 16th June
Year 4 Trip to WWT London Wetlands – Tuesday 4th July
I would/ would not* like my child………………………………………to go on the above visit.
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £ . *Cheque o *Cash o *Wisepay o *delete as applicable
I am/am not* available to help on this trip. I hold/do not hold* a current CRB check.
I have/have not* helped on a previous trip with this class.
Signed……………………………………………………………. Date………………
Archdiocese of Westminster London Borough of Barnet