EnglishIV: Reading
Ms. Amber Bradley
MSD 2016-2017
Supplies List: Course Objectives:
1-2 inch binder 1. Textual evidence 2. Theme(s)
(English IV Only) 3. Central idea(s) 4. Author’s Choices
Pencils/Pens 5. Character development 6. Point of view
USB flash drive 7. Figurative and connotative meanings
1 pack of 5dividers 8. Analysis of interpretations of a story,
1 pack of highlighters drama, or poem
1-1 subject notebook (purple) 9. Knowledge of works of American
4 purple folders with prong & pocketsliterature
2 packs of notebook paper
Expectations for Room C-222:
*Bring all materials and assignments to class. *Do your best and encourage others to do their
*Pay attention and follow directions given. best.
*Take care of classroom materials. *Wear a smile.
*Stay on task and allow others to stay on task. *Stay in assigned areas.
*Clean work area before you leave class. *Work safely.
*Be respectful of yourself, and others and all *Keep hands, bodies, and objects to yourself.
Consequences for Room C-222:
1. Warning
2. Teacher-Student Conference and Parent Contact
3. Referral sent to the office
MSD’s Grading Scale: Weighted Grading Scale:
A: 90-100 Tests: 25%
B: 80-89Classwork & Projects: 20%
C: 70-79 Participation, Homework,
D: 60-69 Assignments: 20%
Quizzes: 15%
Make-up Policy: Homework Expectations:
Following a documented excused absence; Homework is a key component of the
a student will have the excused school days education process. Homework is given
to request make-up assignments from the as needed to complete and/or reinforce
teacher. Failure to satisfactorily complete the lesson objective for the day.
make-up assignments within the excused Assignments may be overnight or long-
school days of an excused absence will term. Students should complete all
result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignments neatly and on time.
assignment(s). It is the student’s Students are to write these assignments
responsibility to ask for the work he/she in a safe place. Any student needing
missed while absent. extra help is encouraged to schedule a time
with me for tutoring.
Assignment Policy:
If a student has to retake a quiz or test, the
two grades will be averaged together. There
will be no retakes on homework or classwork.
I will not accept any late homework. However,
There are two exceptions: school field trip
(homework/classwork is due the next class
day) and excused documented absences
(if two excused days, the student has two
days to turn in homework). However,
accommodations and modifications outlined
in the student’s IEP supersedes all course
For more information on academics, please visit, MSD’s Student Handbook at
Please read the agreement and provide your signature and best way to contact you.Please return this form with your child as soon as possible.
My child and I have read and discussed the English IV: Reading Syllabus for the 2016-2017 school year. If there are any concerns or questions, I will contact you provided the email and/or school phone number listed on the syllabus.
Student signature ______
Parent signature ______
Parent contact information:
Email: ______
Home telephone number: ______( )Voice ( ) Videophone
Cellphone number: ______( )Text Only ( ) Text/Voice