Transfer Proposal Form

Under s.29 of the State Records Act 1998

1. / Public office: Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources / Agency No (if known): 1116
2. / Contact details
Name: Mary Brown
Position: Records Manager / Telephone: (02) 9222 5444
Fax No: (02) 9222 5555 / E-mail:
3. / Usage certification
I certify that:
1.  the State records listed on the attached Series Proposed for Transfer form are no longer in use for official purposes
2.  the State records are not the subject of a still in use determination, and
3.  this transfer meets the requirements of the guidelines issued under s.29 of the State Records Act 1998.
Name: Kathy White
Position: Manager, Information Services / Date: 9 July 2003
4. / Delivery/collection
Records will be: Delivered by the public officeCollected by State Records
If records are to be collected, where are they currently stored (address/floor/room number):
Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources 10 Wentworth Street Parramatta
Remarks (parking/loading bay access):
Loading Bay off Wentworth Lane
Please note:
1. Records will not be accepted or collected until the proposal is approved.
2. Records must have a current access direction.
3. State Records can only accept as State archives, State records which are in order and adequately and accurately listed.
Please send this information to:
State RecordsPO Box 516
Kingswood NSW 2747
Telephone: (02) 9673 1788
Fax: (02) 9673 1760
E-mail: <

Series Proposed for Transfer

Registered series number / Consignment number / Series title / Disposal authority(ies) / Date range of this consignment / Quantity in this consignment
FA, GA, DA, GDA or DR number / Class or series number(s) / Retention period in public office / Metres / boxes
NRS / Miscellaneous files / DR 3705 / - / - / 1920-29 / 4.34 / 24 type 1 boxes
NRS / MIA files / DA 998 / 10.1.3 / 4 years / 1911-13, 1919 / 3 / 17 type 1 boxes

August 1999

Series Information Form

for unregistered series of State records

1 / Series title: Miscellaneous Files
2 / Date the series was first created: 1913
3 / Date the series ceased being created [if it is not still being created]: N/A
4 / Public office which is creating or created the series: Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources
5 / Any other public office which previously created the series and when: Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission; Department of Water Resources, Department of Land and Water Conservation
6 / General description of the records in the series: Correspondence, file notes, reports that deal with both administrative and functional matters. DR 3654, 37 Give an outline of the subjects covered.
7 / Reason the series is or was created: To deal with Head Office correspondence and reports when the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission was established.
8 / Physical format(s) of the records in the series: Foolscap papers attached to a backing sheet by a file pin.
9 / Condition of records (physical damage, mould, brittleness, etc)?
Some papers brittle
10 / Is this series hybrid (part paper and part digital records)?
11 / Arrangement of the series: Date order
12 / Any copies of this series and their format:
13 / Any records controlling or controlled by the series [for example registers, indexes or records management systems]: Indexes and registers held by the Department.
14 / Any series that this series replaced: N/A
15 / Any series that replaced this series: N/A
16 / Any other series of records that relate to this series:

Public office transferring: Department of Planning,

Infrastructure and Natural Resources Consignment No: 2

Series Number and Title: NRS 19157 Miscellaneous files

Date Range: 11/1/1920-2/9/1924

Consignment List

Container number: / Item No or control symbol: / Item title or description: / Start date: / End date: / Access direction number: /
1 / 20/45 / Report to Premier re proposals for increased development rate Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area / 11/1/1920 / 2/2/1921 / 741
1 / 20/68 / Policy on employment of married returned soldiers in country centres - preference given for Head Office positions / 16/1/1920 / 11/10/1920 / 741
1 / 20/71 / Lists of returned soldier officers disadvantaged through enlisting / 16/1/1920 / 23/6/1922 / 741
1 / 20/78 / Officer lists of cadet draftsmen & junior clerks - salaries & new Public Service regulations / 18/1/1920 / 3/12/1921 / 741
1 / 20/84 / Discontinuance of appointment of Irrigation Expert for advice to private individuals / 19/1/1920 / 11/11/1920 / 741
1 / 20/143 / Improvements in status of women / 24/1/1920 / 3/2/1920 / 741
2 / 20/154 / Transfer to Union House of Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission Sydney premises / 2/2/1920 / 20/3/1920 / 741
2 / 20/162 / Statement of works expenditure in country / 5/2/1920 / 5/4/1920 / 741
2 / 20/170 / Plans and sketches of Head Office, Elizabeth Street, Sydney / 8/2/1920 / 13/9/1920 / 741
2 / 20/171 / Returns of expenditure from appropriations / 8/2/1920 / 11/7/1920 / 741
3 / 20/208 / Complaint to Minister re rigorous living conditions by C A Hyslop, Records, Leeton / 13/2/1920 / 23/4/1920 / 741
3 / 20/211 / Increased rates of private motor car hire, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas / 14/2/1920 / 16/2/1920 / 741
3 / 20/212 / Lists of minimum wages for male and female officers / 14/2/1920 / 3/2/1921 / 741
3 / 20/213 / Press reports on tour Curlwaa Irrigation Area (includes a newspaper) / 14/2/1920 / 17/2/1920 / 741
3 / 20/235 / Award claims of Professional Officers Association New South Wales / 19/2/1920 / 31/8/1920 / 741
3 / 20/237 / Pamphlets for motor car purchase by Water Conservation And Irrigation Commission / 20/2/1920 / 5/5/1921 / 741
4 / 20/300 / Supply of plans for messenger boxes for Head Office / 5/3/1920 / 12/4/1920 / 741
4 / 20/342 / Loan estimates, 1919-20 / 24/3/1920 / 19/4/1920 / 741
4 / 20/345 / Purchase on behalf of South Australia of petrol/kerosene locomotives / 25/3/1920 / 21/10/1921 / 741
4 / 20/346 / Brochures and photographs for motor car purchase by Water Conservation And Irrigation Commission / 25/3/1920 / 9/6/1921 / 741
4 / 20/413 / Principal Assistant Engineer’s duties with reference to Lane & Peters Arbitration case (Burrinjuck Dam contractors) / 1/4/1920 / 28/9/1920 / 741
4 / 20/425 / Appointment of Deputy Resident Commissioner, A C M Lockhart / 9/4/1920 / 22/11/1922 / 741
5 / 20/463 / Method of conducting correspondence and miscellaneous papers / 17/4/1920 / 19/12/1920 / 741
5 / 20/480 / Brewster pattern levelling staves / 22/4/1920 / 2/9/1924 / 741
5 / 20/539 / Remarks on Town Planning by W D Campbell in Survey Journal of Western Australia - W B Griffin Leeton & Griffith designs commented on; plans included / 4/5/1920 / 23/5/1920 / 741