English II: American Literature

Mrs. Ulmer

(215) 420-5690

Dear 10th Grade English Students:

I sincerely welcome you to English II: American Literature, an in-depth study of the works of American authors over the past 500 or so years. My anticipation is for this class to be a refinement of literary skills, including critical reading, thought-provoking writing, and effective public speaking. This course should guide you to be a more confident student, for you will be sharpening and developing writing skills, reading skills, and communication skills.

For the most part this course moves in chronological order through the literary history of the United States. Each period presents its own unique history, philosophy, and preferences- some which you may enjoy and other which you may not. But regardless of your opinions of the texts we are discovering, I challenge you to make the most of this class. Regardless of the material, it is your participation, your responses, and your energy that will make English class memorable. Don’t waste this opportunity.

Additionally, it is your responsibility to know what is expected of you throughout this semester. So, keep this packet in your binder AT ALL TIMES. If you do happen to have a question or a concern about something related to the course, do not hesitate to ask me!

As always, each class is the complete outcome of what you make of it, and this is not an exception. I expect you to enter this class open-minded, respectful, willing to participate and communicate, and prepared. I hold myself to high expectations; therefore, you, as well, will be held to a high standard. I am looking forward to an enjoyable, stimulating, challenging, and fun semester together!


Mrs. Ulmer

Course Description:

While involved in this class, you will learn the changes, struggles, and successes of the American people over the past 500 years. Though the curriculum may not always go in order, you will have a specific understanding of how our culture has evolved over the centuries, and what has caused this. Together, we will study art, music, and literature to gain a deeper understanding of those around us—the people who make up America! Two of our major themes will be the recognition of self/understanding one’s identity and how that identity can be affected by outside influences and the American Dream. Furthermore, my goal is to increase your vocabulary strengths and communication skills through speaking and writing practices.


Any questions or concerns you have about a grade please discuss with me after 24 hours. We’ll make an appointment together and review the concern.

The Student’s Grade will be based on the

Oral Reflections and Presentations

Written Reflections and Compositions

Quizzes and Examinations

Research Project

Independent Reading



Course Content:
Short Stories, Poetry, Essays, and Articles from and about:
oEarly America
oThe Revolutionary Period
oThe Romantic Period
Anti- Transcendentalism
Gothic literature
oThe Realistic Period
oThe Modern Period
Literary works:


The students will need the following materials to have a successful semester in English

Three ring binder or expandable pocket folder

Spiral notebook

Pocket folder for research paper

Guidelines for late/make-up work:

All long term assignments are expected to be turned in on their due dates. Late work will be accepted with the understanding that 15% will be deducted each day the assignment is not turned in, including weekends.Daily homework assignments must be turned in the following day or will result in a zero. When returning from an absence, you will have as many days as you missed to make up work. It is your responsibility to check for work missed (please check absentee bin for handouts and ask your classmate for any missed notes/work) and to make arrangements for taking quizzes/tests. This can be done before or after school, or during your directed study period. I will not hunt you down to make up missed work. Your grade is your responsibility.


Please refer to the student/parent handbook for the Hatboro-HorshamSchool District attendance guidelines. An unexcused absence/class cut will result in a zero for all work missed.


Please refer to student/parent handbook for Hatboro-HorshamHigh School’s plagiarism guidelines.

*** Each student is required to hand in all papers to turnitin.com ***

I am looking forward to getting to know you. Please feel free to contact me at any time for extra help or questions.

Mrs. Ulmer



Signature on the line below indicates Parent/guardian has read and understands the policies for this course.

Student Name (Please Print)Period

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature