WHS AP Chemistry

Group Members

_____ order in [CV]
_____ order in [NaOH]

Kinetics of Crystal Violet Fading


Summarize the purpose of this lab in a few sentences. What are you trying to accomplish? Make it concise! 1 small paragraph MAX. Make sure you put this in your own words, do not copy and paste what I have written in the lab!


List all safety precautions to be followed, and any hazards about all chemicals.


List all materials needed to complete the lab.


Make sure to attach both your pre-lab and inquiry plan with stamps to the back of this write up. Make sure all lab questions for each section was answered!


This is where the procedure YOU WROTE goes.Make sure it is an adaption from both lab partners inquiry plans, as well as any addendums that were made as the lab was completed. Use the introductory activity procedure as a guideline and make the necessary adaptions to the experiment you performed. No credit will be given if the exact intro procedure is copied here.


Insert the data tables from both the introductory activity and the inquiry part. For the introductory activity use Table 1 as a guideline, but all data (absorbance’s) should be from the experiment, not the predicted values you calculated. You should also have data from all three indicators even if your group did not personally manage to complete all 3 (share data). For the inquiry activity you will have two large data tables, one for part A and one for part B (see Google spreadsheet). You may include your calculated values here as well.


This is where all math calculations go, I would like at least one set up for all calculations. Refer back to the YouTube video if you need help! Also insert all graphs (printed from excel) here. There will be 3 calibration curves from the intro, and 6 from the inquiry activity. Make sure you show the linear regression, display the equation and R2 value for each graph (include all labels every graph should have!!!)


Reflect back on the lab, what were some possible sources of error, and how could they have affected your experiment? Are there any improvements that you would make to the lab? What are your suggestions for future students conducting this experiment?