ISSUANCE DATE: March 10, 2016

LAST BID RECEIPT DATE: March 21, 2016.



1.1  Transaction/Financing: Population Services International, invites prospective suppliers to compete for a firm, fixed-price contract for



As described in this Invitation for Bids (IFB). Any award(s) and contact(s) resulting from this IFB will be financed by PSI

1.2  Part 1. Bidding Instructions and Procedures will not form part of any resulting award or contract. It is intended solely for the information of prospective Suppliers.

1.3  Definitions and Headings. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all time periods specified shall be consecutive working days. The term IFB is used throughout this Invitation For Bid to refer to the entire document including all attachments hereto. Any headings contained in the text of the IFB are for reference only, and do not alter, limit, or waive the content of the full provisions.

1.4  Bidding Costs. Prospective Supplier(s) are under no obligation to prepare or submit bids in response to this IFB, and do so solely at their own risk and expense. PSI does not undertake to reimburse any costs incurred therefore.

1.5  Review of IFB. Prospective suppliers are solely responsible to examine carefully all of the terms and conditions of this IFB – including, but not limited to Part I, Bidding Instructions and procedures.

1.6  Probity and Ethics. In its purchasing efforts PSI follows, and by virtue of the submission of their bids all bidders and suppliers commit to follow, the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and transparency.

1.7  Language. All documents submitted in response to this IFB, as well as all correspondence in connection with the IFB, shall be in English Language.

1.8  Inquiries. Inquiries concerning this IFB and any return bid(s) must be submitted in writing, to be received well in advance of the Last Bid Receipt Date to permit to go through and get accurate response from PSI. Such inquiries shall be sent by email, directed to the attention of or

2.0  Procurement Procedure: Competitive Bidding.

2.1  IFB. This IFB constitutes an invitation to prospective Supplier to submit;

·  Part I, Bidding instruction and Procedures

·  Annex A: General Information form for bidders,

2.2  Acknowledgment of receipt and intention to Bid. Each prospective Supplier should confirm to PSI receipt of IFB and the intention to bid. Please as soon as possible send the confirmation to PSI/Tanzania through the email; and

2.3  Form and Content of Bids. (a) All bids must be signed and dated by an authorized employee of the bidder (the original must be manually signed). Bidders must complete the Bid Form provided in Annex A of this IFB, in addition to submitting their detailed bids.

(b)  Bidders can submit bids for any part or all of the goods/Service (Where Applicable) described in this IFB however the vendor who will quote for all items/Service (Where Applicable) will have more advantage. PSI reserves the right to award different parts of this IFB to different suppliers.

(c)  The bid validity period should be at least thirty (30) days following the Last Bid Receipt Date.

2.4  Submission and Handling of Bids. (a) Bids are to be delivered by hand, or courier at the PSI/ Head Office in Masaki at 1347/48 Masaki, Msasani Penisula, Haile Selassaie Rd. The bids must be put in a Wax or Sticker Sealed Envelope addressed ;


Population Services International -Tanzania

P.O. Box 33500

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Deputy Country Representative

(b)  Upon receipt of the bids, PSI will stamp the envelope and bids will be opened on the same day. The bids must be received before March 21, 2016 at 2:00pm and the opening of the bids will be on the same day at 3:00 pm. Bids received after the date and time required, regardless of the reason for the late receipt, will generally not be considered unless no other bids are received.

(c)  Bids may not be altered, corrected or withdrawn after the last bid receipt date, except that PSI, at its sole discretion, may contact bidder to make the change for correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical or minor mistakes, in cases in which PSI deems that both the mistake and the intended bid can be established conclusively on the face of the bid. Other than the mistakes listed in the previous sentence, no mistakes alleged by a bidder after the last bid receipt date will be permitted to be corrected.

(d)  Important: The Bids must be put in a wax or sticker Sealed Envelope. The envelope shall not be stamped, marked or show any details of the bidder. Failure to comply with this instruction will lead to disqualification of the bid.

2.5  Evaluation of Bids. (A) Evaluation of bids submitted pursuant to this IFB will be carried out by PSI as appropriate).

(b)  In evaluating bids, PSI will seek best value for money rather than merely the lowest price bid. PSI reserves the right to reward partial bid awards.

(c)  The principal evaluation factors will be: -

1.  Quality of the service, conformity of specs and standards.

2.  Experiences- reference list of similar jobs done. indicating name of customer, description and quantity of product, year of supply ( and attach copy of Purchase Order and Contract)

3.  Price.

4.  Capacity- to meet short delivery times.

5.  Financial Capacity (Acceptance of PSI/payment terms).

2.6  Amendments. If at any time prior to award PSI deems there is a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this IFB, PSI will issue such a modification as a written IFB amendment to all competing bidders. No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any IFB term or condition, and no bidder shall reply on any such statement.

2.7  Post-Tender and Iterative Negotiation. PSI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to conduct post tender and/or iterative negotiations to the extent necessary.

2.8  Extension of Bid Validity Dates. When necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, PSI may request bidders in writing to extend the validity period of the bids. A bidder may refuse to extend its bid however; its bid will be disqualified. Subject to section 2.7 above, a bidder agreeing to extend will not generally be permitted or required to modify its bid in any manner other than to extend it.

2.9  Responsibility. Successful bidders may be required, in order to be awarded a contract pursuant to this IFB, to demonstrate to the satisfaction of PSI that it is a responsible firm with regard to the specific transaction described in this IFB. In order to be determined responsible, a bidder must (1) have adequate personnel, financial resources, (2) be able to comply with the required proposed delivery schedule and replace any item that do not fit specification or damaged; and (3) have a satisfactory record of performance, business ethics and integrity. PSI reserves the right to request additional information relevant to responsibility at any time prior to award.

2.10  Rejection or Award. (a) PSI is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part and to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason therefore and to contract on any of the terms offered or on different terms. Circumstances following: (1) None of the bids are adequately responsive to the specifications, (e) there is evidence of insufficient competition, or (3) the lowest bid exceeds the estimated value or funds available by a significant amount and cannot be reduced by negotiation.

(b) All awards are subject to the availability of adequate funds from PSI and the receipt of all required approvals from Donors

(d)  PSI will send a Notice of Award to the winning bidder(s).

PSI will also notify the unsuccessful bidders in writing.


Project Brief: Increase Coverage and numeric distribution of Condoms at retail level in rural areas

Project / PSI is looking to contract company/agencies that will Increase Salama Condom coverage by improving availability of condoms at retail level
Background / PSI believes in a Tanzania where people are empowered to lead healthy lives, through sustainable and effective collaboration, to measurably improve the health of vulnerable people in Tanzania by promoting healthy behaviors and delivering of quality, affordable health products and services.
Among the products being distributed by PSI/Tanzania under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare are Salama and Dume Condoms – the first socially marketed branded condoms in Tanzania
Salama extensions – Salama Halisi, Studs and Salama 3 Bomba are the leading brands in Tanzania condom market all together having a market share of over 50% and Dume extensions - Classic, Desire and Extreme follows with 26%. sources: Need Scope Survey 2013
PSI MAP Study 2015 shows that there is a huge gap between condom need and use. Condom need stands at 134, 810, 763, where use is 36, 225, 407, this means condom reaches only 27% of potential users.
Shops and kiosks (FMCGs) are major source of condoms for majority of PSI condom users (89% - source MAP 2015) however, availability and accessibility on both stands at 31% and 26.5% respectively.
PSI would like to improve the situation drastically by increase condom availability and accessibility in FMCGs in both urban and rural areas to at least 40% in shops and 35% in kiosks by June 2016.
Campaign Objectives / ·  Increase Salama condom availability in shops from 31% to 40% and in kiosk from 26.5% to 35% by end of 2016
·  Increase Salama Condom awareness and visibility in shops both in rural and urban areas
·  Build strong business case for Salama brands
·  Conduct on spot sales/act as PSI condom distributor
Target Audiences / Retailers in urban and rural areas
Scope of Work / The selected companies/agencies will conduct retail sales activities in one PSI/ Zone or all 4 PSI Zones for not more than 8 weeks. Division of zones are as follows:
Coast Zone: - Dar es Salaam, Lindi, Mtwara, Zanzibar, Morogoro and Tanga
Northern Zone: Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Manyara, Singida and Dodoma
Southern Zone: Mbeya, Iringa, Njombe, Rukwa and Katavi
Lake Zone: Mwanza, Tabora, Shinyanga, Kigoma, Kagera, Simiyu, Geita and Mara.
Salama Halisi, Salama Studs and Salama 3Bomba
Dume Classic, Dume Desire and Dume Extreme
Tasks & Deliverables / 1.  Selected Companies/vendors to present to PSI strategic solutions on how to address / improve Salama Condoms availability and accessibility in shops, kiosk and other outlets in urban and rural areas.
2.  Show PSI number total number of sales achieved.
3.  Generate spot sales
4.  Report on the number of new outlets.
5.  Provide evidence of areas reach/covered with our Salama sales
Bid requirements / Companies/agencies must include cost estimates for implementing the campaign with a well-coordinated route plans and timelines for the project
Evaluation Criteria / Pitches will be evaluated by a panel of PSI/T staff across the following parameters:
·  Responsiveness to the brief
·  Value for Money
·  Experience with similar or related activities
·  Creative, implementable, and cost effective strategies
·  Evidence processing tool
Timelines / March 10th 2016 Advert sent to newspapers.
March 21st 2016 Deadline for Bid Submission


Note: PSI has carefully reviewed the Scope of Work, and has determined that they do not show an unjustified preference for any particular supplier.


1. Please provide the cost as per the schedule above.

2. Past experience indoing similar work for the past three years.

3. The quoted price shall not change for the whole period of the contract for the

awarded vendor, in case of price change the vendor shall notify us in writing.

4. Clearly tick when ACCEPTING/NOT ACCEPTING to PSI/Tanzania standard

payment terms of within thirty (30) working days after receiving and

acceptance/Approval of the report after the work done.





DATE OF BID: ______2016







TEL NO: ______