Environmental Sciences Section (ESS) Phone Conference

June 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Participants: - Judy Morgan – Chair (Environmental Science Corporation); Zoe Grosser (Perkin Elmer); Tom Hungerford (S-F Analytical laboratories); Bob Johnson (Horizon Technology); Joe Konschnik (Resteck); Allison Mackenzie (Edward S. Babcock); Joann Slavin (H2M labs); David Speis (Accutest Labs); Steve Vanderboom ( Pace Analytical); David Friedman (Friedman Consulting); Richard Bright (COO); Beth Horan (Secretariat); & Tony Anderson (SEO).

1.0  Call to order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:04 a.m. EDT.

2.0  Introductions:

Mr. Anderson called the role call.

3.0  Anti Trust Statement:

The members acknowledged they had read and understood their obligations under the statement.

4.0  Review and Approval of Minutes of May 19, 2011 Teleconference meeting :-

Motion to accept: Mr. Speis

Seconded: Ms. MacKenzie

Approved Unanimously

5.0  Review and Approval of Winter Meeting March 29, 2011:-

Motion to accept: Mr. Konschnik

Seconded: Mr. Hungerford

Approved Unanimously

6.0 ELAB Report :

Mr. Speis reported on ELAB activities. He stated that ELAB is working on better marketing by positioning itself with each of the EPA program officers so that ELAB can get involved earlier with the processes that lead to rule making that could affect the labs before anything is published on a proposed rule or change. By doing it this way input from the labs can alert them to issues that otherwise would result in a lengthy comment period and a delay in implementation. This procedure is going to be put in ELAB’s revised charter in July. The ELAB website is being improved so that it is more focused and easier to use for EPA personnel.

The laboratory managers workgroup has been looking at the state of national accreditation. The initiative originally started with the publication of the ACIL white paper on third party accreditation. All stakeholders represented by the ELAB members, including ACIL members, are going to be approached and asked for input on issues they think have an impact on national accreditation. A team made up of Judy Morgan, David Speis and Richard Burrows will be carrying out interviews of ESS members. Common issues will be collected and a decision will be made whether a recommendation can be made to the EPA so that they can get involved with the issues affecting national accreditation and hopefully endorse the third party approach.

Work is continuing on the development of the recreational water quality criteria, so that states and local authorities can respond rapidly in the event of microbiological contamination of beaches and recreational water facilities.

ELAB is looking at a recent rule change regarding the poly vinyl chloride industry who are being pressured to control vinyl chloride emissions not only in air but other types of emissions from the product, by employing 8260 along with 60 or 70 Aps, some of which are not even volatile compounds. The holding time for samples has been changed to 24 hours and ELAB has been asked to submit some comments.

Action. Mr. Speis to bring up the idea of ELAB being inserted in the formal EPA approval process.

7.0  NEMC Planning:

Mr. Speis reported again that all of the sessions are filled. The only papers from ESS to be presented in the advocacy issues session are by Mr. Bush and Dr. Burrows and Mr. Bush will be leading off on Third Party Accreditation. Mr. Konschnik is presenting in another session. Jerry Parr of TNI has given the O.K for ACIL to put promotional materials in the conference bags.

Action: Mr. Bright to organize promotional materials being sent to Mr. Parr at TNI for inclusion in the conference bags.

Link to NEMC 2011 Technical Program


Action: Mr. Anderson to reschedule the August ESS Teleconference for Thursday August 25, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. EDT as the regular monthly date clashes with NEMC.

8.0  Membership report:

Mr. Bright reported that membership recruitment has been quite aggressive recently there had been approximately one to two new members added per month. In the ESS section, Gibraltar Labs had recently joined. Both Mr. Bright and Mr. Bush have recently been visiting prospective labs. The Maxwell list is gradually being worked through for potential new members. Mr. Boyce has also been very active in membership recruitment. Mr. Bright asked section members to forward any contacts for labs that could be approached for membership. A referral from a member is the best kind of lead.

Action: Section members to forward leads for prospective members to Mr. Bright with the name of the person to be contacted and whether the ESS member’s name can be used in reaching out to the prospect.

9.0 State Accreditation – White Paper:

As a follow up to the New Jersey initiative reported on the last call, Ms. Morgan stated that there has been a request to meet the New Jersey Environmental Director sent into the Governors office. Meeting set up with Governor Christie’s Environmental Director had been scheduled but had to be postponed and a new date has yet to be set up. Also a meeting with the National Governors Association is planned but so far this has not been successful. Jerry Parr at TNI has posted the white paper on his weekly newsletter and Mr. Konschnik has also put it on his blog. The environment advisory committee for New Jersey has posted the link to the ACIL website. Wide distribution of the white paper is occurring. Florida did not act on the recommendation to go down the privatization plan this year, but the Florida Surgeon General has recommended that it be revisited next year. This gives us the opportunity to go in with a better proposal than was submitted by some labs in Florida.

The New York issue continues, with them not wanting to adopt the new NELAC standard. As a result of considerable comment, New York will now consider phasing in the 2009 standard. Although this might be discouraging to some as they have had two years to implement, other states are also having to use a phase in approach. There is still the possibility that New York may never implement the new standard. The ACIL letter submitted to New York is going to be sent to member labs in New York to send to their local legislators.

10.0 ACIL & Analytical Environmental Lab (MELA) Presentation:

Ms. Morgan reported on the e-mail sent by John Phillips of Ford Motor Co, regarding some presentations his organization, the Michigan Environmental Laboratory Association (MELA) are planning to promote environmental and analytical chemistry to students as a career. MELA has asked ACIL if we have ever done anything like this and do we have any materials they could use to help their effort. Although ACIL has not done anything formally several members have gone to the schools and made presentations to chemistry students in the past. Ms. Morgan asked section members if they were willing to share any materials with MELA.

Action: Any member willing to share a presentation with MELA to send to Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Phillips had also asked if we had any information about the qualification of field sampling personnel and had ACIL ever addressed filed sampling issues. After discussion the recommendation of the group was to direct Mr. Phillips to TNI and the NEFAP program.

Action: Ms. Morgan to get back to Mr. Phillips and direct him to TNI.

11.0 Request for Video Material:

Mr. Bright explained that there will be a video presentation at the Annual Meeting made up of clips, possibly from You Tube, of member activities. He asked for members to send in any video material they may have to either himself or Mr. Anderson.

There will be more videoing at the annual meeting for the independent testing web site initiative. Mr. Bright asked members for any videos, and other material like articles, press releases or white papers which reinforce the value of independent testing, could they share them with ACIL. Attached is a revised request and the kind of material Mr. Bright is looking for.

12.0 Laboratory - Industry Survey:

Ms. Morgan explained she had received the questions from Cleveland Research and were attached to the agenda. She encouraged members to participate and asked if there were any more questions that would be helpful, which Cleveland Research can add. Participants automatically get the results. After discussion the following ideas were suggested:-

·  Parallels questions seen in trade journals

·  Carry out once a quarter

·  Compare this year to last year

·  Salaries difficult to include, maybe optional

·  Sample testing preparation bottlenecks

·  Staffing issues

·  Technology not moving industry forward

·  Vendors understanding lab needs better

·  Retaining staff

Action: Mr. Freidman to draft some additional question for Cleveland Research

13.0 Listserv:

Mr. Bright introduced Beth Horan. Ms. Horan explained the ListServ that has been set up for the ESS. After Log-in there are five forum areas. There is a way to post documents to the areas by means of a link. Only designated ESS administrators can start new forums The PowerPoint attached to the agenda provides step by step instructions.

Action: Ms. Horan to put up on web site the ListServ Instruction Powerpoint.

14.0  Legislative Update:-

Most items covered in the discussion of agenda item 9.0

Ms. Morgan informed the group that Mr. Bush has a meeting set up with Laura Autry on July 14th and he will be meeting with her on a quarterly basis after that.

15.0 Status of Action Items:-

Ms. Morgan reviewed the open action items.

16.0 A.O.B.

Mr. Bright told the meeting that there was a survey that had gone out to all members asking for input prior to the Board Strategic Planning meeting in July.

Action: Members are urged to fill in the survey.

17.0 Next Conference Call: July 21, 2011; 11:00 a.m. EDT

18.0 Adjournment: 12:15 p.m. EDT.


ESS EC Minutes 06-16-11