Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. November 13th St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

SJ 7:45 AM Dennis Jones

Tues. November 14th Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM All Souls

Wed. November 15th St. Albert the Great

SJ 7:45 AM All Souls

Thurs. November 16th St. Gertrude the Great

IC 7:45 AM All Souls

IC 5:00 PM L/D Knights of Columbus & Ladies Court

Friday, November 17th St. Elizabeth of Hungary

IC 7:45 AM All Souls

Saturday, November 18th Blessed Virgin Mary

IC 4:00 PM Norbert Wirfel

SJ 5:00 PM Dorothy Shrift

Sunday, November 19th – 33rd Sunday of the Year

SJ 8:00 AM For the Parish

SJ 10:00 AM 1st Anniv. Steve Faher

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM H/W Mark Sossong Family


SJ ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY meeting will be on Tuesday, November 14th beginning with Rosary in the social hall at 6:30 PM.


For the weekend of November 18th & 19th:

SJ – 5 PM Sarah Bodenschatz

8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer

10 AM Anna W., Anna B., & Anna K.

IC - 4 PM Jacob Flynn Long

7 AM Bob and Monica Krug

9 AM Aaron & Jude Gdula


SJ & IC : 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend masses, during the first weekend of each month; or anytime by appointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 10 AM Gail Faher Family

IC Sat 4 PM Ronald Rhoades Family

IC Sun 7 AM Pat Dumm Family

IC Sun 9 AM Nicholas Miljenovich Family


IC: The flowers on the altar this week: In honor of all the Veterans and in memory of Ernie Penatzer, from Jack and Martha Smith.

IC PARISH COUNCIL will have a meeting on Monday, November 13th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.

IC ADULT CHOIR will have practice on Wednesday, November 15th at 7 PM in the church. New members welcome.

THANK YOU to everyone who worked and supported the Sauerkraut Supper last Sunday. Your hard work for a job well done, made it a successful supper for all. Scott Morris won the 50-50. Also, a big thank you to all who donated pies.

SJ & IC: Our CCD & Parish Thanksgiving Food Drive will end today, Sunday, Nov. 12th. St. Vincent DePaul Food Panty in Ebensburg, will pick up the food on Monday morning. Thank you to all who supported & donated to this drive.

SJ & IC: Special collection next weekend November 18th & 19th is for CATHOLIC CHARITIES of Altoona-Johnstown. Please use the special envelope that is in your pack or just mark a plain envelope "Catholic Charities".

IC/SJ YOUTH GROUP will have a meeting on Saturday, November 18 at 6 PM in Marian Hall.

COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHT – The youth group will hold a “Community Movie Night” on Saturday, November 18 at 7:00 PM in Marian Hall featuring “Elf”. Come in your PJs and slippers and bring a blanket or a comfy chair. Free admission. The youth group will be selling concessions. All are welcome!

IC ROSARY ALTAR CHRISTMAS PARTY will be Sunday, December 10TH at 1 PM in church for the Rosary, with meal to follow in Marian Hall. Please call Mary Sue at 495-9426 or Barb 495-4275 for reservations. $5 per person paid at the party. Choice of roast beef with stuffing or stuffed chicken breast. Deadline for reservations Friday, December 1.

SJ & IC READERS: The Lector Workbooks for 2018, beginning the first Sunday of Advent, Dec. 3rd, are now available in the back of both churches. Please take yours home with you today.

SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be offered at Immaculate Conception Church on Sunday, December 3rd at 1:00 PM. This special Mass will count as your Sunday obligation. Mark your calendar!

IC CCD CLASSES: Today, November 12th; November 19th; December 3rd and 17th.

SJ & IC: Grove Hall repairs will begin at 8:00 am, on Monday, November 13, 2017. All men and women who are able and willing to help are encouraged to lend a hand. We need to work together so our Grove Hall can be the best facility it can be to serve the needs of all. Please don’t wait for someone else to do what we can do together. God bless.

IC ROSARY AND ALTAR SOCIETY is having an installation of new members at their November 20th meeting. All ladies of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join our society. Please call Pam at the rectory at 495-5241 or Mary Sue Long at 495-9426 to submit your name.

IC JEWELRY RAFFLE is January 20, 2018. Tickets are available NOW. If anyone is willing to help by selling tickets, please call Becky cell 724-357-8384. Tickets are $25 each. Only 500 tickets will be sold.

ROSARY FOR CHILDREN will be prayed every Monday at 5 PM at Immaculate Conception Church.

SJ & IC: Our newly developed INTERPARISH LOAN LIBRARY is now available with religious and spiritual and prayer books in the PIE ROOM of the social hall in St John Church. Come, browse, and select a book.

SJ & IC: Advent 2017 begins during the weekend of December 2-3, 2017. At this time, and after all daily and weekend masses throughout the new year, we will recite the PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS on the back cover of the church hymnal, before the final dismissal prayers. Please pray for vocations that God may raise up men and women in service to the Church, the parish, and the family.

SJ/IC: BETHLEHEM CHRISTIAN FAMILIES will not be here next weekend to sell their olive wood religious articles. Due to a scheduling conflict, they will come a weekend in March, 2018. Sorry for any inconvenience.