/ For approval of new programs and deletions or modifications to an existing program
Action Requested: / Type (Check one):
Create New (SCHEV approval required except for majors/minors and certificates) / B.A. / B.S.
Discontinue Existing / Major Minor
Modify Existing (check all that apply) / M.A. / M.S. / Ph.D.
Title and/or CIP Code (SCHEV approval required except for majors/minors, certificates) / Dual. / Joint
Concentration (Choose one): / Add / Delete / Modify / Graduate Certificate
Degree Requirements / Other:
Admission Standards
Application Requirements
Other Changes:
College/School: / Department:
Submitted by: / Ext: / Email:
Anticipated Effective Term: / Fall Spring / 20__ / Please note: For students to be admitted to a new degree, major/minor, certificate or concentration, the program must be fully approved, entered into Banner, and published in the University Catalog.
Existing / New/Modified
Degree Program Title: Title must identify subject matter and degree level.
Major/Minor Title:
Curriculum Summary:
Credit numbers for CLE (if applicable); Degree Core; Restricted Electives; Free Electives; Research/Project and Report (if applicable)
Courses offered via distance:
(if applicable)

As an attachment, please address the following three categories of information (in short narrative form):

i) Justification (why this degree action is needed at this time)

ii) Relevance to Virginia Tech mission and university strategic plan

iii) Required resources (include faculty, graduate student assistance, administrative assistance, and physical)

Pre-Approval Signatures

Required signatures for initiation of request


College Dean (preapproval) Date

______OR ______

Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education (preapproval) Vice Provost, Undergraduate Academic Affairs (preapproval)


Date Date

Required signatures for consideration by University Council

______OR ______

Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education (UC preapproval) Vice Provost, Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UC preapproval)


Date Date

After completing the form electronically, please save and then print a copy for the required signatures above. Once signed, please scan and send to Dr. Robin Panneton, Director, Office of Degree Development and Support (); also send to Dr. Rosemary Blieszner, Associate Dean, Graduate School () if this is a graduate action.