Academy of Management Journal
February 2003, Vol. 46, Issue 1
Bidding wars over R&D-intensive firms: Knowledge, opportunism, and the market for corporate control; Russell Coff
Home country environments, corporate diversification strategies, and firm performance; William P Wan
Managerialist and human capital explanation for key executive pay premiums: A contingency perspective; James G Combs
Meta-analyses of financial performance and equity: Fusion or confusion?; Dan R Dalton
Punctuated equilibrium and linear progression: Toward a new understanding of group development; Artemis Chang;
Relationships among supervisors' and subordinates' procedural justice perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors; Bennett J Tepper
Safeguarding investments in asymmetric interorganizational relationships: Theory and evidence; Mani R Subramani;
When "the show must go on": Surface acting and deep acting as determinants of emotional exhaustion and peer-rated service delivery; Alicia A Grandey
December 2002, Vol. 45 Iss 6
Creative self-efficacy: Its potential antecedents and relationship to creative performance; Pamela Tierney
Fatigued and dissatisfied or fatigued but satisfied? Goal orientations and responses to high job demands; Nico W Van Yperen
How similarity to peers and supervisor influences organizational advancement in different cultures; John Schaubroeck
Inertia and evaluation mechanisms in interorganizational partner selection: Syndicate formation among U.S. investment banks; Stan Xiao Li
Microlevel opportunity structures as determinants of non-CEO executive pay; Mason A Carpentar
Newcomers' relationships: The role of social network ties during socialization; Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison
Obligations and obfuscations in the review process; David Harrison
Power dynamics within top management and their impacts on CEO dismissal followed by inside succession; Wei Shen
Something old, something new: A longitudinal study of search behavior and new product introduction; Riitta Katila;
The role of power and politics in the repricing of executive options; Timothy G Pollock
October 2002, Vol 45. Iss 5
A golden rule over time: Reciprocity in intergenerational allocation decisions; Kimberly A Wade-Benzoni;
Charting time: Timelines as temporal boundary objects; Elaine K Yakura
Comparing alternative conceptualizations of functional diversity in management teams: Process and performance effects; J Stuart Bunderson
Focusing on midpoint transitions: An analysis of boundary conditions; Gerardo A Okhuysen
Management challenges in a new time; Harry G Barkema
New product search over time: Past ideas in their prime?; Riitta Katila
Participative decision making and employee performance in different cultures: The moderating effects of allocentrism/idiocentrism and efficacy; Simon S K Lam
Replication, meta-analysis, scientific progress, and AMJ's publication policy; Dov Eden
The Academy of Management Journal best article award for 2001; Anonymous
The conditioning effect of time on firm survival: An industry life cycle approach; Rajshree Agarwal
The dialectics of institutional development in emerging and turbulent fields: The history of pricing conventions in the on-line database industry; Moshe Farjoun
The speed trap: Exploring the relationship between decision making and temporal context; Leslie A Perlow
Time, teams, and task performance: Changing effects of surface- and deep-level diversity on group functioning; David A Harrison
Watching the clock: Group pacing behavior under dynamic deadlines; Mary J Waller
Work context and the definition of self: How organizational care influences organization-based self-esteem; Daniel J McAllister
August 2002, Vol 45. Iss 4
Alliance-based competitive dynamics; Brian S Silverman
An investigation of personal learning in mentoring relationships: Content, antecedents, and consequences; Melenie J Lankau
Board structure and international political risk; Alan E Ellstrand
Conflicting voices: The effects of institutional ownership heterogeneity and internal governance on corporate innovation strategies; Robert E Hoskisson
Driven to drink: Managerial control, work-related risk factors, and employee problem drinking; Samuel B Bacharach
Entrepreneurial transitions: Factors influencing founder departure; Warren Boeker
Examining institutional change: Evidence from the founding dynamics of U.S. health care interest associations; Tiffany L Galvin
Impact of transformational leadership on follower development and performance: A field experiment; Taly Dvir;
Making justice sense of local-expatriate compensation disparity: Mitigation by local referents, ideological explanations, and interpersonal sensitivity in China-foreign joint ventures; Chao C Chen
Pursuing strategic advantage through political means: A multivariate approach; Douglas A Schuler
Revisiting the performance consequences of CEO succession: The impacts of successor type, postsuccession senior executive turnover, and departing CEO tenure; Wei Shen
The fit between CEO compensation design and firm risk; Janice S Miller
There's no place like home? The contributions of work and nonwork creativity support to employees' creative performance; Nora Madjar
June 2002, Vol 45. Iss 3
Acquisition returns, increase in firm size, and chief executive officer compensation: The moderating role of monitoring; Peter Wright
An examination of cultural competitiveness and order fulfillment cycle time within supply chains; G Thomas M Hult
Firm resources as moderators of the relationship between market growth and strategic alliances in semiconductor start-ups; Seung Ho Park
From the editors; Marshall Schminke
Harnessing managerial knowledge to implement product-line extensions: How do mutual fund families allocate portfolio managers to old and new funds?; Robert Drazin
Managing customer services: Human resource practices, quit rates, and sales growth; Rosemary Batt
Overcoming resource constraints on product innovation by recruiting talent from rivals: A study of the mutual fund industry, 1986-94; Hayagreeva Rao
Ownership structure and firm profitability in Japan; Eric Gedajlovic;
Product development tensions: Exploring contrasting styles of project management; Marianne W Lewis
Structural inertia, initation, and foreign expansion: South Korean firms and business groups in China, 1987-95; Mauro F Guillen
April 2002, Vol 45. Iss 2
A network effects model of charisma attributions; Juan-Carlos Pastor
Banking on commitment: Intended and unintended consequences of an organization's attempt to attenuate escalation of commitment; Gerry McNamara
Benefits of multiple roles for managerial women; Marian N Ruderman
Implementing new manufacturing technology: The related effects of technology characteristics and user learning activities; Lynda Aiman-Smith
Individual creativity and group ability to utilize individual creative resources: A multilevel model; Simon Taggar;
Locus of control and well-being at work: How generalizable are Western findings; Paul E Spector
Moderators of the relationship between work-family conflict and career satisfaction; Luis L Martins
Predicting the use of external labor arrangements: A test of the transaction costs perspective; John K Masters;
Social undermining in the workplace; Michelle K Duffy
Technology success and failure in winner-take-all markets: The impact of learning orientation, timing, and network externalities; Melissa A Schilling
The antecedents and consequences of group potency: A longitudinal investigation of newly formed work groups; Scott W Lester
February 2002, Vol 45. Iss 1
Academy of Management Code of Ethical Conduct; Anonymous
Adoption of an organizational practice by subsidiaries of multinational corporations: Institutional and relational effects; Tatiana Kostova
Executive migration and institutional change; Matthew S Kraatz
Institutional entrepreneurship in the sponsorship of common technological standards: The case of Sun Microsystems and Java; Raghu Garud
Institutional effects of interorganizational collaboration: The emergence of proto-institutions; Thomas B Lawrence;
Institutional change in large law firms: A Resource dependency and institutional perspective; Peter D Sherer;
Institutionalization as an interplay between actions, meanings, and actors: The case of a rape crisis center in Israel; Tammar B Zilber
Institutionalizing identity: Symbolic isomorphism and organizational names; Mary Ann Glynn
Institutional transformation and status mobility: The professionalization of the field of finance; Michael Lounsbury;
Mimicry and the market: Adoption of a new organizational form; Kyungmook Lee
Tacit knowledge as a source of competitive advantage in the National Basketball Association; Shawn L Berman;
Theorizing change: The role of professional associations in the transformation of institutional fields; Royston Greenwood
The relationships among organizational context, pay dispersion, and managerial turnover; Matt Bloom
The rise of the corporation in a craft industry: Conflict and conformity in institutional logics; Patricia H Thornton;
The role of competing rationalities in institutional change; Barbara Townley
When accreditation standards change: Factors affecting differential responsiveness of public and private organizations; Maureen Casile
December 2001, Vol 44. Iss 6
Architectural innovation and modular corporate forms; D Charles Galunic Insead
Continuous "morphing": Competing through dynamic capabilities, form, and function; Violina P Rindova
Dynamic boundaries of the firm: Are firms better off being vertically integrated in the face of a technological change?; Allan Afuah
Emerging structural patterns within multinational corporations: Toward process-based structures; Thomas W Malnight
Getting it together: Temporal coordination and conflict management in global virtual teams; Mitzi M Montoya-Weiss
Organizations unfettered: Organizational form in an information-intensive economy; John Child
Organized dissonance: Feminist bureaucracy as hybrid form; Karen Lee Ashcraft
Product innovation strategy and the performance of new technology ventures in China; Haiyang Li
Resource partitioning and the evolution of specialist organizations: The role of location and identity in the U.S. wine industry; Anand Swaminathan
Seeing another viewpoint: Antecedents and outcomes of employee perspective taking; Sharon K Parker
The incident command system: High-reliability organizing for complex and volatile task environments; Gregory A Bigley
The use of modular organizational forms: An industry-level analysis; Melissa A Schilling
Why people stay: Using job embeddedness to predict voluntary turnover; Terence R Mitchell
October 2001, Vol 44. Iss 5
Can good citizens lead the way in providing quality service? A field quasi experiment; Chun Hui
Fairness perceptions as a moderator in the curvilinear relationships between job demands, and job performance and job satisfaction; Onne Janssen
Going up? Do traits and informal social processes predict advancing in management?; Phyllis Tharenou
Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks: Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance; Wenpin Tasi
Organizational actions in response to threats and opportunities; Prithviraj Chattopadhyay
Service with a smile: Emotional contagion in the service encounter; S Douglas Pugh;
Survival profitability: The roles of experience and intangible assets in foreign subsidiary performance; Andrea Delios
The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification; Ale Smidts
The influence of demographic heterogeneity on the emergence and consequences of cooperative norms in work teams; Jennifer A Chatman
Toward a greater understanding of how dissatisfaction drives employee turnover; Peter W Hom
August 2001, Vol 44. Iss 4
Change in the presence of fit: The rise, the fall, and the renaissance of Liz Claiborne; Nicolaj Siggelkow
Gainsharing and organizational learning: An analysis of employee suggestions over time; Jeffrey B Arthur;
In remembrance: Janice M Beyer; Richard T Mowday;
Interactions among actual ease-of-movement determinants and job satisfaction in the prediction of voluntary turnover; Charlie O Trevor
Maximizing cross-functional new product teams' innovativeness and constraint adherence: A conflict communications perspective; Kay Lovelace
Moves that matter: Issue selling and organizational change; Jane E Dutton
Navigating the competitive landscape: The drivers and consequences of competitive aggressiveness; Walter J Ferrier
Organizational change as discourse: Communicative actions and deep structures in the context of information technology implementation; Loizos Heracleous;
Structuring change: Familiarity and formal interventions in problem-solving groups; Gerardo Andres Okhuysen;
Studying organizational change and development: Challenges for future research; Andrew M Pettigrew
The dynamics of collective leadership and strategic change in pluralistic organizations; Jean-Louis Denis
The evolution of intraindustry firm heterogeneity: Insights from a process study; Tomo Noda
The resource-based view as a developmental growth process: Evidence from the deregulated trucking industry; Michael L Pettus
The strategic context of external network ties: Examining the impact of director appointments on board involvement in strategic decision making; Mason A Carpenter
The uncertain relevance of newness: Organizational learning and knowledge flows; Martin Schulz
When job dissatisfaction leads to creativity: Encouraging the expression of voice; Jing Zhou
June 2001, Vol 44. Iss 3
Behavioral responses of CEOs to stock ownership and stock option pay; Wm Gerard Sanders
Bundling human capital with orgainzational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay; Mason A Carpenter
Capital investment as investing in organizational capabilities: An empirically grounded process model; Catherine A Maritan
Cross-functional project groups in research and new product development: Diversity, communications, job stress, and outcomes; Robert T Keller
Differential effects of incentive motivators on work performance; Alexander D Stajkovic
Learning through acquistions; Freek Vermeulen
Location matters: A cross-level analysis of the effects of organizational sex composition on turnover; Marta M Elvira
The impact of cultural values on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in self-managing work teams: The mediating role of employee resistance; Bradley L Kirkman
The relationship of internal and external commitment foci to objective job performance measures; Mark A Siders;
Top management teams, global strategic posture, and the moderating role of uncertainty; Mason A Carpenter
April 2001, Vol 44. Iss 2
Academic-practitioner collaboration in management research: A case of cross-profession collaboration; Teresa M Amabile
Across the great divide: Knowledge creation and transfer between practitioners and academics; Sara L Rynes;
A multidimensional model of venture growth; J Robert Baum
A social capital theory of career success; Scott E Seibert
Doing research that is useful to practice: A model and empirical exploration; Susan Albers Mohrman
How relevant is university-based scientific research to private high-technology firms? A United States-Japan comparison; Jennifer W Spencer
Knowledge representations and knowlege transfer; Richard J Boland Jr
Organizational context as a moderator of theories on firm boundaries for technology sourcing; H Kevin Steensma;
Social networks and the performance of individuals and groups; Raymond T Sparrowe
So close and yet so far: Promotion versus exit for CEO heirs apparent; Albert A Cannella Jr
The dynamic nature of conflict: A longitudinal study of intragroup conflict and group performance; Karen A Jehn;
The impact of subordinate disability on leader-member exchange relationships; Adrienne Colella
The relationship of team goals, incentives, and efficacy to strategic risk, tactical implementation, and performance; Don Knight
The science and practice of team development: Improving the link; Lynn R Offermann
February 2001, Vol 44. Iss 1
Caregiving decisions, well-being, and performance: The effects of place and provider as a function of dependent type and work-family climates; Ellen Ernst Kossek
Collaboration and performance in foreign markets: The case of young high-technology manufacturing firms; Rodney C Shrader