2017 The Diane Wambach “Shoot For the Stars” Scholarship


A Scholarship Fund of the Homer Foundation

2017Application and Guidelines

The family of Diane Wambach established this scholarship in her memory to encourage and support young adults willing to pursue their educational and career goals. Diane Wambach believed in people’s dreams and always encouraged her own children to shoot for the stars. A successful applicant will be able to show strength and resiliency in the face of adversity and are determined to “Shoot for the Stars” to fulfill their dream. The fund provides for an annual award for expenses related to attending college or technical training program, or other educational or career goal.

Award: $1000.00


Applicant must be a current year graduating high school senior, including flex school, alternative or home school, within the Homer Foundation service area (Ninilchik south, including the communities across Kachemak Bay, or be a resident of this service area and have received a GED equivalent in the current year). No one related to the donor/s, members of the review committee, the Homer Foundation Board of Trustees or its employees,are eligible for this scholarship. Priority given to applicants seeking further education/training within Alaska.

Selection Criteria:

Selection is based on the following:

  • a personal statement:
  • your resume
  • two letters of recommendation from adults that are not related to you
  • financial needs assessment (form included in packet)
  • high school transcript: GPA will be taken into consideration, but is not heavily weighted in the selection process

This is a competitive application process. Selection will be made without regard for race, color, national origin, gender or sexual orientation of candidate.

Requirement Check List: submit on single-sided pages only

Application Form 2 Letters of Recommendation

 Personal StatementFinancial Needs Assessment

 Resume High School Transcript

Submission Deadline:

The application form and all documentation must be receivedtogether. You may deliver your completed application packet to the HomerFoundation or the Homer High School Counselor’s Office. Receipt deadline:4 p.m. onThursday, April 13th, 2017.

Personal Statement:

A successful applicant will be able to show strength and resiliency in the face of adversity, but determination to “Shoot for the Stars” to fulfill their dreams, and how their dreams relate to their educational goals and future career plans.

  • tell us about yourself and family
  • articulate your dream for your future
  • describe your higher education or training program plan that will help you attain that dream
  • include any challenge/s you have had to face and how you have or will overcome these adversities to attain your dream
  • share ifthere has been an individual who was particularly supportive or inspiring to you through this process


Please attach a current resume (one page) highlighting the following:


Highlight any course work outside of the regular high school curriculum.

Extracurricular Activities

List clubs and activities you participated in at school.


List any accomplishments or recognition you have received during your high school career.

Volunteer/Community Activities

List clubs, activities and volunteer projects with which you are involved in your community.

Employment and/or Internship

List any intern or work experience you have had in the last 4 years.

The Homer Foundation manages endowed assets for the benefit of the lower Kenai Peninsula, and administers the Diane Wambach “Shoot for the Stars” Scholarship Fund. Contributions to the fund assure that future generations of students will benefit – forever. Questions regarding the scholarship application may be directed to Joy Steward at the Homer Foundation, 235-0541 or emailed to .

PO Box 2600

Homer, AK 99603



Located in the lower level of the Kachemak Bay Title building, 3733 Ben Walters Lane

“Connecting generosity to community need.


2017Application Form

Personal Data:

Name ______

Mailing Address ______

City/State/Zip ______

Phone ______Cell ______Email ______

Name of Parents or Guardian ______

Parents Mailing Address ______

City/State/Zip ______

Phone ______Cell ______Email ______

School or Program you plan to attend: ______

Major area of study: ______

Have you been accepted: ______

Do you plan to live in Alaska after your education? ______

Statement of Certification:

I, ______, do hereby attest that the information I have provided here is true, correct and complete. I do understand that this scholarship award is to be used for tuition, books and other direct expenses, and that the award check will be mailed directly to my school. I give permission for the Homer Foundation to use my name and/or picture in written and digital media.


Applicant Signature Date

The application form and all documentation must be received together. Mail or deliver your completed application and all attachments to the Homer Foundation or the Homer High School Counselor’s Office.

Receipt deadline is 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 13th, 2017.


Name: ______

Where do you plan to attend school? ______

School or Program you plan to attend: ______

Major area of study: ______

Have you been accepted: ______

Do you plan to live in Alaska after your education? ______

EXPENSES (one year): RESOURCES (one year):

Tuition and Fees: ______From Parents: ______

Room and Board: ______Student’sSavings: ______

Books and Supplies: ______Student’s Projected Earnings: ______

Travel: ______From Loans: ______

Personal Incidentals: ______From Grants/Scholarships: ______

List and indicate pending or committed.



Have you filed for Federal Aid? (F.A.F.S.A.) ______

Have you filed for the Alaska Student Loan? ______

What other financial aid have you applied for? ______


Assessment based on attendance at what school? ______

Have you been accepted? ______

Provide your anticipated expenses and resources for one year. Your financial plan should be realistic. Expenses should equal your resources and if they do not, tell us what your plan is for any deficit.



Receipt deadline is 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 13th, 2017.

Homer Foundation

PO Box 2600or Homer High School Counselor’s Office

Homer, AK 99603


Located lower level of the Kachemak Bay Title Co.

3733 Ben Walters Lane