1. Using the map above, ancient Greece was locatedon which continent?

A Continent A

B Continent B

C Continent C

D Continent D

2. Using the map above, what body of watersurrounded ancient Greece?

A The Dead Sea

B The Mediterranean Sea

C The NileRiver

D The Atlantic Ocean

3. The word characteristic means ______

A change

B community

C trait

D climate

4. Which of the following was a physicalcharacteristic of ancient Greece?

A Flat Plains

B Swamps

C Icebergs

D Mountains

5. Which of the following was a human characteristicof ancient Greeks?

A Bricklayers

B Explorers

C Miners

D Shipbuilders

6. The ancient Greeks made significant contributions

to our society in the areas of ______

A farming

B government

C army

D pyramid

7. This is a picture of the Supreme Court building

located in Washington, D.C. What architectural

feature of this building is a contribution from

ancient Greece?

A Light post

B Columns

C Words on the building

D People

8. Which building in ancient Greece has similar

architecture to the Supreme Court building?

A The Parthenon

B The Great Wall

C The Colosseum

D The Aqueducts

9. Ancient Greeks adapted to their environment by ______

A farming with tractors

B trading on the Pacific Ocean

C developing small independent communities

among the mountains

D building a trading empire across Asia

10. Why was farming difficult in ancient Greece?

A The land was desert-like and it never rained.

B There were no farmers in ancient Greece.

C There were many mountains and hills.

D The soil was too rich for growing crops

11. Which word means the act of giving or doing


A Democracy

B Trait

C Contribution

D Characteristic

12. What kind of art did the ancient Greeks display?

A Pottery and jewelry

B Sculptures and paintings

C Sculptures and pottery

D Paintings and jewelry

13. In what kind of government do people vote tomake their own rules and


A A republican government

B A representative democracy

C A direct democracy

D A government with kings

14. What form of government was established in

ancient Greece?

A A representative democracy

B A republican government

C A government with kings

D A direct democracy

15. What sporting event still exists today and is a

contribution from ancient Greece?

A The Olympics

B The Super Bowl

C The World Series

D The KentuckyDerby

16. Ancient Greece is known for being the birthplaceof ______

A roads

B kings

C architecture

D democracy

17. Using the map above, on which continent is the cityof Rome located


A Continent A

B Continent B

C Continent C

D Continent D

18. Ancient Rome was located on a peninsulasurrounded by which body of


A The NileRiver

B The Mediterranean Sea

C The James River

D The Atlantic Ocean

19. The country of ancient Rome was so large that itsland was located on

what three continents?

A North America, South America, and Asia

B Europe, Asia, and North America

C Australia, Africa, and Asia

D Asia, Europe, and Africa

20. Growing crops on hillsides and trading on theMediterranean Sea were

______ofancient Rome.

A human characteristics

B physical characteristics

C science characteristics

D plant characteristics

21. What architectural feature did the ancient Romansuse in the

construction of their buildings?

A Adobe

B Columns

C Pyramids

D Windows

22. What is the name of this ancient Roman building?

A The Parthenon

B The Colosseum

C The Aqueducts

D The Great Wall

23. Which of the following arts did ancient Romansdisplay?

A Hieroglyphics

B Sculptures

C Cursive

D Symbols

24. In what kind of government do people vote for orelect representatives

to make their rules and lawsfor them?

A A representative democracy

B A dynasty

C A direct democracy

D A king

25. What is the name of this ancient Roman building?

A The Parthenon

B The Colosseum

C The Aqueducts

D The Great Wall

26. What kind of government was established inancient Rome and used as

a model for the UnitedStates government?

A A representative democracy

B A dynasty

C A direct democracy

D A king

27. What was the purpose of using the aqueducts inancient Rome?

A Trading on the Mediterranean

B Painting walls

C Building roads

D Carrying water from streams

28. Using the map above, the West African Empirewas located on which


A Continent C

B Continent B

C Continent A

D Continent E

29. What is the name of this continent?

A Australia

B Europe

C Africa

D Asia

30. Which of the following was a physicalcharacteristic of the early West

African Empire ofMali?

A Mountains

B Hills

C Deserts

D Forests

31. The West African people of Mali adapted to theirenvironment by ______

A mining gold

B mining silver

C building roads

D building ships

32. Which of the following was an important naturalresource for people

living in the desert?

A Wood

B Coal

C Salt

D Silver

33. Why was the location of Mali important to itspeople?

A Mali was located on the Mediterranean Sea

between Greece and Rome.

B Mali was located on the trade routes between the

salt mines of the SaharaDesert and the goldmines in West Africa.

C Mali was located on the NileRiver where there was rich soil.

D Mali was located next to the forest where the people could hunt for food.

34. Who controlled the trade in West Africa?

A The kings of Mali

B The pharaohs of Egypt

C The kings of England

D The presidents of Africa

35. Which of the following was an important city inMali?

A Cairo

B Athens

C Sahara

D Timbuktu

36. How was the West African empire of Maligoverned?

A By pharaohs

B By kings

C By representative democracy

D By presidents

37. How was history and tradition passed down fromone generation to the


A People wrote books in the language of Mali.

B Scribes wrote history in scrolls.

C People used hieroglyphics and wrote on cave walls.

D Storytellers gave oral accounts.

38. What would people see if they visited the cityTimbuktu?

A A university library

B A pyramid

C A colosseum

D The Great Wall of China

39. Mali was located on the trade routes between the______

and the ______.

A SaharaDesert, diamond mines

B glaciers, mountains

C SaharaDesert, gold mines

D grasslands, diamond mines

40. Mali was located next to the ______Desert.

F Mojave

G Sahara

H Atacama

J Gobi