Georgia History Mrs.MacHolmes/ August 24,, 2015

SS8G1c- Importance of the Okefenokee Swamp, Chattahoochee River, Savannah River, barriers islands
SS8G2c- Transportation systems interact to provide goods
SS8H1a- SWBAT describe the evolution of Native American cultures prior to European contact.
SS8H1b- SWBAT describe the impact of European contact on Native Americans cultures




(5 minutes)


Work Time

(45 minutes) /


(5 minutes) /


8/24 / What county do we live in?
Locate it –see page 716
What year it was it founded and who is it name for?
1822- Johann DeKalb
Complete Map Skills
Map 3 Page 21
Map 4 Page 28
Map 5 Page 39 / Add to outline map:
St. Mary’s River-forms part of Georgia’s border with Florida
Flint River- source comes from ground water
(Chattooga River- border river between Georgia and South Carolina)
Altamaha River –black-water river
Describe the uses you believe the waterways of Georgia have provided throughout history. / Sea islands, golden isles………
Are also called the ______.
How does having a coast and deep water ports like Savannah help Georgia’s economy?
The Okefenokee Swamp is considered one of Georgia’s the Seven Natural Wonders – can you name any of the others?
Homework #2
Complete Understanding the Facts
Pg. 47 Q. 1-4
Due tomorrow
Review all notes and Chapter 1 / Teacher Observation
Open House / Collect- Homework #2
Word Up
Region, erosion, fault, elevation, Fall Line, aquifer, marsh, climate, weather, precipitation, drought, tornado, hurricane, wetland, estuary, barrier island, swamp / Identify-
Appalachian Mountains
Appalachian Plateau Region
Valley and Ridge Region
Blue Ridge Mountains Region
Brasstown Bald
Piedmont Region
Stone Mountain,
Coastal Plain Region
Okefenokee Swamp
Golden Isles
Review Chapter 1
Game- / Quiz #1 / Teacher Observation
Assessment results
SS8H1a- SWBAT describe the evolution of Native American cultures prior to European contact. / Journal Write #1
Step into the picture
Who are you and what are you seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, touching?
Be descriptive.
Pg. 161
Share-back / Sharing of journal write-
Bering Land Bridge- where?
Reading/ Note-taking Chapter 8
Identify the Native People of North America
Include Time Period
Food Sources
Type of Shelters
Begin Construction on the Flip- book
Rubric distributed
The Four time periods:
Paleo- Archaic- Woodlands, Mississippians
Include a picture depicting how Native Americans lived during the period
A descriptive caption highlighting key information about each group. / What is culture?
Describe American culture today.
How does culture today differ from long ago?
How is it the same?
Restate the Native American cultures
For this evening:
Read chapter 8 section 1
Bring clipped pictures for flip book
Remember to capture and cite where pictures came from.
Bring colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks etc. / Teacher Observation
SS8H1a- SWBAT describe the evolution of Native American cultures prior to European contact. / Word Wall Activity
Artifacts, archaeology, culture, nomad, horticulture, palisade, slave, middleman,
Immunity, expedition, colony, mission, plantation, backcountry / Work on Flip Books / Quiz give back
Homework #2 give- back / Teacher Observation
8/28 / Journal Write #2 / Final Day to Complete Flip Books / What I learned this week-
Complete hand-out for week of 8/24
Homework # 3
Due Monday
Identifying the Correct Era-
Georgia’s First People
Hand-out / Teacher Observation
Flip books