The Endrick Trust (SC012043)

Application Form

The Trustees of The Endrick Trust, a Registered Scottish Charity (SC012043) will consider applications from charities based and working in the Greater Glasgow postcode area with an income of less than £2 million per annum in the general theme of:-

(1)Prevention or relief of poverty;

(2)Advancement of citizenship or community development; and

(3)Any other purpose that may be reasonably regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes.

Applicant Organisation
Name of Project
(if different)
Amount of grant requested
Charity No. (SC if Scottish)
Contact name / Position
Address / Tel
How many paid staff ?
p/t / How many volunteers?
Organisation’s history, background, aims, client group.
Describe the project core costs or work for which you are seeking funding
How do you know there is a need for this project? What evidence do you have?
Have you received previous grants from the Endrick Trust? / Yes / No.
Date of grant(s) (if yes)
Are you or have you been involved in an investigation by OSCR? / If yes, please state outcome.
Do you have a protection policy and procedures for children and vulnerable adults?
Main sources of funding (local authority, trusts, donations etc.)
Please list 2 or 3 key outcomes (changes or results) which you intend to achieve if a grant were awarded, and how these will be measured. These may be discussed with you by the Trustees and you will be expected to report on these at an agreed time.
Please return this form along with a copy of your most recent signed annual accounts (audited or examined) and evidence of OSCR or Charity Commission Charity Registration Number. If you are a new organisation and do not yet have accounts, then please send a copy of a recent bank statement and a note of the names of your management committee/board. If you wish to add any comments on your accounts, please do so below.
If a grant is awarded, are you happy for your organisation’s details to appear on T C Young’s website (the agents for the Trust)? / Yes / No
If a grant is awarded, please state the organisation name to which a cheque should be made payable
Please send a copy of your most recent annual report if you have one. Do not send job descriptions, business plans etc unless asked. This form may be e-mailed (please ask for a read receipt) but a signed copy of this page must be sent by post.
I am authorised to make funding applications on behalf of this organisation.
Position in organisation

Please return form and accompanying documents (most recent accounts and evidence of OSCR/Charity Commission registration) to,

Alison Hempsey, The Endrick Trust,

T C Young, Solicitors, 7 West George Street, GlasgowG2 1BA

e-mail telephone 0141 225 2573