Code / Start / End / Type / Vols.
IRSH/01/Dajlan / 01/07 / 09/07 / ENVIRONMENTAL / 15
Branch code / IRSH
Camp code / IRSH/05/Drilon
Camp name / Dajlan 2005
Dates / 01/07-09/07
Number of vols / 15 vols.
Description of the project / Drilon, is situated in the northern part of the Buna river, which flows from the Lake of Shkodra, the biggest one in the Balkans, a place of a breathless beauty and of virgin nature .But during the last years as a result of the irresponsible actions of man this wonderful corner of nature is degrading every day.
The participants will work in teams to clean the isle from the waste thrown appropriately by daily tourists and in the same time to do some information campaign for the protection of the environment.
Daily excursions by boats in the river will be possible, so that everybody can see and admire the natural beauty and the wonderful landscape. There is a fisherman’s community and they have a centre at the Dajlani island situated on the middle of the Buna River. As far as summer time is the period of time when fishermen are repairing their nets and they need help the young volunteers will assist them during their daily work. The Fisherman’s centre will be the hosting place for the volunteers which accommodate them and offer the possibility to cook by their self. Also they will lead the island
Work description / Cleaning the isle and making awareness campaign during the whole period to keep cleaned the isle by appealing people to place the waste on the properly place.
Study subject / The environment of the Dajlan Isle and preservation of environment
Accommodation / There is a building in the Dajlan isle which is normally used by the fishermen but it will be used as an accommodation place for the participants. People are asked to get towels and personal hygiene stuff. Sleeping back optional (not necessary needed but in certain case could be used).
Language / English
Qualifications / Interest in environmental issues and tourism.


/ -Arrival at the” Mother Teresa” Airport. Take the bus or taxi to Shkodra town(which is about
80 km from the airport).
- Once in Shkodra, transportation to the isle by boats and accommodation.


/ The participation fee is 85 Euro.

Arrival and Departure

/ People are expected to arrive on 1 July and to depart on 9 of July. We may give facilities for people arriving earlier and departing later.

In case you are interested to participate in our workcamp please fill out the application form:


Please type and return by E-mail, by 20 May 2005

1. Contact Details


Last Name:

Postal address (street, number, city, postal code, country):

Telephone: Telefax:

Mobile telephone: E-mail:

Gender: Male / Female Age: Nationality:

Working languages (Please specify all your working languages):

English, Italian, French

Others (please specify):

2. Organisation or institution you are member or working on


Postal address:

Telephone: Telefax:

E-mail: Web-page: http:/www.

Your role in the organisation:

3. What is your personal/professional experience in relation to active participation in European youth and similar activities?

4. Motivation

Why would you like to participate in the workcamp ?

How will you benefit from your participation at this workcamp?

What do you expect as an outcome of this workcamp for you and your work ?

Do you have any project ideas you would like to discuss at the workcamp ?

Special needs: Do you have any special needs or requirements that the organisers should take into

account (e.g. dietary, disability, etc.)?

Visa - If you are accepted as a participant on this workcamp, will you require assistance in obtaining a visa to Albania?

Yes No

(If yes, please indicate)

Your date of birth: Passport No.: Issued at (place):

Issued on (date): Date of expiry:

Signature Date: