NOVEMBER 14, 2012
Mayor Don Gray called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 pm with roll call as follows: Arthur, Robinson, Levenhagen, Curtis and Taylor all present. A Robinson/Levenhagen motion to approve the Tentative Agenda carried unanimously.
Visitors present: Becky Beck, Mable Morey, Chris Hicks, Dave Gibbs, Brett & Kelly Morrow, Gaylord & Eunice Fowler, Mark Powell, John & Joyce Davids and Elizabeth Sauer.
Linn County Deputy Adam Munier presented the Council with the monthly report. There were 148.5 hours logged in the previous month.
Fire Chief Mark Powell reported there were 16 calls in October, seven medical and one fire in the City, five fires and one fatality in the County. He also stated there are a number of houses in town without house numbers. The City has an ordinance requiring visible house numbers. Chief Powell will supply the City with a list of houses needing numbers and they will be sent a letter and a copy of the ordinance.
Mabel Morey asked the Council to do something about stray cats. The City has a live trap which Mable has used but it does not work. The City will purchase a new trap and try to catch the cats.
A Robinson/Taylor motion to approve the Minutes of the October 10, 2012 meeting carried unanimously.
An Arthur/Curtis motion to approve the October Financial Report Carried unanimously.
General $139,194.35 $40,991.71
Road Use $9,710.51 $31,527.01
Employee Benefits $21.914.44 $3,995.76
TIF $65,005.68 -0-
Debt Service -0- -0-
Capital $42.43 $27,440.70
Water Utility $8,514.62 $16,193.68
Water Deposits $142.73 $152.32
Sewer Utility $5,545.04 $14,457.57
Sewer Reserve $1,267.48 -0-
Garbage $2,467.00 $8,716.50
ABC Childcare $7,889.78 $3,580.00
Expendable Trust $77.99 -0- __
TOTAL $261,772.05 $147,055.25
A Taylor/Levenhagen motion to approve the 2012 Annual Urban Renewal Report carried unanimously.
A Levenhagen/Curtis motion to approve the liquor license for Bubba’s Bar & Grill carried unanimously.
Chris Hicks, President of Northeast Linn Ambulance Service, introduced himself to the Council and requested help in recruiting volunteers for the service. They currently have 20 on the roster and only 25% of those are from the community. They have been forced to pay people from Cedar Rapids and surrounding communities to fill time slots. The biggest need is during the day when people are at work. There is a possibility of losing our ambulance service if they cannot find volunteers and this would mean response time would be over thirty minutes. The City will help in any way they can.
City Engineer Dave Gibbs reported back on progress sighting a well. He reviewed the data on the plume from the oil spill at the old county shop many years ago and has determined it will not affect the Robinson site. Al Burkle presented David and Pat Robinson with an offer of $60,000 for four acres and they verbally countered with $70,000. After discussion the City Attorney was directed to send a letter to Robinson’s accepting their counter offer and a purchase agreement.
Brett & Kelly Morrow asked the Council to rescind the truck route on Marion Road North or to end it at the cul-de-sac. They share a driveway with their neighbor and he drives an LP truck that is ruining the driveway. The Council responded that Marion Road North is commercial property on both sides of the street so it is appropriate to be on the truck route. The Morrow’s have an issue with their neighbors that needs to be solved by a civil action. The city attorney will review state codes to see if there are any regulations about parking an LP truck on residential property.
Several residents on Hillcrest Court were again present to say they are against putting in a cul-de-sac at the end of the street. John Davids spoke against the cul-de-sac and asked if the City would consider selling him a portion of the right-of-way because it is so close to his house. Mayor Gray told the group that Hillcrest Court is a dead end street and at the bottom of the list for street improvements. The neighbors need to work out the issues. If the City is forced to make improvements because of a neighborhood dispute the cost would be assessed to each resident. The City is not interested in selling the right-of-way.
A Levenhagen/Robinson motion to pay Robert Coghlan’s car repairs for damage caused by a sink hole in the street carried unanimously.
A Taylor/Cutis motion to approve the second reading of an ordinance to prohibit the use of jake brakes in the city carried unanimously by roll call vote.
An Arthur/Taylor motion to approve Resolution 14-2012 approving the final plat of Hogan’s Second Addition carried unanimously.
A Taylor/Levenhagen motion to approve the bills and bills paid interim carried unanimously.
City Attorney Bill Sueppel reported all the papers have been served for condemnation of the property at 757 Commercial Street. There is now a sixty day waiting period at which time a court date will be set. He is still researching procedures dealing with bankruptcy and utility billing procedures.
The Clerk reported that the company the City purchased Christmas lights from for Barber Street has declared bankruptcy so there will be no lights on Barber Street this year.
A Robinson/Levenhagen motion to adjourn at 8:37 pm carried unanimously.
Don Gray, Mayor
LaNeil McFadden, City Administrator