Unit 2 review 6

Unit 2 comprehensive Review


Unit 2 review 6

1.  The function of the respiratory tract is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  bulk transfer of gases

b.  diffusion of gases

c.  interaction with a hostile environment

d.  a, b and c

e.  b and c

Unit 2 review 6

2.  The function of the upper airways is to:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Protect the lower airways

b.  Bulk transfer of gases

c.  Diffusion of gases

d.  A, b and c

e.  A and b only

Unit 2 review 6

3.  The function of the nose is to:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Bulk transfer of gases

b.  Filtration and warm of gases

c.  Sense of smell

d.  All of these

e.  None of these

Unit 2 review 6

4.  The cartilages of the nose are:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Lateral nasal cartilage

b.  Lesser alar cartilage

c.  Epiglottis

d.  All of these

e.  All but c

Unit 2 review 6

5.  The nasal septum is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  bone

b.  cartilage

c.  both

Unit 2 review 6

6.  The vibrissae are:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Part of the ethmoid bone

b.  Part of the septal cartilage

c.  Part of the lesser alar cartilage

d.  None of these

Unit 2 review 6

7.  The first portion of the nasal passageway is called the:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Turbinates

b.  Vestibule

c.  Nares

d.  B and c both make up the first part

Unit 2 review 6

8.  The function of the three turbinates or conchae is to

a.  Break up the incoming gas

b.  Increase surface area for warming and filtering gas

c.  Increase the surface area for humidification of the gas

d.  A, b and c

e.  A and b only

9.  The surface area created by the turbinates:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Maximizes humidification of gases

b.  Is about 160 square cm

c.  Is about 160 square yards

d.  A and b

e.  A and c

Unit 2 review 6

10.  True or false: The nose can raise the relative humidity to 78%-85% by adding 0.650-1.00 liter of water a day to the incoming gas.

11.  the actual passageway for gas to move in the respiratory tract is called:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  a lumen

b.  choandae in the nose

c.  choandae in the lower airways

d.  a and b

e.  a and c

Unit 2 review 6

Unit 2 review 6

12.  The function of smelling is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  A Protective one

b.  The olfactory sense

c.  The audible sense

d.  A and b

e.  A and c

Unit 2 review 6

13.  The chemoreceptor for molecules that smell are:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Exposed by sniffing

b.  Are located in the vestibule of the nose

c.  Are located in the superior turbinates

d.  A and b

e.  A and c

Unit 2 review 6

14.  The sinus cavities’ functions are to:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Lighten the weight of the head

b.  Produce surface area for mucus production

c.  Provide resonance for speech

d.  All of these

e.  B and c only

Unit 2 review 6

15.  The maxillary sinus are located:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Just below the eyes

b.  Just above the nasal cavity

c.  In the forehead

Unit 2 review 6

16.  The ethmoid sinus are located:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Just below the eyes

b.  Just above the nasal cavity

c.  In the forehead

Unit 2 review 6

17.  The frontal sinus are located:

a.  Just below the eyes

b.  Just above the nasal cavity

c.  In the forehead

Unit 2 review 6

18. The hard palate is:

Unit 2 review 6

a. In the anterior

b. In the posterior

c. Used to talk

d. A and c

e. B and c

Unit 2 review 6

19. The soft palate is:

a.  Supposed to collapse upward to protect the nasal cavity from the oral cavity’s contents during swallowing

b.  Located in the back

c.  Both

d.  None

Unit 2 review 6

20. the uvula’s function is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  protective

b.  to trigger gagging

c.  to trigger sneezing

d.  a, b

e.  a, b , c

Unit 2 review 6

21. The adenoids are:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Lymphatic tissue

b.  Located at the base of the tongue

c.  Are involved with immune response

d.  A, b and c

e.  A and c only

Unit 2 review 6

22. The palatine tonsils are:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Lymphatic tissue

b.  Located in the oral cavity

c.  Are involved with immune response

d.  A, b and c

e.  A and c only

Unit 2 review 6

23. The lingual tonsils are:

a.  Lymphatic tissue

b.  Located at the base of the tongue

c.  Are involved with immune response

d.  A, b and c

e.  A and c only

Unit 2 review 6

24. The glottis is:

a.  The doorway that protects the lower airway from food

b.  The opening into the lower airway

25. the epiglottis is the:

A The doorway that protects the lower airway from food

b. The opening into the lower airway

26. During the act of swallowing:

i.  The food bolus moves backward and up into the hard palate

ii. The food bolus moves backward and down into the orophraynx

iii.  The tongue goes up

iv.  The tongue moves down

A.  i , iii

B.  ii, iii

C.  i, iv

D.  ii, iv

27. the most critical moment of the swallowing is when the food is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  in the oral cavity

b.  in the laryngopharynx

c.  in the esophagus

d.  in the larynx

Unit 2 review 6

28. The soft palate closes off the:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Nasal passage

b.  Glottis

c.  Both

Unit 2 review 6

29. As the tongue moves forward;

Unit 2 review 6

a.  The food bolus moves back

b.  The vallecula pulls the epiglottis closed

c.  The vallecula pushes the epiglottis closed

d.  A and b

e.  B and c

Unit 2 review 6

Unit 2 review 6

30. The vallecula is:

a.  Cartilage attached to the base of the tongue

b.  Tissue attached to the base of the tongue

c.  also attached to the epiglottis

d.  A and c

e.  B and c

31. The trachea is about:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  10-13 mm long

b.  10-13 cm long

c.  encircled by 16-20 O shaped cartilages

d.  b and c

Unit 2 review 6

32. The tracheal cartilage is shaped as it is in order for :

a.  Food to pass down the esophagus behind it

b.  Food to pass down the esophagus in front of it

33. the bifurcation of the trachea is :

a.  called the vallecula

b.  called the carina

c.  located at the level of the angle of Lewis

d.  a and c

e.  b and c

Unit 2 review 6

34. the bifurcation of the trachea is:

a.  is located at the level of T3-4

b.  is located at the level of T 11-12

c.  in located at the level of T 6-7

Unit 2 review 6

35. The carina:

a.  Has a protective function

b.  Has no function , it’s merely another landmark

36. The narrowest part of the airway of the infant is the:

a.  Cricoid cartilage

b.  The glottis

c.  The left main stem

37. The carina is:

i.  Located at the beginning of the left and right main stem bronchus

ii. Is tactile sensitive

iii.  When stimulated will react with a gag reflex

iv.  When stimulated will react with a cough reflex

a.  i, ii, ii, & iv

b.  i, ii, iii

c.  ii, iii

d.  i, ii, iv

38. To cough effectively one must :

a.  Drop the diaphragm about 3-6 cm to get a 1-2 Liter volume into the lung

b.  Be able to keep the diaphragm down for an inspiratory hold

c.  Be able to close the glottis

d.  Be able to push the abdominal contents up into the diaphragm to create a positive pressure of +100 to +200 cm H20

e.  All of these

39. Peripheral distribution of gas during the inspiratory hold phase of the cough can get air down to:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  The 3rd -4th branching

b.  The 6-7th branching

c.  The 13-15th branching

d.  The alveoli

Unit 2 review 6

Unit 2 review 6

40. The right main stem is:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  At a 20-30 degree angle

b.  At a 45-55 degree angle

c.  Is wider and shorter

d.  A and c

e.  B and c

Unit 2 review 6

41. There are --- lobar bronchi:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Five

b.  Three

c.  Two

d.  18-20

Unit 2 review 6

42. There are – segmental bronchi

Unit 2 review 6

a.  Five

b.  Three

c.  Two

d.  18-20

Unit 2 review 6

43. There are – subsegmental bronchi:

Unit 2 review 6

a.  18-20

b.  40-41

c.  80-200

d.  200 million

Unit 2 review 6

44. Name the airways from trachea to alveolar sac.

a. trachea
b. main stem bronchi
c. lobar bronchi
d. segmental bronchi
e. subsegmental bronchi
f. bronchioles
g. terminal bronchioles
h. respiratory bronchioles
j. alveolar ducts
k. alveolar sac

45. Locate the following types of cells:

psuedo-stratified columnar ciliated epithelium PSCCE

simple squamous SS

stratified squamous ST

cuboidal C

Unit 2 review 6

a.  oral cavity / Type of cell
b.  nasal cavity / PSCCE
c.  larynx above the cords / ST
d.  larynx below the cords / PSCCE
e.  central airways / PSCCE
f.  Bronchioles / C
g.  alveolar sac / SS
h.  alveolar buds / SS
i.  respiratory bronchioles / C and SS

Unit 2 review 6