Student Government

October 30, 2012

Minutes- Week 10

Call to order: 7:02 p.m.

Attendance: Joseph Gibbons, Marc Tshimanyika, Spencer Brannon, Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Matthew Harmon, Elizabeth Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Alexandra Williams, Isaiah Morales, Lindsey Hofmeyer, Brent Aebi, Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing.

Absent: Tiffany Fridley, Matthew Burks

Minutes: Approved from October 23, 2012


Executive Board

·  President: I have had several internal meetings the past few weeks. The largest meeting I have attended is the “Dining Services Charter” meeting. In the next week and a half, I would like to meet with everyone individually. Please let me know when you are available—check my Google calendar. Weekends are perfectly fine.

·  Vice President: I attended the Multicultural Halloween Event. I am working on the Elections Issues forum that will take place on Thursday from 1-3 PM. Dayton CW will be interviewing students and taping a portion of it. We are working on a SG internal event—a fun event for our members.

·  Chief of Staff- Over the past few weeks, I have worked with Raider Connect. We are going to approach the Faculty Senate before proposing a name of the Medical Sciences Building at the Board of Trustees. I am continuing to work with the new classroom building committee, also. I have met with the Faculty Senate “Building and Grounds” committee. We discussed topics that are on the agenda for tonight, such as purchasing bike racks and tiered parking.

·  Director of Internal Affairs- These past weeks I have worked on compiling the minutes, agendas, and reports. Please remember to clock your hours every week by Sunday at noon. Student Government has donated $100 for Raidersgiving, which is a Thanksgiving event for our students that cannot make it home for the holiday. We are looking into purchasing new monitors for our office, too.


·  Asst. Speaker of the House-Abi and I have been working on the House Party. Its theme is the 90’s. Invisible children is postponed to the spring due to double booking. We still have $30,000 in SFC funding remaining for this year. We brought up the smoking policy at House of Reps meeting as well (will discuss in old business). We have also implemented a new open forum in House of Reps as well.

·  Secretary of the House- We have started a House Legislative Committee in HOR; we are working with Tiffany on this.

·  Director of Academic Affairs- I met with Dr. Dregalla on Friday—the main item is the problem of dropping classes and Pilot. There are definite problems with this that several students have recognized. Dr. Dregalla has consulted the Registrar’s office. If you have noticed this issue, please let me know ASAP.

·  Director of Campus Culture- I went to a listening session regarding diversity issues. The big issue is unity. They are trying to have administration lead by example. In 060 UP hall at 12:00 pm. I would love to see people that you know in this forum tomorrow.

·  Director of Disability Affairs- I have been working with the technology center and ODS regarding students getting their books on time. I have talked with the graduate assistant that works with the processing center regarding this issue. I am trying to get a definite deadline (which is currently 4 weeks before the start of the next semester). I have been working on the Disability Advisory Board and have written an agenda for the year. I will be bringing this up at the forum on Friday. I am trying to come up with a UVC class/theme that would have to do with invisible/physical disabilities. I am working on an email to Big 6 organizations that would address some social issues.

·  Director of International Affairs- We did open up the associate position for International Affairs. They can pick up an application outside the Sg office.

·  Director of Public Relations- I want to thank everybody that came to see me perform last night at WO’s. I have been working on Kenny’s flyer for the Disability Forum. I have started working on a powerpoint presentation for Ryan to bring to the high schools.

·  Director of Student Affairs- I met with Mark Gazdik last Friday about our new Bus to Butler event. I completed an application for associate for Veteran’s Affairs. I am also working on the associate for Athletics. For Wright Parenting, we are looking into this new project.


·  Boonshoft School of Medicine: Our new dean met with us last week. Tuesday, I attended a round-table event. We had a Pre-Medical panel and a big thanks to Marc for using some of the budget for this. All in all, our events last week were very successful. We had an open forum yesterday for students.

·  College of Education and Human Services- Towards the end of last week, I had an email from the Nutter Center. I will be setting up an appointment regarding a printing center at the Nutter Center. Our DSAC is meeting this week where we will discuss communication issues and formulate next year’s application.

·  College of Engineering and Computer Science- I had a Steering Committee Meeting. We are sifting through the bulletin boards. I spoke to a couple UVC classes about clubs and activities that they can engage in. I also submitted a wings poll regarding the best mechanism to reach students.

·  College of Liberal Arts- I attended the Multicultural Halloween. I am collaborating to look into a Russian minor and getting advice from Luke Worley regarding this (as he worked on a Japanese minor last year). I also am ensuring that advisors are telling students the same classes to take.

·  College of Nursing and Health- The biggest thing is that we finally took the step that this is the direction we are going, which is an internal issue.

·  College of Science and Mathematics- We are discussing more ways to advertise to our students. We are testing the idea of a calendar of organizations events/academic events. We are starting this calendar which will contain the more than 11 clubs’ events with dates and the contact person listed.

·  Commuter Senator: Since last week, the pathway is complete to Meadowrun. Students who use this have indicated they feel safer. The wings polls have finished and I will be meeting with Rob Kretzer to discuss these in the near future.

·  Graduate School Senator: This past week I have met with GSA president and some people in the Graduate school to introduce myself and get started on some projects. I am meeting with Dr. Aires regarding a petition.

·  Raj Soin College of Business: Thank you to everyone who came to “Match your Major”. We had 40 students sign up with the clubs. We are currently working at networking and marketing in our college.

·  Residential Senator- I am getting in contact with Mark Gazdik to get more residents to events at the games. If anyone has ideas, please let me know. I am still working on planning for Recyclemania.

·  University College- The last two weeks, I have met with Charles Long. Charles suggested I take an office at University Hall and pick office hours there. My constituents will be able to meet me there. Catherine Queener emailed out applications for the University College Student Advisory Board, due by November 7th. I am working with Marc and Gary regarding the internship program.

Committee Reports

·  Building and Grounds-An item currently up for discussion is the Creative Arts Center renovation which would complete the 1995 Master Plan (currently ensuring a budget now). The Neuroscience and Engineering building’s program has been verified. The new commons building will be updated as well. They want a food vender and meeting space.

·  Second Mile Group- Discussed some focus groups of sophomores at Wright State to find out some retention issues. They are trying to find graduate school students to lead the conversations. We are trying to find a new name for the group.

·  Technology Committee- Discussed academic issues. Pilot just bought a new analytical tool to assess learning objectives across the university. This will be implemented in 2015/2016. Pilot will be updated December 22nd and will appear to be a little different.

·  Academic Petitions: We discussed a very inconsistent grading policy across the university and how this could be corrected.

·  Student Legal Services: The next meeting is the end of November. Please reach out to your constituents to serve on the advisory board (especially pre-law majors). It advises the student legal services and evaluates the lawyers on their ability to meet student needs.

·  Wright Way Policy- The architect (not chosen for the new classroom building) is selected to perform a new designs standards review of our university.

Report Discussion:

·  Disability Forum- Friday 3:00 PM in the Rathskellar

·  Diversity Forum- Tuesday 11:30 in 060 UH

·  SFC: No restrictions on time (from one semester over another)

·  1-3 PM Election info Session on Thursday. Please let your colleges know!

Public Forum:

·  SAAC meeting November 13th at 7:00 AM

·  Raiders Give Back

·  Wednesdays at 5:15 pm NAACP meetings in the Bolinga Center; can sign up for retreat in Cleveland.

New Business:

·  Classroom Supply Cabinets: Often times when teachers go into classrooms, they will have no markers/erasers etc. Physical plant suggested a locked box that was code operated that would have extra supplies. These are only 26 bucks per an electronic lockbox. It was determined that this committee needs to obtain faculty input before making a decision.

·  Dining Services Charter: Yesterday we met regarding a Dining and Hospitality Committee vision. We are opening bidding for this charter—there are 6 companies interested. We need to have something to share with these companies. This all includes Café Wright, C Store, and the Hangar, etc. There was much discussion on what should be offered, pricing, etc. This is what we think is important:

o  Brand more for Wright State

o  Not overpricing

o  Better labeling

o  Cultural foods (different kinds each day of the week perhaps)

o  Awareness of dietary restrictions

o  Organic section

o  Extras/Subs/Additions

o  Balance between health/appropriate pricing

o  Local venders

o  Variety

o  Rewards program

·  Bus to Butler: Met with Mark Gazdik—his first suggestion is why do we take 300 students off campus when we have trouble getting them to attend a home game at the Nutter Center. Instead of the bus this year, it has been determined that we will have an annual kick off for the game (we do not have enough time to plan a bus). We are thinking along those lines with the blow ups, DJ, cornhole, food (pizza), and have cheerleaders & the Rowdies. The first home game is November 16th. We are shooting for the Monday we start back in January as a “Welcome back” for spring semester. In years to come, it would be the first home game. The McLin gym is reserved for this night in preparation. Athletics is willing to offer prizes, too.

o  Some student government members suggested not cancelling the “bus” altogether for future years because it is an experience that is more than just riding a shuttle.

Samantha Young favored a vote on the welcome back event; Spencer Brannon seconded.

In favor of event- all --23 Student Government members: Joseph Gibbons, Marc Tshimanyika, Spencer Brannon, Jennifer Barbadora, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Elizabeth Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Alexandra Williams, Isaiah Morales, Lindsey Hofmeyer, Brent Aebi, Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing.

All opposed: 1 --Matthew Harmon

All abstaining: 0

Event will occur.

Rachel Fagan moved to limit discussion to 5 minutes. Jeremy Keller seconded.

In favor- (10 senators): Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing.

Opposed- (1 senator): Brent Aebi

Discussion limited to 5 minutes.

·  Moat Replacement: Moat costs $30,000 years to maintain. Some suggested instead—a centralized place where people can eat outside or a garden. Please talk to your constituencies on this. Others noted we may want to introduce something like a fountain to maintain a site of water on campus.

o  Is it important to keep?

o  What can be there instead if it is not worth the money?

·  Opening Associate Positions: We will have several new associates open. Open positions. For each position, go to that community. Suggestion is to first year students/UC students.

o  Athletic

o  Veteran’s Affairs

o  International Affairs: keep in contact with all of the organizations; research work/project work

o  Residential Associate

·  Bike Racks: Lots of the bike racks are full. Where should we put two bike racks? Look on campus for the most visible bike racks and double them.