

Date Issued:August 23, 2006 Addendum No.: 1

RFP Number No.:5-06 (Engineering and Environmental Consultant Services)

Exposition Corridor Light Rail Transit Project/Phase 2

Contracting Officer: Gregory Moore, Procurement Manager


1.This addendumis issued to provide for modifications in the specifications and/or plans associated with RFP No. 5-06. This item shall be posted on the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority (Expo) website on the date indicated above. Acknowledgment of this addendumshall be made in the Proposal Letter (see page 32 of the RFP document), which is required as a part of each Proposer’s submittal. Any lost or missing documents are the sole responsibility of the Proposer.

2.Amend Part I, Background Information, Section 102, Definitions, paragraph 15, page 4 as follows (Underline denotes addition and strikethrough denotes deletion):

15.Major Subcontractor. The term “Major Subcontractor” means any subcontractor identified by the Proposer as having responsibility for performing 10% or more of the dollar value ofthe hours of work set forth in the Proposer’s Work Plan.for any Stage of the Work or 10% or more of the dollar value of any key task (i.e., alternatives analysis, preliminary engineering, or environmental review) in the Scope of Work.

3.DeletePart II, Instructions to Proposers, Section 203, Exchange of Information, page 9.

C.Exchange of Information--The Authority reserves the right to conduct one- onone meetings with Prospective Proposers for purposes of improving the understanding of the Authority’s requirements and addressing industry issues and concerns. Any modifications to the Authority’s requirements or to the procurement process resulting from these meetings will be set forth in written addenda issued by the Authority.

4.Amend Part II, Instructions to Proposers, Section 216, Exceptions to Proposal, page 18.

Change from: Proposers must identify, in Tab A-13 of their submittal…

Change to: Proposers must identify, in Tab A-12 of their submittal…

5.Amend Part V, Forms and Certifications, Information Sheet: Form GD-Gift Disclosure, paragraph II, page 41 as follows(Underline denotes addition and strikethrough denotes deletion):

II.All contractors, general partners and Joint Venture members of all contractors, potential contractors and subcontractors with the Authority must file the attached disclosure form and disclose whether they have in the aggregate contributed $10 or morein gifts to any Board member or his or her alternate or any employee during the 12 month period preceding the date of submission of a response to a request for statements of qualifications, request for proposals or invitation for bid.

6.Amend Part V, Forms and Certifications, Board Member listing on pages 40 and 44:

Alan Corlin – Vice-Mayor

Culver City

Alternate – Scott MaisinMalsin

7.Amend RFP No 5-06, Attachment A, Scope of Work, Tasks 7.6.3 and 7.6.4, pages 31-32.

Change all references from the 1990 census to the 2000 census.

8.The meeting minutes/summary for the scheduled pre-proposal conference held on Monday, August 14, 2006 in support of RFP No. 5-06 are included herein as Attachment “A”.

9.Expo’s formal responses to questions and requests for clarifications received from prospective proposers are included herein as Attachment “B”.

10. Expo’s Request for Information/Clarification format is included herein as Attachment “C”.

11.The MS PowerPoint slideshowpresented by staff on the history and current requirements associated with the Exposition Light Rail Transit project is included under Addendum No. 1 as a separate electronic file (see Attachment “D” PowerPoint Staff Presentation).

12. All other terms and conditions of the RFP shall remain the same.

Issued by:Gregory Moore______

Gregory Moore

Procurement Manager


Attachment A- Pre-Proposal Conference Minutes/Summary

Attachment B- Answers to Proposers’ Questions, Set No. 1

Attachment C-Request for Information/Clarification Sheet

Attachment D- PowerPoint Staff Presentation (separate electronic file)


RFP No. 5-06 Addendum No. 1


Pre-Proposal Conference Minutes/Summary

Monday, August 14, 2006

Main Auditorium, Santa Monica Public Library, Santa Monica, CAat 2:30 PM

The following is a summary of the issues and policies that were discussed at the above-referenced pre-proposal meeting in support of RFP No. 5-06 for the provision ofpreliminary engineering and environmental consulting services associated with the Exposition Light Rail Transit Project, Phase 2. The meeting was called to order at approximately 2:30 p.m. by Gregory Moore, the designated Contracting Officer, who welcomed the prospective Proposers andrequested that all attendees sign in the attendance roster provided by Expo staff. Attendees were made aware that a summary of the meeting would be provided by Expo in the minutes issued by Expo staff under Addendum No. 1. That item would be forwarded to all interested parties. The Contracting Officer then described the format and objective of the meeting [A copy of the meeting agenda, and a list of attendees, are provided as Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively.].

The purpose of the pre-proposal meeting is to provide potential Proposers with an overview of the procurement process and to offer clarifications and/or explanations regarding any issues that may have arisen during that process. Formal written responses to all questions submitted by potential Proposers during the procurement process will be issued by Expo staff, including anymodifications to the RFP package, in the form of an addendum to the RFP. Expo staff provided the following information regarding selected requirements set forth in the RFP package.

1. Administrative Issues

The pre-proposal conference is not mandatory and is intended to clarify ambiguities in the RFP package and provide preliminary responses to questions from potential Proposers regarding the RFP and, more generally, the procurement process itself. Expo staff is recording the conference and will generate meeting minutes as part of Addendum No. 1. Discussions held during this meeting neither qualifynor modify the terms of the RFP, unless a formal addendum is issued by Expo staff. The procurement selection and award schedule is as follows:

EVENT / Date
Issuance of RFP / August 3, 2006
Pre-Proposal Meeting: 2:30 p.m., PDST / August 14, 2006
Requests for addenda and clarifications due / August 30, 2006
Authority deadline for issuance of clarifications and/or addenda / September 12, 2006
Proposal due date / September 26, 2006
Interviews (if necessary) / October 2 - 4, 2006
Selection of most qualified Proposer / October 6, 2006
Negotiations with most qualified Proposer / October 9– 24, 2006 (TBD)
Recommendation for Contract Award (Authority Board) / November 2, 2006

2.Project DBE Goal

Expo strongly encourages the use and participation of DBE firms, however, a DBE goal was not recommended for this particular project.

3. Project Summary

The Authority entered into a contract for the design and construction of Phase 1 of the Exposition Project in March 2006, following a competitive procurement process, and design work on Phase1 has commenced under that contract. The Authority now desires to commence alternatives analysis, preliminary engineering, and environmental work, pursuant to this RFP, on Phase 2 of the Exposition LRT Project running from the terminus of Phase 1 in Culver City to downtown Santa Monica. The work will be executed in three stages.

Work under this Agreement will be performed by the Consultant in three (3) stages, each of which has multiple tasks, as specified in the Scope of Work. The Stages are generally described as follows:

Stage 1 -- Alternative Analyses and preparation of Draft EIS/EIR and Final EIS/EIR (Tasks 1-7);

Stage 2 -- Preliminary Engineering and preparation of Final EIS/EIR (Task9; Task 10);

Stage 3 (Option) -- Support services after environmental clearance (Task11).

A contract will be awarded by Expo on the basis of qualifications, as set forth in Part III of the RFP. Pricing will NOT be included as an evaluation factor, and, accordingly, Proposers should not include any pricing information in their submittals. Expo will enter negotiations with the most qualified firm to establish pricing terms under a cost plus fixed fee contract with a not-to-exceed amount. The Terms and Conditions to be included in the Contract are set forth in Attachment B.

4. Insurance Requirements

The successful proposer will be required to satisfy the relevant Insurance Requirements detailed in the RFP under Attachment B, Section 15, Insurance, pages14-15.

5. Project Manager’s Summary

The designated Expo Project Manager, Joel Sandberg, Director of Engineering & Construction, and David Meiger,MetroDir. Westside Planning,presented a brief overview of the history and development of Phase 1 of the Exposition Light Rail Transit Project, and the current requirements set forth in the subject RFP for Phase 2. See Attachment D for a copy of the PowerPoint staff presentation, which includes a detailed overview of therequired services and requirements, including a synopsis of the Statement of Work (SOW).

6.Procurement Department – RFP Summary

Proposers should review the entire RFP document in detail and provide all of the information requested, in order to be considered responsive. Any questions that arise during the procurement process must be directed to Gregory Moore at (213) 243-5505 or via e-mail at . Procurement Manager, Gregory Moore, concluded the meeting with a summary of selected RFP requirements included in the RFP package. Gregory highlighted the following areas:

  • Section 201: Schedule of key procurement-related events.
  • Section 203: Requests for addenda or amendments to, or clarifications of the RFP must be submitted, in writing, to Expo’s designated Contracting Officer.
  • Section 207: Any exceptions to the RFP language must be submitted under the terms of Package A, Background, Forms and Certifications, Tab A-12, Exceptions.
  • Section 210: All communications regarding this procurement must be directed to the designated Contracting Officer, Gregory Moore, and any and all ex parte communication outside of these channels is strictly prohibited until the notice of intent to award is issued by Expo.
  • Sections 219 & 220: In the interest of maintaining the integrity of the Expo procurement process, Proposers contravening the terms of Sections 219, Improper Conduct and/or Section 220, Prohibitions of Lobbying and Contacts, may be immediately disqualified from the competitive process. Similarly, any potential Proposer, or his agent, engaging in discussions concerning the award of the contract with any Member of the Governing Board of the Authority (or his or her personal staff) during the period beginning on the date of issuance of this RFP and ending on the date of the Contract Award may result in immediate disqualification.
  • Part III Evaluation Process and Award: The Authority will establish an Evaluation Committee (or an appropriate subcommittee) with responsibility for reviewing all proposals and conducting a first review of Part A of each submittal. The evaluation of Part A will be on a pass/fail basis. Proposers deemed non-responsive will be considered non-compliant and thereby eliminated from the competitive process.

Section 304 & 305: Acceptable proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with the Evaluation Factors set forth in the RFP.

Section 305: Following the completion of the evaluation by the Evaluation Committee and scoringof Proposals, a ranking of each of the Proposers will be provided to the CEO, who, after review and consideration, will rank all Proposals and select the most qualified Proposer.

Section 306A: The CEO shall enter into negotiations with the most qualified Proposer, per the terms of the RFP, in order to establish compensation rates/prices and establish final terms andConditions for the Contract.

The CEO Authority shall serve as source selection official for purposes of making the final selection recommendation to the Governing Board of the Authority.

  • Part IV: Authority Protest Procedures are listed under Sections 401-410.
  • Part V: All forms and certifications included in Part V of the RFP must be submitted under the appropriate tab in Package A of each Proposer’s submittal. Each RFP addendum issued by Expo must be acknowledged on the Form of Proposal Letter included on page 31 of the RFP.
  • Attachment A: Scope of Work (see Project Manager’sSummary above)
  • Attachment A1: Project Area Map
  • Attachment A2: Target Project Schedule
  • Attachment A3: FTA-provided Sample Format and Content for an AA/DEIS
  • Attachment B: Agreement for Engineering and Environmental Consultant Services
  • Attachment C: Federal Requirements and Contract Clauses
  • Attachment D: MS PowerPoint staff Presentation
Question/Answer: Open Forum

Oral inquiries and written questions received during and after the pre-proposal meeting from Proposers, and Expo’s formal responses, are provided herein as Attachment “B”. At approximately 4:00 PM the meeting adjourned and the group was dismissed.

If you have any addition or corrections to these minutes, please contact the undersigned by e-mail at or via fax at (213) 243-5553.

Respectfully submitted,


Gregory Moore

Procurement Manager

Exhibit(s):(1) Agenda

(2) Attendance List


RFP No. 5-06 Addendum No. 1




Engineering & environmental consultant servIces

exposition corridor light rail transit project: Phase 2

Monday, August 14, 2006 @ 2:30 p.m.

Santa Monica Public Library, Main Auditorium


Welcome/IntroductionsGregory Moore

Procurement Manager

  • Expo & Metro Staff & AttendeesProcurement Department

Administrative Issues

  • Purpose of Pre-Proposal Conference
  • Recording of Conference Discussion
  • Disclaimer
  • Addenda/Minutes Issued
  • RFP Schedule
  • Communications
  • DBE Goal

Project Background Joel Sandberg, Expo, Dir. Engineering & Constr.

David Mieger, Metro, Dir. of Westside Planning

  • Expo & Metro
  • Phase 1

Statement of Work Overview/Summary

  • Phase 2 Summary
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Contract Deliverables

RFP Summary/Other IssuesGregory Moore/Staff

Procurement Manager

  • Evaluation, Selection & Contract Award Process
  • Contract Type
  • Proposal Submissions
  • Summary

Questions/Answers Open Forum

Proposers are invited to submit questions on the forms provided. All questions will be received by the Procurement Manager who will redirect the questions to the Expo representative(s) best qualified to answer. All Proposers are advised that any exchange between Expo in response to a Proposer’s questions or inquiries during this meeting are for clarification purposes only and do not qualify or amend the solicitation document. The RFP document shall govern if there are any conflicts between the information provided at the Pre-Proposal Conference and the RFP documents.


RFP No. 5-06 Addendum No. 1

Pre-Proposal Conference: List of Attendees (In no particular order)
Name / Company / Phone / Fax / E-Mail
1 / Linda Weston / Jones & Stokes / 213-627-5376 / 213-627-6853 /
2 / Art Hadnett / Carter & Burgess / 213-239-1303 / 213-239-1357 /
3 / Sheila Given / Pinnacle One / 213-486-9884 / 213486-9894 /
4 / Lee Lisecki / Jones & Stokes / 213-627-5376 / 213-627-6853 /
5 / Anthony Chacon / Melendrez / 213-673-4400 / 213-673-4410 /
6 / Shannon Daniels / Terry A Hayes Assoc. / 310-839-4200 / 310-839-4201 /
7 / Terry Hayes / Terry A. Hayes Assoc. / 310-839-4200 / 310-839-4201 /
8 / Domingo Leon / Society of Hispanic Engineers / 562-754-4330 / 562-989-4509 /
9 / Robert Larlee / Melendrez / 213-673-4400 / 213-673-4410 /
10 / Steve Polechronis / DMJM Harris / 562-355-9161 / 213-598-8601 /
11 / Anil Verma / Anil Verma Associates, Inc. / 213-624-6908 / 213-624-1188 /
12 / Mike Arbogast / Comet Electric / 818-340-0965 / 818-340-4033 /
13 / Anthony Crump / Consensus Planning / 213-438-1755 / 213-438-1769 /
14 / Julie Geitler / Consensus Planning / 213-438-1755 / 213-438-1769 /
15 / Charlene Palmer / Arcadis / 714-278-0992 / 714-278-0051 /
16 / Amy Walston / EIP/PBS&J / 310-268-8132 / 310-268-8175 /
17 / Peter Zimmerman / Korve Engineering / 213-486-4923 / 213-486-6533 /
18 / Rachel Vandenberg / DMJM Harris / 213-593-8382 / 213-593-8601 /
19 / Michael Harris Gifford / Booz Allen Hamilton / 909-374-2128 / 213-640-8765 /
20 / Mike Prosperi / Corrpro Companies / 562-944-1636 / 562-946-5634 /
21 / Jack McDowell / McDowell & Associates / 562-424-4882 /
22 / Melise Gerber / Melendrez / 213-673-4400 / 213-673-4410 /
23 / Ann Truair / PB / 714-973-4880 / 714-973-0358 /
24 / Tom Jenkins / PB / 213-426-3849 / 213-362-9480 /
25 / Michael Meyer / MMA / 213-488-0345 / 213-488-9440 /
26 / John Stutsman / Kaku Associates / 310-458-9916 / 310-394-7663 /
27 / Dick Kaku / Kaku Associates / 310-458-9916 / 310-394-7663 /
28 / Lisa Padilla / Urban Design / 213-440-4204 /
29 / Mark Howard / Comet Electric / 818-340-0965 / 818-340-4405 /
30 / Jeo Zimmerman / DMJM Design / 213-816-4593 / 213-593-8608 /
31 / Mary Jo Mrochinski / GotamaBuilding Engineers / 310-827-3332 / 310-822-5511 /
32 / Richard Johnsrud / Anil Verma Assoc., Inc. / 213-624-6908 / 213-624-1188 /
Staff as noted in minutes


RFP No. 5-06Addendum No. 1


August 23, 2006




To:All Proposers

Reference: (a) Pre-Proposal Conference held on August 14, 2006 in the Main Auditorium of the Santa Monica Public Library, located at 601 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA91602

(b) Subject RFP issued August3, 2006

The following questions and associated responses were submitted to the Procurement Manager by potential proposers both during and after the above-referenced pre-proposal meeting, or are being offered by Expo staff to clarify the requirements set forth in the RFP package.

Set No. 1

Q1. What is the relationship between Metro, Expo and the FTA on this project?

A1. The Authority will execute the contract and manage the work performed. Metro is programming and allocating the funding for Expo Phase 2, and will also have project responsibilities such as modeling, funding and grants administration, operations coordination, yards and shops, station area profiles and fire/life/safety issues. The Authority will be responsible for cost estimates and budgets, communications and elected office coordination, traffic analysis, grade separations, jurisdictional approvals and system compatibilities. Close coordination between the Authority and Metro will be maintained during the preparation of the scope of work called for in the contract.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will be the lead agency for purposes of federal environmental approvals (NEPA), and Metro will be the lead agency for purposes of state environmental approvals (CEQA).

Q2. Does Expo want to know about major subcontractors based upon their participation in terms of dollar values?

Reference: Part I, Background Information, Section 102, Definitions, page 4.

A2. No. (See Item 2 in Addendum No. 1). Expo will not be assessing any subcontractor’s participation based upon dollar values under the terms of this RFP.

Q3. If a Proposer’s corporate bylawsdelegate authority to certain officers to bind the firm and enter into contract negotiation and execution, is an Expo-specific resolution still required?

Reference: Section 207, Package A- Background, Forms and Certifications, Tab A-2: Evidence of Good Standing and Authorized Execution, paragraph 2, page 11.

A3. No. If a Proposer’s governing body (e.g., Board of Directors) or its corporate bylaws havespecifically delegated the authority particular individuals to bind the firm and enter into a contract, then an Expo-specific resolution is not required with Proposer’s submittal package. Proof of such a delegation, however,must be provided by a Proposer in the absence of an Expo-specific resolution.