HPA 1151


FALL 2014

Instructor:Anne Hays, PhD

Office:110 Trees Hall



Class Meeting Time:Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm

Class Location:166 Trees Hall

Credit Hours:2.0

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the health/fitness and wellness setting. Students will learn fundamental exercise physiology principles as well as basic anatomy and kinesiology as it relates to exercise. In addition, laboratory sessions will help students learn valuable skills such as administering fitness assessments and implementing exercise programs for apparently healthy adults. This course will also prepare students for nationally recognized personal trainer certifications such as the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will possess:

  • Knowledge of fundamental exercise physiology principles and basic exercise-related anatomy
  • Knowledge skills and abilities to assess cardiovascular risk factors in order to evaluate health status of an individual
  • Skills and abilities to administer, evaluate, and interpret fitness assessments for resting measurements, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and flexibility
  • Knowledge, skills and abilities to prescribe appropriate exercise programs for apparently healthy individuals
  • Ability to design and implement various exercise programs for cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and flexibility for apparently healthy individuals

Required Texts:

ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer, 4th edition

Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th edition/latest

Suggested Texts:

Strength Training Anatomy (Frederic Delavier)


  • Attendance and Participation

Attendance is MANDATORY. It is imperative that you attend class. Practical skills that will be assessed during the final practical examination will be learned in class. If you do not learn these skills, you will not pass the final exam. Also, the course schedule is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Any incomplete work will negatively impact your grade, and make-ups are not an option. Also, late work will not be accepted. Participation is highly encouraged in order to facilitate the learning process.




  • Laboratory and Class Assignments – 60 points

Laboratory assignments will be required, including: blood pressure and heart rate, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength/endurance and flexibility. Other assignments will be required for anatomy and kinesiology, teaching resistance exercises and behavior modification and goal setting.

(8 Homework/labs worth 5 points each. One online assignment worth 20 points.)

  • Final Project – 50 points

Students will be paired into groups of 2 and asked to produce all documents appropriate for training a client for 10 sessions. More info to come later in the semester.

  • Midterm Exams – 100 points

There will be two midterm exams that will consist of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer and essay questions.

  • Final Written Exam – 100 points

The final written exam will consist of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer and essay questions. It will cover all material from the last midterm exam to the end of the term.

  • Final Practical Exam – 50 points

The final exam will test the student on all of the knowledge, skills and abilities learned throughout the semester. It will be approximately 30 minutes in length. There is a written and a practical portion of the examination. Details about the final will be given throughout the semester. The student must pass the final in order to pass the course. Failing the final signifies the inability to perform the skills necessary to be a health/fitness professional.

Grading Scale

Points earned will be expressed as a percentage of the total number of points possible and converted to a letter grade as follows:

100-90% A; 89-80% B; 79-70% C; 69-60% D; 59-below F

Ethical Considerations

Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. Any student found cheating or turning in plagiarized work will fail the course.

Usage of Cellular Phones

Cellular phones are disruptive to class. Please turn phones off prior to entering the classroom.

Special Needs

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 140 William Pitt Union (412) 648-7890, , (412) 228-5347 for P3 ALS users, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.

Tentative Course Schedule

Fall 2014


/ Topic / Text Chapters
8/25 / Course Introduction
Anat/Kinesiology Review / Chapters 1-2
Chapter 3
9/1 / MLK
No Class
9/8 / Client Screening / Chapters 10-11
9/15 / Midterm Exam 1 / Chapters 1-3; 10,11
9/22 / Client Fitness Assessments
Cardiorespiratory Training Programs / Chapter 12
Heart Rate, BP
Chapter 15
9/29 / Client Fitness Assessments
Flexibility Programs / Chapter 12
Body Comp, Flex
Chapter 16
10/6 / Client Fitness Assessments
Resistance Training Programs / Chapter 12
Cardio, Muscular
Chapter 14
10/14 / Comprehensive Program Design
Review Chapters 14-16
10/20 / Midterm Exam 2
-Business of Personal Training – See Blackboard /

Exam covers Ch.12-16

Ch 20-21
10/27 / Behavior Modification / Chapters 7-9
11/3 / Personal Training Session Components, Advanced Program Design, Special Populations /

Chapters 17-19

11/10 / Written Final Exam
11/17 / Student Presentations
11/24 / Open Lab – Practice Skills
12/1 / Practical Final Exam