Called to Order and Established Quorum at 3:45.

Changes taking place for future PTSO meetings:

-  Elimination of chairs, so that attendees will have to come to the front

-  Committee/attendees will strictly follow the written agenda so we can better track time

-  Request that feedbacks/thoughts/comments, etc. be addressed at the end of the meeting

Future Events:

18 Nov – BMX event

15 Nov – Papa John’s night

7 Dec – Skate night

13 Dec – Papa John’s night

14 Dec – PTSO meeting

15 Dec – Chick Fil-A night

Entertainment Books Prize has been delayed; PSTO still in communication with the company on prize info.

Cookbooks are in processing stage; will contain 250 recipes; ordered 600 to date; estimated ship date: 8-12 Dec; need to sell them during school events

Money Report: $28, 999.82 in the bank. Bills: Scholastic; Fall Festival; Entertainment Books raised $5K; T-shirts profit, $356; Teacher stipend

Skate Night – need at least 100 signed up to make profit of $1 per person

Box Tops – sent supplies back to the company; profit ($1,241.50) will be received on or about 4 Dec

Labels for Education – successful party was today, 9 Nov; families can still collect labels

Fall Festival – 18K tickets were not enough, will need more tickets next year; pizza was a hit as well, will need to plan on having more pizza next year; made $4,986.90 for both schools (Stacey made over $3K); Balfour donated popcorn and balloons

Scholastic (Book Fair) – made $8, 034.80 total sales

Santa’s Workshop – will not have one this year, instead, picture with Santa in the works (during school hour); each class will have slotted times; volunteer photographers will take photos…more info to come

Secretary position is now filled: Sheila White

Vice President (membership) is also filled: Vicky Dixon

Lackland Elementary has a Facebook page. Request that no personal comments/complaints, etc. be posted on our FB page.

Newsletter – no committee in charge; will be combined with Cassie’s email/letter info; PTSO flyer will be also be included in the new student package

Vice principal will let us have a bulletin board to post PTSO info

PTSO shirts – ordered 25 each for certain sizes; available at the front office; new design contest will be announced soon; cost is $8 per shirt

Girl Scouts – looking for volunteers to mentor girls/clubs; POC is Ms. Shanita

Skate night (date TBD) – cost will be $3 per skater (PTSO will profit $1 per person); 6-8 Wednesdays; homework load is an issue at the moment; PTSO will discuss further with the teachers

Teacher appreciation (Spring) – need a committee to organize event; this year, instead of giving gifts, PTSO ‘s idea is to give “jerzees” to teachers; high school teachers are also invited to breakfast and luncheon;

Motion to adjourn/adjourned 4:50 pm.