George Davidson Greenly Jr., CCM

E-mail: ; Website:

Phone: 210.319.3323 (cell)623.910.6581

5100 John Ryan Blvd., Apt 2702, San Antonio, TX 78245

Work experience

GSQRD Associates, San Antonio, TX

March 2000 — Present

Certified Consulting Meteorologist:Performedforensic meteorological assistance in the form of studies,reportsand expert witness testimony to legal firms in San Antonio, TX, Oakland, CA, Napa, CAand Washington, D.C. Casesinvolving hail occurrence, highway accidents due to icy highways, high wind accidents, and lightning strikes resulting in physical injuries. In 2014-2015 an expert witness engagement on behalf of the client for the Secretary of Labor, US Department of Labor v. Key Energy Services, LLC, No. 14-1126, before the United States Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHA). [The Court concluded the Secretary failed to prove a violation of the general duty clause and the citation was VACATED and no penalty was assessed.]Also provided environmental management systems implementation, training, and auditing services for industry in Arizona, and Air Pollution Control Regulation interpretation and compliance assistance, and NEPA related studies. In 2003 subcontracted to Sierra Services Inc. to implement an ISO 14001 environmental management system for Honeywell Engines, Systems & Accessories in Tempe, AZ. Taught the “Understanding Meteorology and Air Quality” course for the Arizona State University “Osher Life Long Learning Academy” at Del Webb’s Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZ.

Alameda County, (two) and Napa County (one), California Superior court appearances and one OSHA, appearance before a United States Administrative Law Judge as a meteorological expertwitness,.

University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX

August 2011 — January 2014

Adjunct Professor:School of math, science and engineering’s meteorology department. Taught undergraduate classes: Climatology, Physical Meteorology, Natural Hazards and Disasters, and Atmospheric Thermodynamics.

Maricopa County Community College District, Phoenix, AZ

January 2005 — May 2010

Adjunct Professor: Physics and Mathematics Department. Taught GPH-212 “Introduction to Meteorology 1” and GPH-214 “Introduction to Meteorology 1 Lab”.Taught the “Understanding Meteorology and Air Quality” course for the Arizona State University Osher Life Long Learning Academy at Del Webb’s Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZin 2006.

Maricopa County, Arizona, Air Quality Division, Environmental Services Department August 1999 — January 2001

Air Quality Compliance Manager:Managed the Air Quality Compliance and Technical Services Program, the asbestos NESHAP program, Title V and Non-title V major and minor source inspection and compliance program, and the Maricopa County Earth Moving and Dust Control program. Supervised a staff of 27 environmental professionals and unit supervisors. Responsibilities also included Air Quality Compliance liaison to the Maricopa County small business environmental assistance program and meteorological consultation to the Title V permitting section.

Battelle Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio

August 1993 — August 1999

SectionalProgram Scientist. Subcontractor to the Waste and Environmental Management Department of the Mason and Hanger Corporation at the U.S. DOE Pantex Plant Amarillo, TX.

  1. Managed the environmental compliance and monitoring section, supervised 10 environmental professionals, helped develop department budget.
  2. DOE Pantex EIS Program Office member and technical liaison to DOE’s prime EIS contractor.
  3. Media scientist responsible for non-radiological ambient air monitoring program, meteorological monitoring and data quality assurance, ISO 14000 program lead for plant and program lead for Clean Air Act Amendments Title V federal operating permit program for the plant.

GSQRD Associates LLC, Tracy, California

October 1992 — August 1993

Certified Consulting Meteorologist:Private environmental and meteorological consulting; member of California South Coast Air Quality Management District Regional Clean Air Incentives Market working group. Conducted forensic meteorological studies and provided expert testimony in Alameda County, California and Napa County, California Superior Courts. Held Guest participating scientist status at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

International Technology (IT) Corporation, Irvine CA

1991 — 1992

Senior Program Manager:Section manager and member IT Technical Associates Program. Responsible for technical and administrative management of air permitting, risk assessment and management projects, hazardous waste site remediation, air quality aspects of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) closures and corrective actions, client development and marketing strategies, proposal generation and regulatory agency liaison. Managed two air quality professionals.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA

1978 — 1991

Atmospheric Physicist: Assessments and Operations Manager of the Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC). Responsible for the operational readiness and management of:

  • 14 operations personnel
  • an ensemble of 3-dimensional mass-consistent atmospheric transport and diffusion models and for providing support to the emergency response programs of the DOE, the Department of Defense’s Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
  • Primary ARAC technical operations and atmospheric dispersion modeling liaison to DOE, DNA, NRC, and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence’s Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Aldermasten.

United States Air Force(Air Weather Service)

1964 — 1978

Enlisted Weather Observer (USN & USAF) & USAF Staff Weather Officer

  • Various meteorological assignments within and outside the borders of the UnitedStates that included tours of duty in Germany, Thailand and the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).
  • Taught atmospheric dispersion of toxic effluents course for Titan II missile crews at McConnell AFB, Kansas;
  • Taught FAA meteorology portion of the FAA multi-engine aviation course in Saigon during a tour of duty in the RVN.
  • Last duty assignment prior to USAF retirement was as Staff Meteorologist to the USAF Space Shuttle Program Office at Los Angeles Air Force Station, CA.
  • Taught remedial mathematics, applied calculus, algebra math courses as an adjunct professor at Moorpark Junior College in my off duty time.


American Meteorological Society certification:

  • Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM): Certificate # 214

Institute of Professional Environmental Practice certification:

  • Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)(Status: QEP Emeritus) ): Certificate # 06930021

California Community College Instructor Lifetime Teaching Credential # 6 2 GRE 001


Meteorology Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Bachelor of Science degree granted.

Meteorology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OklahomaMaster of Science degree granted.
Master of Science Thesis: "An Investigation of the Formation and Maintenance of Karman Vortex Patterns".

Atmospheric Science University of California at Davis, CA ABD,Atmospheric Science Candidate in Philosophy (C. Phil.) degree granted


References available upon request.