
1Read the extract of the news article quickly. Then circle the correct words to complete the sentences. ____ / 0.4 point

a.The text is about female entrepreneurs / Sophia Amoruso.

b.It presents personal stories / facts and statistics.

2Read the news article again. Check () all the statements that are correct about it.

____ / 0.8 point

a.Some women think about having their own business for a long time before they start it.( )

b.In the article, female entrepreneurs explain how they started their business.( )

c.The article aims at inspiring other women to be entrepreneurs.( )

d.Sophia Amoruso started selling clothes online in 2012.( )

e.She wrote a book that became a bestseller.( )

f.She is now the CEO of Nasty Gal, working with the creative side of the business.( )

g.Before founding Nasty Gal, Sophia worked in the fashion industry.( )

h.She is good at convincing people to follow her ideas.( )

3Read the news article once more. Match the information in the text with their meaning.

____ / 0.9 point

a.“There’s no ‘magic pill’ that effortlessly launches you out of your cubicle confinement and into the free world of entrepreneurship.”

( ) People can use magic to solve problems in entrepreneurship.

( ) There aren’t easy ways to become an entrepreneur.

( ) Sleeping pills don’t help entrepreneurs to relax at night.

b.“The truth is, great success in business grows from just one, tiny seed.”

( ) A simple thing can be the origin of success in entrepreneurship.

( ) Planting seeds to grow trees can be a great way to start a business.

( ) It is difficult to grow a successful business only telling the truth.

c.“Don’t give up, don’t take anything personally, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

( ) Be persistent and take things professionally.

( ) Accept when people say “No”.

( ) Consider criticism as a personal thing.


4Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.____ / 0.6 point

a.Anna is really ______about her new business. She can’t stop smiling.

b.I’m so ______today. I feel like I could sleep for 24 hours…

c.Don’t get so ______! Shouting at me won’t solve your problems!

d.The Taylors are really ______about their new store. They talk about it all the time.

e.Kayla is still ______about her fight with Mia. I saw her crying during recess.

f.Were you ______at Allison’s decision of leaving school? It came as a shock to me.

5Complete the sentences with adjectives depicting how people feel in these situations.

____ /0.8 point

a.You are alone at home at night. You hear someone trying to open the front door.

You feel ______.

b.You are walking down the patio at school during recess. You stumble and fall.

You feel ______.

c.You ate too much cake and candy at a party.

You feel ______.

d.You get a good grade in a very difficult test.

You feel ______.

6Complete the crossword puzzle with the nouns from the adjectives.____ / 1 point













7Use four of the nouns in Act. 6 to complete the sentences.____ / 1 point

a.I think ______is one of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur. It is important to remain relaxed in stressful times.

b.That new store on Oak Ave. was such a ______! The prices are high and the clothes are ugly.

c.What a ______, Emma! I didn’t know you were coming to the party!

d.We believe ______is the most important quality of our boss. She is kind to her subordinates and shares her knowledge with us.

e.We believe ______is the most important quality of our boss. She is kind to her subordinates and shares her knowledge with us.

f.My mom always say: ‘You can’t buy ______!’


8Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.____ / 0.8 point

a.The business ______(launch – simple past) by my grandpa in 1985.

b.Don’t worry, all the problems ______(solve – simple future) in due time.

c.The windows ______(clean – simple present) every Tuesday.

d.Girls’ education ______(neglect – present perfect) in several countries for many years.

e.Do you think women ______(pay – going to) as much as men in the future?

f.My favorite book ______(write – simple past) in 1952!

g.Women entrepreneurship ______(discuss – simple present) at our school in all classes.

h.When ______that movie about women rights ______(produce – simple past)?

9Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.____ / 0.8 point

a.J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series.


b.Ms. Brown will teach the new course on entrepreneurship.


c.A Taliban gunman shot Malala Yousafzai in 2012.


d.The girls in the 8th grade sell the campaign T-shirts to raise money.


10Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.

____ / 0.8 point

a.Facebook ______(start) by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004.

b.New ways to access the Internet ______(invent) in the future.

c.My mom ______(work) to start a new business right now.

d.We ______(donate) books to a girls’ school in Africa every year.


11Listen to an extract of a speech given by Malala Yousafzai at the United Nations in 2013. Then complete its transcript with the words from the box. ____ / 1 point

There are hundreds of human rights activists and a. ______who are not only speaking for their rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goal of peace, b. ______and equality. Thousands of people have been killed by the c. ______and millions have been injured. I am just one of them. So here I stand. So here I stand, one d. ______, among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a e. ______can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights. Their right to f. ______in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity. Their right to equality of g. ______. Their right to be educated.

Dear friends, on 9 October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They shot my h. ______, too. They thought that the bullets would silence us, but they i.______. And out of that j. ______came thousands of voices.


12Write an email to a fictitious organization about a cause you would like to contribute to.

____ / 1.1 points