IAG – Action Plan – April – July 2016

I took over as support project Manager in April and was tasked with reviewing the IAG process –

Stage one Induction IAG

Ref / Objective / Action / Target date to achieve – time line / Results / review / Impact / Evaluation / Person responsible / Completed / Cross ref
1 / Review current Initial IAG process / Look at current induction IAG – and provision / End April 2016 / Not robust enough – info only on current ILP
Need more personal information regarding – personal circumstances – situation – Motivations – barriers - starting point – and personal goals / A more robust IAG needs to be put in place to support the learner
Initial induction needs to be a one – one style session
A format needs to be devised to make IAG uniform across all classes - / TA – TK / Before May sessions start
2 / Research other documentation / Look at other forms of IAG used / End April 2016 / Several templates view / Devise own more fit for purpose document is required / TA / Yes
3 / Create a document to support Initial IAG / Document created / First week May 2016 / Template devised / Improve IAG provision / TA / TK / Yes
4 / Discuss implications and budget to introduce IAG to current provision / To discuss potential payment for additional IAG session.
How new introduction of the form should be implemented
Time line for introduction of new paperwork / Before May starts / Agreed a cost for a more robust IAG session – per learner / Budget revised to allow for IAG / DPH - TK – TM –
TA / Yes
5 / Share documentation with IAG Staff and delivery Partners /
  • Meeting with IAG Staff and partners moving forward –
  • New paperwork – implications – targets -
/ 4.5.16 / Productive meeting with IAG staff and Partners / Start using document and new format effective now / TA / Yes – all partners in attendance
6 / Review IAG forms after month one / Review – returned IAG forms analyse and feedback to IAG Staff and Partners / Before next round of IAG sessions take place / Main findings & AFI
  • Learners completing forms.
  • Not enough information provided.
  • Blank sections
  • Limited support –
In relation to guidance information linking to goals and points discussed. / Review form –
  • Feedback to IAG Staff and Partners
  • All sections to be completed by Staff – discuss outcomes and goals with learner – learner must sign – where possible make them SMART.
  • Add an additional session to course to ensure IAG is robust and meets requirements of project – complete PHQ and GHD at same time –
A revision of wording is required to a couple of the sections more prompts added to aid discussion / TA / Yes / but needs to be ongoing to some end as each month forms come back – forms need to be monitored for QA purposes. / See 9 – 10 – 11
To help identify potential issues
7 / Attend IAG meeting London / Look at other potential IAG models – use information from session to support IAG moving forward - / 26th May 2016 / Look at models shown
and look to makes changes if required when paperwork review takes place at the end of Phase 2 in July / Look out for Support IAG tools discussed at the meeting –
  • Guidance box set –
  • IAG wheel – TBA
  • Think – get – keep –
When document up for review consider think – get – keep / DPH – TA / July 2016 / Link to point 11
8 / Share form with MHP Service user steering group / Introduce form to Steering group at next planned meeting obtain feedback / Meeting 22nd June - / Feedback –
Group liked the form – comments included
  • More personal –
  • Person centred – More supportive to needs of the learner. Helps to identify learners needs and goals – barriers and look at suggestions to overcome some issues
/ Well received much preferred to the three start – mid and end IPSOS forms – they were happy to see these were no longer being used and this was now being implemented / TA – DPH / Yes
9 / TA – to carry out IAG to enable robust feedback to IAG Staff and Partners - / TA to trail form in action with next available cohort / ASAP / Minimum time ½ hour per learner most cases 45 mins
Use as a way to open dialogue and discuss background – during 1- 1 complete PHG - GHD ( Evolve form)
After when appropriate course has been decided,enrol learners(if support is required at enrolment eg enrolment form filling then provide this – volunteers could support enrolment element moving forward) / Feedback to IAG staff and partners – re time and expectations to carry out robust initial IAG / TA / Yes – June cohort / As a result of 6 and then
Link to 10 / 11/
10 / TA to monitor forms each month and feedback to IAG Staff and Partners / Ongoing to end July 2016 / End July 2016 / Main issue robustness of the back section of the form in some cases not all as improvements have been made / One partner fed back – in some cases stopping to complete the form interrupts the discussion and dialogue –
Suggest need to use as a guide and complete sensitively - – it is about the learner and establishing need and goals and needs to be completed – time spent on actual form depends on the conversation / TA / Complete / Link to 11
11 / Review documentation
And robustness of IAG – obtain feedback from IAG Staff and partners - / End July 2016 / Sept 2016 / Look at introducing more – THINK – GET – KEEP format to IAG to enable greater links to top – up sessions - / TA
Risk / Staff
High / TM / Tom Molloy / Head of Service
Med / DPH / Debbie Poole – Hunt / Project Leader
Low / TA / Tracey Attard / Project Manager
TK / Teresa King / Contracts Manager