2012 NAE4-HA National Conference Report

Discover Your Treasures in Florida: Fun, Friends, 4-H and Flamingos!

October 21-16, 2012

Lake Buena Vista, Florida

18 4-H staff and 3 lifetime members attended the 2012 NAE4HA Conference in Sunny Orlando, Florida October 21-26! Several Wisconsin colleagues led sessions and poster presentations in Orlando.

State's Night Out at the 2012 NAE4-HA conference featured 85° weather with the sun setting in the background. The table of 4-H colleagues sat on the deck of Paradiso 37 and enjoyed fabulous food, entertaining dinner music, and great conversation. Following dinner, everyone enjoyed a relaxing walk back to the Hilton and some shopping at the wide array of shops in Downtown Disney.

4-H Youth Development Program Director Dale Leidheiser and Associate Program Director, Kandi O’Neil also attended the conference. Retiree Kay Buelke Schroeder was recognized as a lifetime member of NAE4-HA.

During the North Central Regional Breakfast, several Wisconsin award winners were recognized for winning Regional Awards including:

Excellence in Natural Resources/Environmental Education (Individual)

Connie Abert, Waupaca County, Regional Award Winner

Excellence in Global Citizenship Programming

Dani (Miller) Ganje, Burnett County, Regional Award Winner

Excellence in 4-H Volunteerism (Individual)

Colleen Pulvermacher, Vernon County , Regional Award Winner

At the 2012 NAE4-HA Awards Banquet, the following colleagues were recognized for Service to WAE4-HYDP:

Achievement in Service Awards:

Mary Pardee , Dean Slark , Jennifer Swenson

Distinguished Service Awards:

Alissa Grenawalt, Bernie O’Rourke, Lori Laberee

Meritorious Service Award:

Kandi O’Neil

National Committee Chair – Geospatial

Gail Roberts

Future Conferences:

The Galaxy IV Conference is September 15 - 19, 2013 in Pittsburgh, PA. http://www.jcep.org/galaxy-htm

The 2014 NAE4-HA Conference will be October 26-30 at the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The 2015 NAE4-HA Conference will be October 25-29 at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower in Portland, Oregon.

Alissa Grenawalt and Deb Ivey

National Conference Co-Chairs