DM’s AD&D Collective, version 1.1
by Donald Miller ()
[P4] Classes (07/29/02)
See the next pages for the actual class tables.
[P4.0] How to read the Class table:
The class table is divided into groups (Warrior, Wizard, Priest, Rogue, Psionicist, Concordant), then alphabetically.
Class: The class name. They are frequently abbreviated, sorry if it's not always obvious what they are. :)
If a class has a "0" at the end, it's from (non-advanced) D&D.
If it has a "1", it is considered a "1st edition class". "2" means "2nd edition" and "3" means "3rd edition".
"4" means "4th edition", based on some ideas from Wizard of the Coast's April Fools 2001 page.
If there is no number at the end, it was probably made up by me. You may consider it to be any edition you like.
Requisites: You need a 9 in these stats to qualify (Guard, Witch Doctor, Shaman, Scout, Psi1A, Psi4A, Psi9A only need a 6).
Abbr: S D K I W C M L
Stat: Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml Luck (see [X])
"H" is "Highest non-Concordant level", so you need to be 9th in any non-Concordant-group class to qualify.
You get "Exceptional stat bonus" (see [P2]) for each of your stats that's listed as a requisite for your classes.
If a stat is listed twice (called a "double requisite"), you need an 18 to qualify.
You get "Super stat bonus" (see [P2]) for each of your stats that's listed as a double requisite for your classes.
The classes that have double requisites are sometimes called "Arch" classes, and are usually more powerful.
HD/Level: What you get in hit dice per level. There is no hit dice cap, you get them every level.
Note that some classes get more than one hit dice per level, and would be listed like "2d4" (or whatever).
Example: "2d4-1" would mean you roll two four-sided dice and subtract one from the result per level.
A preceding plus ("+d6") means you gain one extra hit die at first level.
A preceding minus ("-2d6") means you lose one hit die at first level. "-2d6" would mean 1d6 at 1st, 3d6 at 2nd, etc.
If you have no hit dice at 1st level, roll 1d6 for hit points. These 1d6 hit points are lost when you do gain a hit die.
An ampersand ("&d6") means the hit points are completely cumulative with your other classes. This means it
doesn't get divided for multi-class PCs, and it gives all of its dice (even low level ones) for dual-class PCs.
Wpn Prof: How many weapon proficiencies you get. The first number is how many base you stat with.
The second number is what you divide you level by for extra slots.
Example: "4+/3" means you start with 4 weapon proficiencies and get 1 every third level (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.).
If the rate is "1", you do get an extra slot at first level (so "5+/1" starts with 6 slots).
If the rate is "½", you get two extra slots at first level ("5+/½" starts with 7, +2 more at 2nd, +2 more at 3rd, etc.)
If you have more than one class, you get the best base amount, plus the extras from all your classes.
THAC0: Which THAC0 table you read. "½x" means halve your level (round down). "2x" means double your level.
"Mon" is "Monster", which is 20-level.
Saves: Which Saving Throw table you read. "½x" means halve your level (round down). "2x" means double your level.
"Mon" is "Monster", which is 18-level in all categories.
If you have more than one class, write down all your saves for all your classes, then take best for each category.
Reference: Where this class came from. "PH1" is Player's Handbook (1st edition), "PH2" is Player's Handbook (2nd edition),
"UA1" is Unearthed Arcana, etc. For a list of Reference codes, see [Z].
"DM" means "Don Miller" (I made it up).
XP: I give levels and XP amounts. XP amounts are given in thousands (sometimes referred to as "KXP").
The maximum "normal" level is 36. Beyond that, you need XP equal to the 36th level amount for each level.
Thus, you would need five times the XP amount needed for 36th in order to be 40th level.
WARRIOR Arch- Archer- Aven0/
Class A-Pal1 Archer1 Archer1 Ran1 Kn0/Pal0 Barb1 BeFtr BeastM Bers1 BSmith2 Brick Bushi1
Str 12 16 15 15
Dex 6 24 15 15
Con 10 10 9 14
Int 10 15 6 13
Wis 12 7 6 14
Chr - 7 6 6
Int 9
Wis 9
Dex 9
Con 12
HD/Level 2d8-1 d10 d8 +d8 d8 d12 d10 ++d6 d12 d10 4d6 d10
Wpn Prof 5+/1 5+/1 4+/2 4+/2 4+/4 6+/1 5+/1 1+/1 4+/1 3+/3 6+/½ 4+/2
THAC0 War 2xWar War War Ftr0 War Mon War 2xWar War 1½xWar War
Saves War 1½xWar War War Ftr0 War Mon Pri ½xWar War 2xWar Rog
Reference BoD2 DM BoD3 BoD3 RC UA DM DM BoD2 S&S2 DM OA
1 0 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0
2 1.625 20 2.5 2.725 2 6 2 2.475 2.2 2 140 1.5
3 3.25 40 5 5.45 4 12 4 4.95 4.4 4 210 3
4 6.5 80 11 11.9 8 24 8 9.9 8.8 8 280 6
5 13 60 22 23.8 16 48 16 19.8 19.8 16 350 14
6 26 120 42.5 46.1 32 80 32 39.6 38.5 32 420 30
7 52 240 92.5 100 64 150 64 79.2 77 64 490 60
8 104 480 162 177 120 275 128 158.4 137.5 125 560 120
9 208 960 287 317 240 500 256 350 275 250 700 240
10 416 1440 512 572 360 1000 456 700 550 500 1400 480
11 832 1920 850 940 480 1500 656 1050 825 750 2100 710
12 1664 2400 1187 1307 600 2000 856 1400 1100 1000 2800 1000
13 2100 2880 1525 1675 720 2500 1056 1750 1375 1250 3500 1250
14 2500 3360 1862 2042 840 3000 1256 2100 1650 1500 4200 1500
15 2900 3840 2200 2410 960 3500 1456 2450 1925 1750 4900 1750
16 3300 4320 2540 2780 1080 4000 1856 2800 2200 2000 5600 2000
17 3700 4800 2880 3150 1200 4500 2056 3150 2475 2250 6300 2250
18 4100 5280 3220 3520 1320 5000 2456 3500 2750 2500 7000 2500
19 4500 5760 3560 3890 1440 5500 2856 3850 3025 2750 7700 2750
20 4900 6240 3900 4260 1560 6000 3256 4200 3300 3000 8400 3000
21 5300 6720 4240 4630 1680 6500 3656 4550 3575 3250 9100 3250
22 5700 7200 4580 5000 1800 7000 4056 4900 3850 3500 9800 3500
23 6100 7680 4920 5370 1920 7500 4456 5250 4125 3750 10500 3750
24 6500 8160 5260 5740 2040 8000 4856 5600 4400 4000 11200 4000
25 6900 8640 5600 6110 2160 8500 5256 5950 4675 4250 11900 4250
26 7300 9120 5940 6480 2280 9000 5656 6300 4950 4500 12600 4500
27 7700 9600 6280 6850 2400 9500 6456 6650 5225 4750 13300 4750
28 8100 10080 6620 7220 2520 10000 7256 7000 5500 5000 14000 5000
29 8500 10560 6960 7590 2640 10500 8056 7350 5775 5250 14700 5250
30 8900 11040 7300 7960 2760 11000 8856 7700 6050 5500 15400 5500
31 9300 11520 7640 8330 2880 11500 9656 8050 6325 5750 16100 5750
32 9700 12000 7980 8700 3000 12000 10456 8400 6600 6000 16800 6000
33 10100 12480 8320 9070 3120 12500 11256 8750 6875 6250 17500 6250
34 10500 12960 8660 9440 3240 13000 12056 9100 7150 6500 18200 6500
35 10900 13440 9000 9810 3360 13500 12856 9450 7425 6750 18900 6750
36 11300 13920 9340 10180 3480 14000 14456 9800 7700 7000 19600 7000
Class Cav1 CavPal1 Duel1 Dwarf0 Engin2 Ftr0 Ftr1 Ftr2 Ftr3 Ftr4 Glad2
Requisites SK SKWC SD SK Int 12 S S S SK SSDK SSDK
Wis 10
HD/Level d10 d12 d12 d8 d8 d8 d10 d10 d10 d30 d12
Wpn Prof 5+/2 5+/2 3+/1 2+/3 3+/4 4+/3 4+/3 4+/2 4+/1 4+/½ 6+/½
THAC0 War War War Ftr0 Pri Ftr0 War War War+1 War(d30) 2xWar
Saves War War War Dwa0 Pri Ftr0 War War War War(d30) Rog
Reference UA UA BoD4 0D&D S&S2 0D&D PH1 PH2 PH3 wizards DS
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2.5 3 2.5 2.2 1.25 2 2 2 1.4 7 3
3 5 6 5 4.4 2.5 4 4 4 6.3 28 6
4 10 13 10 8.8 5 8 8 8 16.8 70 12
5 18.5 25.85 20 17 10 16 18 16 35 140 24
6 37 48.7 40 35 20 32 35 32 63 245 48
7 85 103.5 80 70 40 64 70 64 102.9 392 100
8 140 189 160 140 90 120 125 125 156.8 588 200
9 220 372 320 270 180 240 250 250 226.8 840 400
10 300 730 640 400 380 360 500 500 315 1155 800
11 600 1110 960 530 590 480 750 750 423.5 1540 1200
12 900 1490 1290 660 800 600 1000 1000 554.4 2002 1600
13 1200 1870 1600 800 1000 720 1250 1250 709.8 2548 2000
14 1500 2250 1920 1000 1200 840 1500 1500 891.8 3185 2400
15 1800 2630 2220 1200 1400 960 1750 1750 1102.5 3920 2800
16 2100 3010 2820 1400 1600 1080 2000 2000 1344 4760 3200
17 2400 3390 3420 1600 1800 1200 2250 2250 1618.4 5712 3600
18 2700 3770 4020 1800 2000 1320 2500 2500 1927.8 6783 4000
19 3000 4150 4620 2000 2200 1440 2750 2750 2274.3 7980 4400
20 3300 4530 5220 2200 2400 1560 3000 3000 2660 9310 4800
21 3600 4910 5820 2400 2600 1680 3250 3250 3087 10780 5200
22 3900 5290 6420 2600 2800 1800 3500 3500 3557.4 12397 5600
23 4200 5670 7020 2800 3000 1920 3750 3750 4073.3 14168 6000
24 4500 6050 7620 3000 3200 2040 4000 4000 4636.8 16100 6400
25 4800 6430 8220 3200 3400 2160 4250 4250 5250 18200 6800
26 5100 6810 8820 3400 3600 2280 4500 4500 5915 20475 7200
27 5400 7190 9420 3600 3800 2400 4750 4750 6633.9 22932 7600
28 5700 7570 10020 3800 4000 2520 5000 5000 7408.8 25578 8000
29 6000 7950 10620 4000 4200 2640 5250 5250 8241.8 28420 8400
30 6300 8330 11220 4200 4400 2760 5500 5500 9135 31465 8800
31 6600 8710 11820 4400 4600 2880 5750 5750 10090.5 34720 9200
32 6900 9090 12420 4600 4800 3000 6000 6000 11110.4 38192 9600
33 7200 9470 13020 4800 5000 3120 6250 6250 12196.8 41888 10000
34 7500 9850 13620 5000 5200 3240 6500 6500 13351.8 45815 10400
35 7800 10230 14220 5200 5400 3360 6750 6750 14577.5 49980 10800
36 8100 10610 14820 5400 5600 3480 7000 7000 15876 54390 11200
Class Grunt Guard Kens1 KniCr1 KniQu1 KniRo1 KniSw1 Legion MystKni Pal1 Ran1 Ran2
HD/Level d20 d8 d10 +d10 d16 +d10 +d10 2d6 +d10 d10 +d8 d10
Wpn Prof 5+/2 4+/3 3+/1 4+/2 7+/1 6+/2 5+/2 6+/½ 3+/2 5+/2 4+/2 4+/2
THAC0 Mon War War War 2xWar War War 2xWar War War War War
Saves Mon War War War 2xWar/Pri Pri War War Psi War War War
1 0 0 0 2.5 War 9 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 0
2 1.5 0.8 3 5 550-250 5 5 2.25 2.9 2.75 2.25 2.25
3 3 1.6 5.5 10 900-250 12 12 4.5 5.8 5.5 4.5 4.5
4 6 3.2 10 18.5 1300 -etc. 27 24 9 11.6 12 10 9
5 12 6.4 22 37 1750 60 45 18 23.2 24 20 18
6 24 12.8 44 85 2250 125 95 36 46.4 45 40 36
7 48 25.6 88 140 2800 200 175 72 92.8 95 90 75
8 96 51.2 150 220 3400 425 350 144 185.6 175 150 150
9 200 102.4 250 300 4050 800 700 288 371.2 350 225 300
10 400 204.8 500 600 4750 1500 1050 513 600 700 325 600
11 600 360 750 900 5450 2000 1400 738 1000 1050 650 900
12 800 520 1000 1200 6150 2500 1750 963 1400 1400 975 1200
13 1000 680 1250 1500 6850 3000 2100 1188 1800 1750 1300 1500
14 1200 840 1500 1800 7550 3500 2450 1413 2200 2100 1625 1800
15 1400 1000 1750 2100 8250 4000 2800 1638 2600 2450 1950 2100
16 1600 1160 2000 2400 8950 4500 3150 2088 3000 2800 2275 2400
17 1800 1320 2250 2700 9650 5000 3500 2313 3400 3150 2600 2700
18 2000 1480 2500 3000 10350 6000 3850 2763 3800 3500 2925 3000
19 2200 1640 2750 3300 11050 7000 4200 3213 4200 3850 3250 3300
20 2400 1800 3000 3600 11750 8000 4550 3663 4600 4200 3575 3600
21 2600 1960 3250 3900 12450 9000 4900 4113 5000 4550 3900 3900
22 2800 2120 3500 4200 13150 10000 5250 4563 5400 4900 4225 4200
23 3000 2280 3750 4500 13850 11000 5600 5013 5800 5250 4550 4500
24 3200 2440 4000 4800 14550 12000 5950 5463 6200 5600 4875 4800
25 3400 2600 4250 5100 15250 13000 6300 5913 6600 5950 5200 5100
26 3600 2760 4500 5400 15950 14000 6650 6363 7000 6300 5525 5400
27 3800 2920 4750 5700 16650 15000 7000 7263 7400 6650 5850 5700
28 4000 3080 5000 6000 17350 16000 7350 8163 7800 7000 6175 6000
29 4200 3240 5250 6300 18050 17000 7700 9063 8200 7350 6500 6300
30 4400 3400 5500 6600 18750 18000 8050 9963 8600 7700 6825 6600
31 4600 3560 5750 6900 19450 19000 8400 10863 9000 8050 7150 6900
32 4800 3720 6000 7200 20150 20000 8750 11763 9400 8400 7475 7200
33 5000 3880 6250 7500 20850 21000 9100 12663 9800 8750 7800 7500
34 5200 4040 6500 7800 21550 22000 9450 13563 10200 9100 8125 7800
35 5400 4200 6750 8100 22250 23000 9800 14463 10600 9450 8450 8100
36 5600 4360 7000 8400 22950 24000 10150 16263 11000 9800 8775 8400
Class Samur1 Smith1 Surviv
Requisites SIKW SD SSI
HD/Level d10 d10,d4* +d10
Wpn Prof 4+/3 9+/1 4/+1
THAC0 War ½xWar War
Saves 2xRog War 2xWar
Reference OA BoD4 DM
1 0 0 0
2 2.5 1.5 4.5
3 5 3 9
4 10 6 18
5 18 9 36
6 36.5 15 72
7 75 21 144
8 135 33 288
9 235 45 500
10 400 69 900
11 650 93 1350
12 1000 141 1800
13 1300 237 2250
14 1600 333 2700
15 1900 429 3150
16 2200 525 3600
17 2500 621 4050
18 2800 717 4500
19 3100 813 4950
20 3400 909 5400
21 3700 1005 5850
22 4000 1101 6300
23 4300 1197 6750
24 4600 1293 7200
25 4900 1389 7650
26 5200 1485 8100
27 5500 1581 8550
28 5800 1677 9000
29 6100 1773 9450
30 6400 1869 9900
31 6700 1965 10350
32 7000 2061 10800
33 7300 2157 11250
34 7600 2253 11700
35 7900 2349 12150
36 8200 2445 12600
Class Alchem1 Apoth1 ArchMU Artificer Aspirant AstralP BeMage BRobe1 Cartog2