LING5200 Feb07 Vicky’s classnote

/home/laiv/>grep "^ *epl" README.english

epl English Phonology, Lemmas

/home/laiv/>grep '^[^a-z]*epl' README.english

epl English Phonology, Lemmas

/home/laiv/>egrep '^ *(epl|epw)' README.english

epl English Phonology, Lemmas

epw English Phonology, Wordforms

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] ' | wc

2 52 297

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

Werner K. Rey believes fortunes are made by being friendly.

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swi

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^b][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swiss business community with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^bs][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swiss business community with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiou][^aeiou]* '

Werner K. Rey believes fortunes are made by being friendly.

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swiss business community with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire.

His latest coup: September's masterminding of the five billion Swiss-franc ($3.07 billion) merger between Adia S.A., the world's second-largest temporary employment agency, and Inspectorate International S.A., a Rey-controlled product-inspection company.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.]* '

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swiss business community with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-]* '


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564

And in little more than a decade of being friendly -- and at the same time rocking the staid Swiss business community with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire.

Writes Bilanz: "No one in Switzerland ever came so far so fast . . . He was simply the first in this country to realize that treasures were just lying around waiting to be picked up.

For financial analysts, reading Omni's accounts is a tough challenge. "Companies move in and out," says Helga Kern of KK Swiss Investment.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564

For financial analysts, reading Omni's accounts is a tough challenge. "Companies move in and out," says Helga Kern of KK Swiss Investment.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | grep [A-Z][A-Z]*

grep: No match.

/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | grep -v '[A-Z][A-Z]*'


/corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj/05/>more ~/feb07

1 9:44 head -5 /corpora/celex/english/README | tail -l | wc > junk

2 9:44 cat junk

3 9:45 head -5 /corpora/celex/english/README | tail -l > junk

4 9:45 cat junk

5 9:56 grep " epl" README.english

6 9:59 grep " ^epl" README.english

7 9:59 grep "^ *epl" README.english

8 10:01 grep '^[^a-z]*epl' README.english

9 10:02 egrep '^ *(epllepw)' README.english

10 10:02 egrep '^ *(epl|epw)' README.english

11 10:06 cd /corpora/treebank2/raw/wsj

12 10:06 cd 05

13 10:06 ls

14 10:07 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] ' | wc

15 10:08 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

16 10:10 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^b][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

17 10:10 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^bs][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z] '

18 10:19 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiou][^aeiou]* '

19 10:20 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-]* '

20 10:20 head -10 wsj_0564 | grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.]* '

21 10:22 grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l

22 10:22 grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l

23 10:23 grep -i ' [^aeiouy][^aeiouy.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l

24 10:24 grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | wc -l

25 10:24 grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564

26 10:29 grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564

27 10:33 grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | grep [A-Z][A-Z]*

28 10:36 grep -i ' [^aeiouy0-9.-][^aeiouy0-9.-%]* ' wsj_0564 | grep -v '[A-Z][A-Z]*'

29 10:37 history > -/feb07

30 10:37 echo history > -/feb07

31 10:37 history > ~/feb07