April 22, 2013

4:00 PM ET; 3:00 PM CT; 2:00 PM MT; 1:00 PM PT

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  • Welcome & Review of Agenda—Mary Anderson

The Chair welcomed members to the monthly conference call of the Center for Sustainability and asked for any changes or additions to the agenda. No changes or additions were offered. Center for Sustainability members in attendance included: Mary Anderson, Colin Doyle, Dwayne Kalynchuk, Scott Whalen, Keith Reester, Carl Quiram, Jen Winter and APWA Board of Directors Liaison Bill Spearman.

  • Approval of March Meeting Minutes – Mary Anderson/Group

Approval of the March Meeting minutes was postponed until next month.

  • Board Update– Bill Spearman

The APWA Board of Directors recently met in conjunction with the APWA Snow Conference and the International Federation of Municipalities (IFME). The meeting focused on the FY14 budget request. The FY 14 budget will be finalized over the coming weeks and adopted by the end of this fiscal year.

  • Updates & Reminders–Julia Anastasio
  • Sustainability in Public Works Conference

Julia reminded the Leadership Group that the 2013 SPW is rapidly approaching and at this time there were approximately 120 registered attendees to the conference.

  1. T&DI Green Streets, Highways & Development Conference Steering Committee

Julia updated the group on participation in the ASCE T&DI Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference Steering Committee. The second annual T&DI Green Streets, Highways, and Development conference will be hold in Austin, TX in November. The Steering Committee is looking for volunteers to help review session proposals. If anyone is interested in helping with this task, they should let Julia know and she will coordinate with you.

  1. GSA Federal Register Notice – comments were filed.
  • Subcommittee Updates
  • Institutionalize sustainability principles and practices into all APWA operations. – Jen Winter

Project is on hold until the FY 14 budget is approved by the APWA Board of Directors.

  • Design and execute an effective marketing and outreach program on APWA Center for Sustainability activities and accomplishments
  • Complete a baseline assessment of effectiveness of communications tools and market penetration to membership – Kim Lundgren
  • Compile and promote success stories and case studies – Carl Quiram

No report.

  • Identify and prioritize other organizations considered key to influencing community sustainability – Julia Anastasio

The list is a living document and additions should be sent to Julia to add to the master list. The current list of organizations was passed onto the subcommittee working on the goal of establishing APWA as a leader on community sustainability.

  • Develop marketing, outreach, and communications strategy to increase the market penetration of APWA sustainability resources and information. – Kim Lundgren

On hold until baseline assessment is established.

  • Prepare a presentation template on sustainability for use by Chapters and develop a value proposition to encourage Chapters to include sustainability into their professional development activities. – Mary Pat Baldauf

No Report.

  • Promote and support the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and the Envision™ Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System. – Carl Quiram

No report.

  • Leverage existing APWA resources, programs and initiatives to fully integrate sustainability throughout APWA operations and programs.
  • Prepare a written structure outlining the role of the Center and the roles of other APWA programs such as APWA Technical Committees or the International program to increase integration of sustainability throughout APWA offerings. – Keith Reester

Keith Reester reviewed the technical committee matrix that he developed and outlined the plans for moving this project forward. Keith and Julia will populate the matrix and get it back out to the larger group for consideration and discussion of next steps.

  • Continue to develop group of APWA Chapter Sustainability Liaisons or Committee Chairs and continue to host quarterly conference calls with this group. – Carl Quiram

Carl briefed the group on the last Chapter liaisons conference call that was held in late March. There was good attendance on the call. Liaisons were briefed on the Center’s Strategic Plan and were given an opportunity to ask questions and compare notes among each other. The next quarterly conference call will be held in July 2013.

  • Develop the next generation of sustainability leaders—Carl Quiram

No report.

  • Establish APWA as a leader on sustainability with other organizations considered key to influencing community sustainability. – Marshall Elizer

Julia and Mary updated the Center Leadership Group on the first call of this subcommittee. The group discussed whether APWA should strive to be “the” source for sustainable leadership or “a” source for sustainable leadership. Marshall will put a draft document together and share it with the larger committee for review and comment.

  • New Items --- Group

The next conference call will be held May 20, 2013 at 4 PM ET.

The Center for Sustainability will meet on August 24, 2013 from 9-12 during the 2013 Chicago Congress.

  • Adjourn