Application Process

The Chester County Middle College High School is a unique educational program designed for students who have not performed to their fullest potential in a traditional high school environment. The middle college program offers a smaller class size, a supportive environment, and the opportunity to earn college credit during the junior and senior years of high school. In order to ensure more teacher-student interaction, student population at the Chester County Middle College is limited.

Students interested in the middle college must first contact their school guidance counselor. There are certain guidelines established by each school district that must be followed when considering attendance in an Alternative Education Program.

Prior to acceptance, a student must complete the application, provide a copy of his/her transcript, a copy of attendance and discipline records, and obtain two completed teacher/counselor perception checklists. The checklists may come from current or previous teachers/counselors of the student’s choice.

Students who successfully complete the application process will be scheduled for an interview with the principal and/or members of the middle college staff. The interview will be conducted with parents/guardians present and will take approximately thirty minutes to complete. Students and parents/guardians will be asked a series of questions related to involvement and commitment to the middle college.

Applications are accepted year round as long as openings exist within the program. Students will be notified by mail if they have been accepted into the middle college program. Acceptance letters will be sent within two weeks from the time of receipt of completed application packet.

Students may be required to obtain a signature of approval from a designated administrator in their local district.

Questions or requests for additional information should be directed to:

Christopher C. Watson, Principal

Chester County Middle College High School

Chester County Intermediate Unit

906 Springdale Drive

Exton, PA 19341

Phone: (610) 280-9377


The following should be assembled by the student and his/her counselor:

_____ Application - essays, questions and demographics completed and attached, signed by

parent/guardian and student

_____ Transcript - secured from counseling office and attached

_____ Attendance report - secured from counseling office and attached

_____ Discipline file - secured from the discipline office and attached

_____ Teacher/counselor perception checklists - completed by two teachers/counselors

of the student’s choice and attached

_____ IEP - students with an IEP must secure a copy and include it with the application

_____ PSSA results

_____ Signature of approval sheet from district (if required)

_____ Graduation Project Completed?

The Chester County Middle College High School

is a joint effort

of the

The Chester County Intermediate Unit


The Delaware County Community College

The Chester County Intermediate Unit will not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, handicap, marital status, religion or because a person is a disabled veteran or a veteran of the Vietnam era. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for employees and program participants who are disabled. No preschool, elementary or secondary school pupil enrolled in an Intermediate Unit program shall be denied equal opportunity to participate in age and program appropriate instruction or activities due to race, color, disability, handicap, creed, national origin, marital status or financial hardship. Participation in instruction and activities for a student identified as exceptional may be modified according to the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) developed for the student. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for pupils who are disabled.


Student Application

Name: ______Sex: M____ F____

Street address: ______

City:______State: ______Zip code: ______Date of birth:______

Home phone: ______Lives with: ______

Email Address:

Current school: ______Current grade: ______

Parent/guardian: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip:______

Place of employment: ______

Home telephone: ______Work:______Cell:______

Email Address:

Parent/guardian: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip: ______

Place of employment: ______

Home telephone: ______Work:______Cell:______

Email Address:

For office use only

  • Student accepted to Chester County Middle College High School
  • Student accepted, # ______on a waiting list to enter
  • Student not accepted

Reason for ineligibility:


Principal’s signature: ______Date:______


Student Agreement

The purpose of Middle College is to ensure that all students are prepared to enroll in college by completing the required courses for high school graduation and college admission. I agree that if I am accepted to Middle College that I will make every effort to comply with all school rules, policies and procedures. I understand that if I do not comply that I may be asked to leave the Middle College. I understand that this is a school of opportunity, which can provide me with a fresh start and help me complete my educational goals. I, in return, will make a commitment to make every effort to help myself in this process.

I also understand that while enrolled at the Middle College, I will be expected to maintain a full schedule of courses unless I am participating in work study or college courses.

I have read and understand the above statement and I am prepared to enroll in the courses necessary to prepare me for college, which might include courses offered through Delaware County Community College.

Student’s signature:______Date:______

Parent Release of Student Records

I give permission for to release educational records for

(Sending School District)

to the Chester County Middle College High School in

(Student’s Name)

order for him/her to be considered as a candidate to attend this program.

Parent/guardian’s signature:______Date:______

Student’s signature: Date:

Student Essay Questions

Please respond to the following essay question on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure that all pages are attached when submitted to your counselor.

What has been your biggest educational challenge? What have you personally done to overcome this challenge? How will attending Middle College help you overcome this challenge?


Student Application Questions

(Answer in complete sentences)


1.How will you react to the increased freedom of a college environment?

  1. What does it mean to you to come to class prepared?
  1. Under what classroom conditions do you learn best?


  1. Describe a good teacher. Be as specific as possible.
  1. Describe an ineffective teacher you have had in school. Be as specific as possible.
  1. What do you feel teachers can do to be more effective and helpful to students?

4. What classes are the easiest for you? Most difficult? Why?


  1. Describe your hobbies and interests. What do you do for fun outside of school?
  1. What is your greatest strength?
  1. What is your greatest area of improvement?


  1. What is your career plan?
  1. What skills and education do you need to achieve your career plans?
  1. How do you plan to reach you career objectives?
  1. What do you think about the relationship between attendance and academic success?
  1. What kept you from being successful in your home school?
  1. What are some things you will do in order to be successful at Middle College?

Student’s signature:______Date:______

Parent/guardian’s signature:______Date:______


Teacher/Counselor Perception Checklist

Student name:______Grade:______

Return information to:______By (date):______

(School Counselor)

Key:0 = lacking information to make judgmentLow High

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Reading skills
Computational skills
Uses logical thought processes
Demonstrates academic effort
Evidence of ability to be independent thinker
Evidence of self starter
Evidence of potential success in college
Evidence of potential success in work world
Evidence of potential observed in your classroom
Academic success (tests, quizzes, etc.)
Attitude toward learning
Oral participation
Homework assignments
Completion of projects
Social/emotional development
Support from home
Ability to handle freedom
(Hall passes, study time, group work, etc.)
Knows right from wrong
Student’s self-concept
Acceptance of adult authority
Follows classroom rules
Behaviors requiring support from other personnel

Directions:Check any of the following at-risk characteristics that you perceive may apply to this student. Keep in mind the target population for Chester County Middle College High School is at-risk students with potential.

_____potential dropout_____loner


_____history of failure_____potential violence

_____continual under-achievement_____school phobia

_____depression_____lack of parent support

_____discipline concerns_____substance abuse

_____sees school as irrelevant_____runaway

_____health problems_____older siblings that did not

_____disengaged from classroom &/orgraduate from high school

extra-curricular activities

Comments regarding general POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES to be built upon at the middle college:

Comments regarding general DEFICITS that should be addressed at the middle college:

Additional comments:

Your name:______Position:______

Work phone:______Length of time you’ve known student:______

In what capacity do you interact with the student? (teacher, counselor, coach, administrator, etc.)
