AP Statistics Questionairre

1. The grade I received this year was______. The grade I expected to receive was______.

  1. If you took the AP exam, what topics do you think need to be emphasized more when I prepare next year’s lessons? Meaning, were there any topics on the AP exam for which you didn’t feel prepared?
  1. For an AP class, I thought the tests in this class were (circle one)

a) not challenging enoughb) appropriately challengingc) unfairly challenging

  1. The amount of homework given in this class was

a) not enough to learn the materialb) just right to learnc) too much (over kill)

  1. How prepared did you feel for AP Stat? Do you think your previous math classes prepared you? Are there any topics you think the math teachers should touch on to make students more prepared for AP Stat?
  1. Give comments regarding presentation of the daily lessons. I try to mix up note-taking and examples with group work, etc. Did you like the packets/not like them? Thoughts?
  1. How often did you read the textbook? What would make you read the text more?
  1. Did you like the way we reviewed for the AP exam? Ideas or thoughts for improving the review?
  1. What do you think about the end of year project? Do you like the choices/levels? Would you rather just learn another new unit of Stat?
  1. How often did you access my website? (I realize it wasn’t always up-to-date, but next year will be much better.)
  1. If you had been the teacher of this class, what would you have done differently?
  1. If you also took another math class this year, how was the workload? Would you recommend it to others who might be considering it? Advice?
  1. Share any “tips for success” (in the class and on the AP exam) for future students. I’ll post your ideas on my website.