Biblical Background • September 17, 2017

Road to Freedom

This session provides material for all ages. You may choose for all ages to come together for worship, learning, and serving, or meet

in age-specific groups. If you meet in age-specific groups, these pages can be customized for different settings.


Creator God, we see order come from chaos, and we believe. Redeemer God, we experience your compassion and reconciling love, and we have faith. Sustainer God, we sense your lively presence with us, and we honour you. Praise and glory are yours. Amen.


od acted to liberate the Hebrew people, and they responded with joyful celebration. They saw God’s saving work, and believed. Then, as now, God hears the cries of oppressed people and responds. This God is worthy of trust and loyalty. The gift of such compassion strengthens faith for the lifelong journey toward living in freedom in God’s reign.

Focus scripture: Exodus 14:19–31

Exodus 14 continues the story of the Hebrews’ journey to freedom. Following the Passover meal (Exodus 12), the Hebrews fled from their homes, stopping for instruction and consecration of the first-born (Exodus 13). They avoided the main military route between Egypt and Canaan; a daytime cloud and nighttime pillar of fire confirmed God’s leading presence. When trapped in their campsite between the sea and the Egyptian army, Pharaoh seized the opportunity to recapture his escaped workforce.

In today’s passage, God directs the action, moving the cloud to protect the Hebrews as they camp by the sea. God directs Moses and moves the sea. “Water walls” provide a dry crossing for the Hebrew slaves, but there are devastating results when order is restored to the sea.

The storyteller shows that God is responsible for the freedom of the Hebrews. God’s action frees and saves. The people see and believe. God’s actions serve to continue the formation of the people of Israel, who grow in understanding that faith in God is well-placed.

Water is significant in stories of God’s saving work. Water recalls God’s work in creation. God promised Noah to never again destroy with water. Water also is a physical barrier. Water-crossing imagery is found again in the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Crossing through water becomes a metaphor for transformation – a symbol of God’s deliverance. Water, as a sign and symbol, is used in baptism today as a means to rehearse God’s freeing love through Jesus Christ.

For modern readers, Exodus 14 often raises questions about God’s character. Couldn’t God have saved the Egyptians, too? Remember that the storyteller who recorded the stories in Exodus was a person of that time and worldview. Pastor Martin Niemoeller, imprisoned in concentration camps during World War II, said, “It took me a long time to learn that God is not the enemy of my enemies. [God] is not even the enemy of [God’s] enemies.” A Jewish legend tells of God’s words to an archangel, who was celebrating the defeat of the Egyptian army in the sea: “Why do you celebrate while the work of my hands is being destroyed?”

The Exodus stories explore God’s relationship with the Israelites. They help to shape them into a people with mission and charge. These stories become a lens for understanding later events in their history and shape their self-awareness, values, and faith. Their understanding of God as I AM (“I will cause to be”)becomes clearer. The exodus journey is associated with God’s grace, compassion, and salvation, and becomes a metaphor for hope. Two other readings for today – Psalm 114 and Exodus 15:1b–11, 20–21 – affirm the importance of God’s actions in the lives of the people at this time.

For Jesus, the road to freedom was forgiveness. Jesus’ story in Matthew 18:21–25 lifts up the essence of God’s law as God’s gracious, extravagant, unlimited compassion. Paul, in Romans 14:1–2, calls Christians to be accountable to Jesus’ standards and example of forgiveness while living with confidence that we are God’s. Jesus’ disciples today continue to journey toward the freedom of God’s reign, striving to live in ways that honour God.

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God continues to save, and we are called to faith in such freedom. What signs of God’s freeing and reconciling love have you witnessed? What does it mean to join others in celebrating such liberation?


Connecting with life

  • What are your experiences of stepping into an unknown future?
  • What are some feelings associated with these times?


Exodus 14:19–31continues the story of the Hebrews’ journey to freedom. Following the Passover event (Exodus 12), the Hebrews fled from their homes (Exodus 13). In this week’s focus scripture, we find the Hebrews trapped between the sea and the Egyptian army.

Read or listen to the story from the perspective of one of the characters: Pharaoh, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Hebrew male slave, Hebrew female slave, Hebrew child, Egyptians soldier, Egyptian military leader. Be aware of these things as you read/listen to the story as your chosen or assigned character:

  • What did I see or hear during these events? What questions might I have asked? What challenged me? What frightened me? What comforted me?
  • In our time, what challenges are created by migrations of a vast number of refugees – for the refugees and for the communities they leave behind?
  • What do you imagine the implications of the Exodus were for the Hebrews and the Egyptian communities?

In Exodus 3:14, God gives God’s name as “I AM WHO I AM,” which also can be translated as “I WILL CAUSE TO BE.” To what extent do the events of the Exodus reveal this identity to the Hebrews?

Psalm 114and Exodus 15:1b–11, 20–21celebrate God’s actions in the Exodus.

  • What additional insights into the Exodus story do you gain from these readings?
  • How do you think the exodus event might have shaped the faith and beliefs of the Hebrew people?

These stories were recorded centuries after the exodus, probably during the time the Hebrew people were in exile in Babylon.

  • In the retelling of this story, what might the water represent? To what were the Hebrews crossing?
  • To what extent might the Hebrews of the Exodus and those who heard the story later have seen this event as a “test of the gods”?
  • Notice how the storyteller describes the Hebrews in Exodus 14:19. What do you think the narrator conveys through this image?
  • Considering that this text was written by the “victors” – the Hebrews – what questions do you have about this account?
  • How might this text be used to cause harm?

Matthew 18:21–25; Romans 14:1–2For Jesus and Paul, the road to freedom is forgiveness and God’s liberating justice.

  • What do these texts reveal about God’s character and the essence of God’s law?

Connecting scripture and life

God’s compassion strengthens our faith and deepens our trust. God continues to liberate and save, and we are formed in such freedom.

  • What signs of God’s freeing and reconciling love have you witnessed?
  • What can you do to be agents of God’s liberating love for those who are oppressed?
  • How might participation in such liberating acts shape your faith and the faith of others?

Focus for Worship, Learning, and Serving

Television and newspapers confront all ages with images of violent oppression, and the plight of refugees and asylum seekers often motivates strong responses. Many are moved to respond with prayer and acts of mercy for those who must suddenly leave a familiar place and way of life, perhaps without family members or friends, in order to survive. Many stand in solidarity in the quest for liberation and a future with hope.

In the focus scripture today, we encounter the Hebrew people as they flee their known – albeit oppressed – lives to find freedom. This week offers opportunity to consider and reflect upon how our own nations and communities help individuals who are oppressed find liberation. How do you welcome the refugee and asylum seeker? As you prepare for this week, pray for all in your congregation to grow in faith and trust in God, who continues to liberate.