Works Cited-Adolescent and Sleep 5/26/2015

MLA Style Report with Citations & Works Cited Page

Using (autocite feature)

Part 1—Setting Up a MLA Style Report

  1. Open the Adolescents and Sleep report from the Keyboarding 7 works cited page.
  2. Save as adolescents and sleep.
  3. In a header align to the right your last name, then space and add auto page numbering. Close the header.
  4. Check that all four margins are set to 1 inch.
  5. Select Times New Roman font with a font size of 12 pt.
  6. Select line spacing 2.0-double space.
  7. At the left enter your first and last name. Enter.
  8. At the left enter your teacher’s name: Mrs. Wegner. Enter.
  9. At the left enter your class name: Keyboarding. Enter.
  10. At the left insert today’s date using the following format: 17 January 2020
  11. Center the title on the next line. Note: in MLA style you only capitalize the first letter of all important words.
  12. Select the title and paragraphs: set double spacing (2.0), Times New Roman font, size 12.

Part 2--Creating a Citation in the Paper Manually

Citation Entries:

  1. Locate the number 1 in the report.
  2. Highlight the number, remove the bold—ctrl-b
  3. Enter (Dement and Vaughan 85)

4.  Should look like this when done: ” (Dement and Vaughan 85).

  1. Locate the number 2 in the report.
  2. Highlight the number, remove the bold—ctrl-b
  3. Enter (Gavin)

8.  Should look like this when done: ” (Gavin).

  1. Locate the number 3 in the report.
  2. Highlight the number, remove the bold—ctrl-b

11.  Enter (Held 12)

12.  Should look like: ” (Held 12).

  1. Locate the number 4 in the report.
  2. Highlight the number, remove the bold—ctrl-b
  3. Enter (Dement and Vaughan 99).

16.  Should look like: ” (Dement and Vaughan 99).

Part 3—Creating the Works Cited Page Using

  1. Go to the website
  2. Create an account by clicking on “sign up”. If you have an account click on “login” using your Google account.
  3. Select new project and name the project Sleep.
  4. Locate the project in your list and click on the “bibliography” link to get started.
  5. Select book

6.  Copy and paste the isbn into the book box and click the autocite box. isbn: 9780385320085

  1. Select the book from the list.
  2. Double check the information below to see if it is correct:

Source: In Print.

Authors: William C. Dement and Christopher C. Vaughan

Book Title: The Promise of Sleep

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Publisher City: New York

Copyright: 1999

  1. Click the create citation button.
  2. You should now see your entry in MLA 7 format.

11.  In the citation added window near the right is a link to edit citation if you notice something that needs a change or in the bibliography window below the entry you can edit or delete.


  1. Click on the website tab at the top of the web page.

2.  Copy and paste the url into the website box and click autocite:

  1. Double check the information below to see if it is correct:

Source: Web

Webpage/Article: How Can I Get More Sleep?

Website: TeensHealth from Nemours

Web address/URL:

Author/Reviewed by:Mary L. Gavin, MD
Publisher of website: The Nemours Foundation

Copyright/Date reviewed by Dr. Gavin: March 1, 2013

Date accessed: use today’s date

4.  Click the create citation button.

  1. You should now see your entry in MLA 7 format along with the first one in A-Z order.
  1. Choose magazine from the “All 59 Options” tab.
  2. Copy and paste the article title into the magazine box and click autocite: Sleep Dreams: Seven Of 10 Americans Need Better Sleep. Sleep Disorders Are More Common--And More Dangerous--Than Many People Realize.
  3. Double check the information below to see if it is correct:

Source: In Print

Article Title: Sleep Dreams: Seven Of 10 Americans Need Better Sleep. Sleep Disorders Are More Common--And More Dangerous--Than Many People Realize.

Author: Shari Held

Magazine Title: Indiana Business Magazine

Date Published: March 1, 2008

Pages: 11-13

  1. Click the create citation button.
  2. You should now see your entry in MLA 7 format along with the first one in A-Z order.

Double check all your entries for spelling, capital letters, and necessary information, if a change is needed just click on the word “edit” located below each entry in the bibliography screen.

Part 4 Creating the Works Cited Page Using Exporting to a File

  1. Have the Easybib window open to your bibliography listing all your entries.
  2. Click the orange button “Export” and select either Word or Google Docs. Based on what software you are using for your report.
  3. If in Word click the orange download button and you will find the file downloaded in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Click and open it. If in Google Docs. It will ask you to click a few buttons on the screen to go to your Google Docs. version of the works cited page.
  4. Your works cited page should now be properly formatted in either Word or Google Docs.
  5. Select all information and choose copy.

6.  Return to your report and place your cursor below the last paragraph of the report. In Word go to the Insert Tab and select page break. In Google Docs. Go to the Insert Menu and select page break.

  1. Paste your works cited page making sure all the formatting stayed the same. NOTE: Word users if you right click to paste make sure to paste by selecting the paintbrush icon “keep source formatting” instead of any of the other options or your formatting may change.
  2. Make sure the header is working correctly with last name and correct page number.
  3. Save, print, and staple all four pages together.

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