WVCN Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 19, 2018 9:30 am

HEPCConference Room 9th floor

1018 Kanawha Boulevard E, Charleston, WV 25301

Dial in Information: 866 453 5550 Access 3424868#


Pam Alderman

Cyndi Persily

Frank Mace

Shavona Lusk

Ron Moore

Dial in

Tara Hulsey

Shelia Kyle

Leah Salyer

Gerald Bragg

Mary Beth Barr


Sue Painter, WV RN Board of Examiners

Amy Bruce, Doctoral Student


Drema Pierson, Administrator

Laura Boone

Call to Order 9:35 am Pam Alderman, Board Chair

Welcome New Board Member-Pam Alderman welcomed Shavona Lusk, from the DHHR to the board. Shavona expressed her willingness to serve and gave a brief background of her nursing experience.

Standing Business:

Approval of MinutesBoard Meeting of Friday, November 17, 2017, Shelia Kyle motioned to approve, Leah Salyer seconded and minutes were approved.

Financial Report-Drema Pierson, Administrator, presented the November and December financials showing an ending balance of $641,296 noting that the spring awards are being processed now and summer award money will be processed in June.

Ron Moore motioned to approve and Cyndi Persily seconded, financial report was approved.


Drema shared some recent and upcoming outreach activities:

Beckley Chamber of Commerce, January 9, 2018

Parkersburg Sector meeting, Jan 17 was canceled

Nurse Unity Day, January 31, 2018

RN and LPN Board meetings

Future for Nursing WV Operations Committee

UC, Garnett and Bridge Valley Advisory Boards.

Drema requested that board members let her know of other outreach opportunities.

Strategic Priorities:

Nursing Scholarship Program

Ron Moore, Chair, Education/Recruitment-Retention Committee

West Virginia Center for Nursing Scholarship 2017 – 2018 Academic Year

of $442,000 awarded, $334,000 was accepted* by recipients and processed.

Fall $176,000

Spring $128,500

Summer $29,500

Total $334,000

*Some students were no longer in the program/not in good standing or by the time they reached midpoint did not need the scholarship.

Ron pointed out a graph showing the dramatic increase in awards from 2014 – 2018 and also maps of WV with markers showing how awards were distributed throughout the state for 2016 and 2017. The new online application and award process will allow much more detailed reporting capabilities.

Sue Painter said that if the Center provides awardees names, it would be possible to graph where they ended up working as the county is captured with licensure renewals.

Drema noted that a check box will be added to the next application for students to check yes or no that their names can be published if awarded. This will permit names to be shared with the RN Board to track employment and also to be published in news releases. Scholarship impact interviews of recipients working in West Virginia will also be included in upcoming news releases.

A sentence will also be added to the scholarship notification stating if recepients would like to express appreciation for the award, they may direct it to the WVCN board of directors.

Drema reported that the award total since 2006 – 2017 is $2,272,527 and that when fy 2018 awards are final it should reach 2.5 million dollars.

Cyndi Persily suggested that since it is the tenth year anniversary of the scholarship awards it would be good to add this every newsrelease.

Drema reported that twenty four students are in repayment for not meeting their service obligation (since fall 2016) and that $4,076 has been collected to date. The new computerized processes makes it possible to track and document service obligation fulfillment.

Nursing Workforce Shortage Data-Dr. Cynthia Persily, Chair, Shared Data Councilsaid that she will review the RN Board bi annual report and the committee will determine if additional analysis would be useful.

Sue Painter said that she will update the faculty data the RN Board receives and make it available to the Shared Data Council.

WVCN Website

Drema shared current user statistics that continue to increase and are expected to spike when the scholarship application opens on April 15.There is increasing activity and visits to the web site. Ron Moore suggested utilizing more social media such as Facebook. Drema will work with WVNET to connect this to shareupdates to the web site.

Expansion Capacity of Nursing Programs/Resources

Drema shared the RN Nurse Newsletter which ran a nice article announcing that the Clinical Scheduling Program is now available for use across the state. Drema said it is currently utilized in regions 2 and 3 and can be made available to other workforce regions in WV. The program works well to identify scheduling overlaps for clinical rotations. Peds and Psy continue to be the most difficult to schedule. Drema will convene the user group which includes hospitals to discuss ways to expand clinical experience opportunities for nursing students for Peds and Psy rotations.

WVCN Board of Directors

DHHR Secretary, Bill Crouch appointed Shavona Lusk as the DHHR representative. Shavona currently serves as the Deputy Commissioner of Operations for the Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities. In this role, she is the leadership liaison with the four state hospitals, two special psychiatric hospitals and Welch Community Hospital.

Legislative Update

Sue Painter has a draft bill combining the RN and LPN Boards and will share it with board members.

Laura Boone reported that she and Drema attended the House Health Committee meeting the day before and two nursing related bills were presented.

Pam Alderman reported that she also attended the House Health and Human Resources Committee meeting as there had been a proposed bill on the previous agenda that referred to UC.

Two bills were on the agenda related to nursing programs, HB 4156 establishing the qualifications of full and part-time nursing school faculty members. This bill would add two additional options to qualifications of faculty. The first option stated full time faculty members may have a BSN degree and 15 years of direct patient care. The 15 years was amended to 10 years of direct patient care. The bill passed and was referred to the House Education Committee.

The second was an Originating Bill and did not have a number. This bill updates the regulation of nursing programs. The bill amends the current Rule removing 3 sections: 1. the requirement schools do a feasibility study prior to opening or expanding enrollment; 2. the requirement nursing programs must report new faculty and have approval by the Board prior to hiring; and 3. the requirement that program curriculum changes must be submitted to the Board.

Nancy Atkins, MSN, RN spoke on behalf of the Board. The committee asked Ms. Atkins to go back to the Board and ask if they would be willing to accept the proposed changes. She indicated she would discuss it with Board members. This bill passed the committee and was sent to the floor of the House

Committee Reports-(See above)

Executive Session-None

I.Announcements-Members were reminded to complete and submit the Ethics Financial Disclosure Statement before February 1, 2018.

II.Future Board Meeting 2018:

March 16, May 18, July 20, September 21, November 16

9:30 – 11:00 am Conference Room, HEPC Offices, 9th Floor

Dial in Information: 866 453 5550 Access 3424868#

III.Adjournment 11:00 am


Drema Pierson, MSN, MBA, RN
