Legal Planning Meeting/Review Legal Planning Meeting Request and Outcome
Social Worker and/or Team Manager must make sure this is sent to relevant person co-ordinating meeting (for each Service Area) and Legal Services
Team / Social Worker:
Team Manager:
Name of Child/ren to be discussed / FW ID D.O.B/Age CP/Legal Status
Parents details
Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name:
Does father have PR / Yes/No
  1. Have Legal Services been notified of LPM request? Y/N
  2. Documents – as a minimum should include up to date chronology, most recent TAC Review Meeting/Updated Assessment and can also include reports from other agencies such as Police Merlin’s (should be sent directly to Legal as the team there does not have direct access to FWi)
  3. Confirm if FGC held Y/N

Brief case history, including previous PLO/LAC/CP (update analysis from most recent TAC Review Meeting/Updated Assessment or Supervision Record)
Useful Headings – for guidance only – please delete if not used:
  • Previous Legal Planning Meeting.
  • Any previous Court Order
  • Summary of concerns with reference to the developmental impact on the children.
  • Views of the children of sufficient age/ maturity.
  • Summary of intervention / services offered to date and level of engagement.
  • Views of each parent/ significant others
  • Family & friends and other connected persons.
  • Is there any indication that a parent may not have capacity to understand the proceedings – significant learning disability, significant health needs? Does the parent need an advocate?
  • Is there a need for an interpreter?
  • Summary of previous assessments.
Reason for asking for legal advice at this time (i.e. precipitating events/circumstances; significant harm/immediate risk/CP plan not working)
Proposed Plan including assessments - identify who for, nature of the expert/service proposed and timescales. Give reasons/ purpose of assessment.
Record of LPM: Date
Present: (names & roles)
Threshold discussion and Legal Advice
Chair’s Decision:
Threshold met for significant harm? Y / N
Does the immediate safety of the children require immediate safeguarding via proceedings?
Can the risk be managed without an order at this time?
Continue with current plan / Letter before Proceedings / Review LPM /
Initiate proceedings including Letter of Intent and order to be applied for (delete as necessary)
Child’s safety plan – including frequency of visiting
3. Review LPM Date (where applicable)
Plan of work; to include timescale for LB4P/Legal advice note/statement/Child’s Journey to be updated / Mapping by Family Assessment Service
Actions / By whom and date
Name of Chair:
Print Name:
Date: / To be uploaded to each child’s FWi record with casenote reference

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