Teacher: Mrs. M. Mason

Classroom Rules and Consequences

Classroom Rules

1.  Follow all district and school rules according to the Student Code of Conduct.

2.  Sit in your assigned seat and have ALL needed class materials ready when the bell rings.

3.  Stay seated and do not get up without permission from the teacher.

4.  Follow all directions from the teacher immediately, the first time they are given.

5.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Nothing goes airborne.

6.  Show respect to EVERYONE in the classroom at ALL TIMES. No profanity or inappropriate language.

Note: The teacher reserves the right to amend classroom rules as needed for the improvement of the class learning environment.

Rules express importance and are necessary to create a safe and protected environment. In the classroom, they exist so students can feel safe and learn with little to no distraction.

Explanation of Classroom Rules

1.  Follow all district and school rules according to the Student Code of Conduct.

All rules within the Student Code of Conduct will be adhered to, especially the dress code and cell phone policy. No food, candy, or gum allowed. Drinks and mints only will be permitted.

2.  Sit in your assigned seat and have ALL needed class materials ready when the bell rings.

Our purpose is to get started on the daily tasks and work towards success immediately. No time is wasted. Please use your time wisely and take care of personal needs (locker and bathroom) prior to the start of class. When the bell rings, it is your responsibility to sit in your assigned seat and begin the daily task. Failure to do so will result in a tardy. The seating chart is used to check attendance.

3.  Stay seated and do not get up without permission from the teacher.

Excessive movement distracts from the learning process; therefore, this rule is present to minimize distractions. At times, it will be necessary for movement throughout the classroom. You are responsible for following the appropriate procedures for doing so.

4.  Follow all directions from the teacher immediately, the first time they are given.

During instruction and various in-class transitions, it is important that you follow instructions to maintain efficiency and maximize learning within the classroom. It is imperative that these instructions are heard. Do not talk while the teacher is talking. When asked for your attention, all eyes on the teacher, all noise ceases, and all ears actively listening without hesitation.

5.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Nothing goes airborne.

Our purpose is to work towards success. Inappropriate behaviors distract from the learning process that leads to success; therefore, respect each other and personal space. Also, do not throw objects for any reason. Injury and disruption could result.

6.  Show respect to EVERYONE in the classroom at ALL TIMES. No profanity or inappropriate language.

To summarize, use good manners. Do not take things that do not belong to you without permission. Do not destroy/vandalize objects. Do not talk when other people are talking or contributing to the learning process. This includes, but is not limited to, teacher-led instruction, class discussion, small group sharing, and student presentations. Think before you speak. Not all thoughts, opinions, and comments are appropriate to share aloud.

Note: The teacher reserves the right to amend classroom rules as needed for the improvement of the class learning environment.

Consequences are not punishments. They are results of a consciously made choice. Consequences can be positive (rewards) or negative (penalties).

Classroom Consequences
If you choose to follow the rules: / If you choose NOT to follow the rules:
Daily: Praise/Encouragement / 1st incident: Warning/Student Conference
Nine Weeks: Extra Credit Tickets / 2nd incident: Action Plan/Phone Call Home
Semester: Movie Day
(must be pre-approved by administrator) / 3rd incident: Office Referral
All serious offenses as stated in the Student Code of Conduct will be referred to administration immediately.