Energy Efficiency Training Program:

Professional Development for VET – Second Round

Application Form

Office use only:
EOI Reference no:

SECTION A – Instructions and advice:

  1. Please read the EETP Professional Development for VET Project Brief fully before completing this application form.
  2. Applicants must complete a separate application form (in Word format) for each project.
  3. Please respond to every question - if a question does not apply to your project proposal, briefly explain the reason.
  4. Closing date for applications is 4.00pm February 10th, 2012. Any application that is late, incomplete or not eligible will not be considered.
  5. Fully completed application forms should be submitted electronically in Word format as an attachment and emailed to: th “PD4VET Application” in the subject line

SECTION B – Applicant Details:

  1. Project leader applicant details:

Legal name of proponent
Trading name
National Code (formerly NTIS ID for RTOs)
Registered for GST(Yes/No)?
Business address
Phone number
Fax number
Name & title of person managing project
Position title
Email address
Mobile phone
  1. Consortium partner details (list all project partners and add extra fields as required):

Partner One:

Organisation name
Name of person working on the project
Role in the project
Phone number
Email address

Partner Two:

Organisation name
Name of person working on the project
Role in the project
Phone number
Email address
  1. (For large organisations)Name and contact details of designated senior manager from your organisation who supports this application:

Position title
Organisation name
Phone number
Email address

SECTION C – Background of Project Proposal:

  1. Please list the industry and/or fields of education area/s that your project will focus on. (100 words maximum)
  1. What do you see as the major energy efficiency knowledge/skills capability needed by VET teachers, trainers, assessors and/or managers in this industry/these industries?(150 words maximum)
  1. What do you see as the current gaps in provision?(150 words maximum)
  1. What do you propose to deliver with this project? For example, new professional development training/new modes of delivery of existing training/new training and learning resources/industry specialisation of generic training/new interdisciplinary energy efficiency professional development? Please list and describe.(150 words maximum)
  1. To what extent will your project build on existing professional development training and/or training and learning resources? Please provide details of any existing training and materials that you will use in this project (include source/s and web links, course/unit codes and titles).(150 words maximum)
  1. How will you ensure the uptake of professional development and use of training and learning resources developed as a part of this project? (100 words maximum)
  1. How will the professional development program developed by you align with nationally accredited qualifications and how will these be assessed?(100 words maximum)
  1. How will key industry, education and environmental stakeholders be consulted on energy efficiency and other matters relevant to the project? How will you seek collaboration in the project?(150 words maximum)
  1. Please describe your (and your project partners’) experience and expertise in developing and delivering VET professional development programs and training and learning resources and/or training and assessment.(150 words maximum)
  1. Please describe your (and your project partners’) experience and expertise in the area of energy efficiency. Describe if and how you will seek additional/external energy efficiency expertise and who from.(100 words maximum)
  1. Please provide two (2) referees from previous clients with whom you have worked recently.

Referee One:

Position title
Organisation name
Phone number
Email address

Referee Two:

Position title
Organisation name
Phone number
Email address

NSW Department of Education & Communities – Workforce Development, State Training Services

SECTION D – Project Plan

In this section you are asked to provide a plan for the proposed project:

  1. Project title(25 words maximum)
  1. Project summary (maximum 130 words)
  1. Description of key deliverables (what are the key outputs of the project)(150 words maximum)
  1. Anticipated project start and finish dates (day, month, year)

Project start date: / Project finish date:
  1. Project stages: Using the templates below, map out each stage of your project and list the key tasks and activities, expected outcomes/outputs and how you will measure their success. State the date by which each outcome/output will be completed and list the key people involved. (Please add more rows to each template, as necessary).

Project stage 1

Key tasks & activities / Expected outcomes/outputs / Project measure of success / Key people involved / Completion date
Date first progress report will be submitted

Project stage 2

Key tasks & activities / Expected outcomes/outputs / Project measure of success / Key people involved / Completion date
Date first progress report will be submitted

Project stage 3

Key tasks & activities / Expected outcomes/outputs / Project measure of success / Key people involved / Completion date
Date first progress report will be submitted
  1. Risk management: What are the main potential risks that could hinder progress on the project? How will you manage them? (Add more fields as required)

Risk factor / How risk will be managed
  1. Project costs: Provide an overall budget for the project, with clearly defined cost breakdowns (human resources, equipment, facilities, etc.). In addition you must clearly show any contributions to project costs from sources other than the Energy Efficiency Training Program.

Project stage (from project plan above) / Items description / Total cost / Contributions from other sources / Funding sought from DEC

NSW Department of Education & Communities – Workforce Development, State Training Services