1. Displays Loading Screen

1.1.When application starts, displays the Loading Screen on device with details like :

1.1.1. Application name <Application name>

1.1.2. Application logo <Application logo>

2. Login

2.1.Provide Login credentials like

2.1.1. Email Id

2.1.2. Password

2.1.3. Submit Details

2.2.‘Forgot Password’

2.2.1. Retrieve Password via Email

2.3.‘New User’

2.3.1. User will be transported to “Sign Up” Screen

3. Sign Up

3.1.User needs to provide registration details as follow

3.1.1. First Name

3.1.2. Last Name

3.1.3. Email Id

3.1.4. Password

3.1.5. Submit Details

4. Proceed to “Home (Category Landing)” Screen

4.1.View list of Quiz Categories / Database

4.2.‘Download’ link

4.2.1. Tapping on any ‘Download’, Quiz for that particular category will be downloaded & stored in device’s local database (Internet Connection Must be available for download)

4.3.Tapping on any category, User will proceed to “List of Questions” Screen

Note: Download link will be displayed disabled if User has already downloaded quiz.

5. Proceed to “List of Questions” Screen

5.1.View list of questions along with details like

5.1.1. Question Text

5.1.2. Next Arrow Tapping on ‘Next’ arrow, User will proceed to “Question Details”


6. Proceed to “View Question Details” Screen

6.1.View Question Details as follow

6.1.1. Question Text

6.1.2. Multiple Answer Choices

6.1.3. User needs to give answer by selecting any one answer from available choices After giving an answer, Application will give result in ‘Correct’ or

‘Wrong’ sign If Answer is correct then ‘Explanation’ text will be popped up on ‘Ok’, popup will get closed & User will remain on same question screen

6.1.4. By tapping on ‘Skip’ button, User can skip current question & continue with

next question

7. Proceed to “View Result” Screen

7.1.User can view result available with details like

7.1.1. X no of questions attempted

7.1.2. X no of correct answers given

8. Exit Application

Web Panel/ Web Interface:

The Web interface is required to manage all the Contents and Data accessed by the User from

the iPhone Handset.

1. Login

1.1. Administrator may login into the admin panel with the authorized username and password to get access to this panel.

2. User Management

The User Management section allows Webmaster to manage all the Users available in the


2.1. View All Users available in the Database

2.1.1. View details available for the selected Users

2.1.2. Change the status (Active / Inactive)

2.1.3. Searching/ Sorting

2.2. Add Users

2.3. Edit / Delete Users

3. Category Management

The Category Management section allows Webmaster to manage all the Categories

available in the Database.

3.1. View All Categories available in the Database

3.1.1. Change the status (Active / Inactive)

3.1.2. Searching/ Sorting

3.2. Add Category

3.2.1. Enter Category Name

3.3. Edit / Delete Category

4. Quiz Management

The Quiz Management section allows Webmaster to manage all the quizzes available in the


4.1. View All Quizzes available in the Database

4.1.1. Change the status (Active / Inactive)

4.1.2. Searching/ Sorting

4.2. Add Quiz

4.2.1. Select Category

4.2.2. Enter Quiz Text

4.2.3. Enter Multiple Choice Answers

4.2.4. Select Correct Answer

4.2.5. Enter Description Text

4.3.Edit / Delete Quiz

5. Log out

5.1. The Administrator can log out of the admin panel from the log out link given in the



Phonegap Application Development

Software Development Kit: Phonegap Framework

Programming Language: HTML5, CSS

Device Database: SQLite

Supported OS & Device:Android OS: 2.3 to 4.1, iPhone 4 & 4S (iOS 5/6), iPad, tab and web interface

Web Panel / Web Services Development

Programming Language: PHP 5.x

Server: Apache 2.x

Database: MySQL 5.x

Operating System: Linux/ Windows/ Unix