Young Life First Year Fellowship/Leadership Training 10-3-05

Your Faith in the World

·  List the 5 most important things to the characters on Friends? What things are important to people who compete on American Idol and all the other reality shows? What do they value?

·  What do teachers, coaches, and parents think is important?

·  Think back to high school -- what were some of the most important things to your lunch table? What about now?

I. 1 Corinthians 3: 1-4 – Part of the World

1.  It is normal for young people, including young Christians, to be “worldly.” Remember, we are probably somewhere between infants and grade school kids in our faiths. Christians have had the same struggles for 2000 years!

2.  However, through the power of God our lives are __transformed_.

Unfortunately, this is a __process______that takes ____time___.

II. 1 Corinthians 3: 10-23 – Different than the World (in, not of)

3.  What are some things we tend to “build our foundations on” rather than Christ?

4.  When verse 16 talks about us being God’s temple, it is referring to

us as a Christian community, but also __God’s_ __presence_____ in all of us as individuals.

5.  Have you seen 18-20 in your life yet? Give an example.


·  What kinds of people do high schoolers consider “wise,” (or whose opinions are looked up to the most)?

6.  In light of 1 Corinthians 3 (God doesn’t think too much of the world’s standards) it makes sense that the “world” would often

___mock/ridicule______followers of God.

§  Give a few examples in our current culture (TV, movies, etc.) where Christians, Christianity, the Bible, Jesus, etc. are mocked, belittled, or ridiculed (think along the lines of what impacts high school kids).




Young Life First Year Fellowship/Leadership Training 10-3-05

Your Faith in the World

·  List the 5 most important things to the characters on Friends? What things are important to people who compete on American Idol and all the other reality shows? What do they value?

·  What do teachers, coaches, and parents think is important?

·  Think back to high school -- what were some of the most important things to your lunch table? What about now?

I. 1 Corinthians 3: 1-4 – Part of the World

1.  It is normal for young people, including young Christians, to be “worldly.” Remember, we are probably somewhere between infants and grade school kids in our faiths. Christians have had the same struggles for 2000 years!

2.  However, through the power of God our lives are __transformed_.

Unfortunately, this is a _____process__ that takes ___time____.

II. 1 Corinthians 3: 10-23 – Different than the World (in, not of)

3.  What are some things we tend to “build our foundations on” rather than Christ?

4.  When verse 16 talks about us being God’s temple, it is referring to

us as a Christian community, but also __God’s_ __presence_____ in all of us as individuals.

5.  Have you seen 18-20 in your life yet? Give an example.


·  What kinds of people do high schoolers consider “wise,” (or whose opinions are looked up to the most)?

6.  In light of 1 Corinthians 3 (God doesn’t think too much of the world’s standards) it makes sense that the “world” would often

___mock/ridicule______followers of God.

§  Give a few examples in our current culture (TV, movies, etc.) where Christians, Christianity, the Bible, Jesus, etc. are mocked, belittled, or ridiculed (think along the lines of what impacts high school kids).




III. John 15: 18-25 – Even hated by the world!

7.  Do you ever feel like the “world hates you?” Does that matter?

8.  Because Christians do not “belong” to this world, persecution is

____inevitable______. The basic reason is the world’s

ignorance and/or rejection of God.

9.  Does verse 22 apply in America today? In Morgantown? For me and you?

è Privilege and Responsibility go together!


§  How does all this help you view your possible role in the lives of high school kids?

§  How can you discover what kids build their foundations on rather than Christ? How can you determine what high school kids value?


§  Think about how you should be different from the world – but don’t forget you are still on earth!

III. John 15: 18-25 – Even hated by the world!

7.  Do you ever feel like the “world hates you?” Does that matter?

8.  Because Christians do not “belong” to this world, persecution is

____inevitable______. The basic reason is the world’s

ignorance and/or rejection of God.

9.  Does verse 22 apply in America today? In Morgantown? For me and you?

è Privilege and Responsibility go together!


§  How does all this help you view your possible role in the lives of high school kids?

§  How can you discover what kids build their foundations on rather than Christ? How can you determine what high school kids value?


§  Think about how you should be different from the world – but don’t forget you are still on earth!


God’s presence

