GST and administrative services and late application fees

ATO ID 2001/586

FOI status: may be released

Status of this decision: Decision Current

ATO Interpretative Decision

CAUTION: This record of an ATO decision may not include a complete statement of all facts in summarising the application of the relevant provision of the law to complex circumstances. If you rely on this decision and your circumstances are materially the same as those described, and the decision is subsequently found to be incorrect, penalties will not be attracted on the missing tax. However, interest could be payable in any event depending on the circumstances of the case. If the relevant provisions, being those in force at the date of decision, have been amended or rewritten, it will be necessary to have regard to the amended or rewritten law. You may wish to obtain further advice from the ATO or from a professional adviser.

Goods and services tax

GST and administrative services and late application fees


Is the entity, a supplier of educational assessments, making a GST-free supply under section 38-85 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act), when it charges a late fee for administrative services associated with processing late applications?


No, the entity is not making a GST-free supply under section 38-85 of the GST Act when it charges a late fee for administrative services associated with processing late applications. The entity is making a taxable supply under section 9-5 of the GST Act.


The entity is a government authority. It assesses applications that are made for entry into an education course. The entity charges a late fee for administrative services associated with processing late applications. The entity does not provide the education course.

The entity is registered for goods and services tax (GST). The entity satisfies the other positive limbs of section 9-5 of the GST Act.

Reasons for Decision

Under section 38-85 of the GST Act, a supply is GST-free if it is a supply of:


an education course; or


administrative services directly related to the supply of such a course, but only if they are supplied by the supplier of the course.

Pursuant to paragraph 38-85(b) of the GST Act, the provision of administrative services related to an education course is GST-free if the supplier of the course provides the services. However, in this case, the entity that provides the administrative services is not the supplier of the course. As such, section 38-85 of the GST Act is not satisfied.

The entity is registered for GST and the supply satisfies the other positive limbs of section 9-5 of the GST Act. Furthermore, the supply is neither GST-free under Division 38 of the GST Act nor input taxed under Division 40 of the GST Act. Therefore, the entity is making a taxable supply under section 9-5 of the GST Act when it charges a late fee for administrative services associated with processing late applications.
[Note: Section 38-110 of the GST Act does not apply because the entity is not providing an assessment of qualifications for entry into an education course].

Date of decision: 13 September 2001

Legislative References:
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
section 9-5
Division 38
section 38-85
paragraph 38-85(b)
section 38-110
Division 40

Goods & services tax
GST free
GST education
Prior learning
Taxable supply

Date of publication: 15 November 2001

ISSN: 1445-2782
