Llwydcoed Primary School

Self-evaluation report


Introductionto Self-Evaluation Report 2017

Our self-evaluation report is based on the 3 Key Questions of the Common Inspection Framework, and is therefore set out in the following sections:

Key Question 1: How good are outcomes?

· standards

· wellbeing

Key Question 2: How good is provision?

· learning experiences

· teaching

· care, support and guidance

· learning environment

Key Question 3: How good are leadership and management?

· leadership

· improving quality

· partnership working

· resource management

Key Question 1 - How good are outcomes?

Quality Indicator: Standards: 1.1.1 Results and trends compared with national averages, similar schools and prior attainment / Evidence
End of Key Stage 2
The school is performing well with a significant upward trend of performance evident at the end of KS2.
By the time pupils leave our school performance at the expected level, and the expected level +1, is good, with 92.9% of pupils achieving the CSI. Performance at Level 5 across all subjects shows significant improvement and has been high over the last 3 years.
Our performance compares well with our family of schools where we are joint 1st in Mathematics and Science at the expected level. At the expected level +1 we are above the family average in English and Science.
Due to the variable and sometimes small number of pupils at the end of both key stages, the results of pupil assessments have to be treated with care, because one pupil’s results can have a significant impact on school performance.
The school’s performance is good when compared to similar schools in the FSM benchmark group as it is placed in quartile 1 for Mathematics and Science, and in Quartile 3 for English and the CSI at the end of KS2.
The percentage of pupils making 2 levels of progress or more between the FP and the end of KS2 is 92.9% for English and 100% for Mathematics. In both of these subject areas 28.6% of pupils made 3 levels of progress.
FFTD data was exceeded in Mathematics and Science.
14 Pupils= 7.1% per pupil
Level 4+ Performance
2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2017
Family / 2017 LA / 2017 CSC / 2017 Wales
English / 72.7 / 84.6 / 92.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 92.9 / 94.5 / 90.6 / 91.3 / 91.1
Mathematics / 86.4 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 90.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100 / 97.2 / 91.7 / 92.1 / 91.6
Science / 81.8 / 100.0 / 92.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100 / 97.2 / 92.0 / 92.3 / 92.2
CSI / 72.7 / 84.6 / 85.7 / 90.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 92.9 / 94.5 / 89.1 / 90.0 / 89.5
  • At Key Stage 2 the CSI shows an upward trend.
  • The CSI is above the averages for the LA, CSC and Wales, but below the Family average.
  • The school performs well when compared to similar schools and is placed in quartile 1 for performance in Mathematics and Science at the expected level.
Level 5+ Performance
2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2017Family / 2017LA / 2017 CSC / 2017
English / 22.7 / 38.5 / 42.9 / 27.3 / 40.0 / 60.0 / 50.0 / 49.5 / 43.0 / 46.4 / 44.7
Mathematics / 31.8 / 30.8 / 35.7 / 36.4 / 50.0 / 50.0 / 50.0 / 55.0 / 44.5 / 48.8 / 47.0
Science / 36.4 / 38.5 / 35.7 / 36.4 / 50.0 / 70.0 / 64.3 / 52.3 / 43.9 / 47.9 / 46.4
  • Performance has been high in all subjects over the last 3 years.
  • These results confirm we are continuing on an upward trend.
  • We are above all averages for the Family, LA, CSC and Walesin English and Science
  • We are above the averages for the LA, CSC and Wales in Mathematics, but below the Family
  • The school performs well when compared to similar schools and is placed in quartile 1 for performance in Science, and in quartile 2 for English and Mathematics at the expected level +1.
  • In Science 21.4% of pupils achieved level 6+.
Trends in KS2
L4+ / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Oracy / 64.3 / 62.5 / 72.7 / 100.0 / 78.6 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0
Reading / 71.4 / 62.5 / 72.7 / 76.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 92.9
Writing / 71.4 / 62.5 / 68.2 / 69.2 / 92.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 80.0 / 92.9
Maths / 78.6 / 100.0 / 86.4 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 90.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0
R W M / 64.3 / 62.5 / 68.2 / 61.5 / 92.9 / 90.9 / 100.0 / 80.0 / 92.9
Science / 78.6 / 62.5 / 81.8 / 100.0 / 92.9 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0
  • We have yet again achieved 100% in Oracy, but 1 pupil didn’t achieve level 4 in Reading and Writing.
  • We have also sustained our high performance in Mathematics and Science.
  • We are joint 1st within in our family in Oracy, Mathematics and Science and above LA, CSC and All Wales averages in these areas.
  • There is an upward trend from 2009
Value added from Y2
Core Subjects / -2 Level of Progress / 2+ Level of Progress / 3+ Level of Progress
English / - / 100 / 28.6
Maths / - / 100 / 28.6
14 Pupils= 7.1% per pupil
  • Pupils make very good value added progress from Y2 to Y6, with 100% of pupils making 2+ levels of progress in English and Maths, and 28.6% making 3 levels of progress.
Targets v Actuals
14 Pupils= 7.1% per pupil
Target / Actual / +/-
English / 92.3 / 92.9 / +0.6
Maths / 92.3 / 100.0 / +7.7
Science / 92.3 / 100.0 / +7.7
  • We exceeded our targets in all subjects.
2. End of Foundation Phase
At the end of the FP in 2017 performance has improved in all areas, with only one pupil not achieving O5+ in LLC and the FPOI. Over the last 4 years performance has fluctuated due to the variable and sometimes small number of pupils within the cohorts. The school recognises that one pupil’s results can have a significant impact on school performance.
Our performance compares well with our family of schools where we are joint 1st in PSD and MDT at the expected level, and are above the Family average in LLC. At the expected level +1 we are above the family average in LLC and MDT.
The school’s performance has improved significantly when compared to similar schools in the FSM benchmark group as it is now placed in quartile 1 for PSD and MDT at the expected level, and in Quartile 3 for LLC and the FPOI.
11 Pupils= 9.1% per pupil
EOFPO 5+ / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2017 Family / 2017 LA / 2017CSC / 2017 Wales
PSD / 100.0 / 100.0 / 91.7 / 100.0 / 92.9 / 100 / 93.4 / 93.6 / 95.0 / 94.7
LLC / 90 / 78.6 / 91.7 / 87.5 / 85.7 / 90.9 / 87.9 / 87.0 / 87.7 / 88.1
MDT / 100.0 / 92.9 / 91.7 / 87.5 / 92.9 / 100 / 90.1 / 89.6 / 91.3 / 90.3
FPOI / 90 / 78.6 / 91.7 / 87.5 / 71.4 / 90.9 / 84.6 / 86.9 / 88.3 / 87.3
  • Our performance shows that we have improved significantly in theFPOI, and are now above all comparative indicators.
  • Only one pupil didn’t achieve the FPOI.
  • The school has improved in all areas.
  • In LLC, MDT and PSD the school’s performance compares favourably with all other comparative indicators.
EOFPO 6+ / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2017
Family / 2017 LA / 2017 CSC / 2017 Wales
PSD / 30.0 / 35.7 / 58.3 / 67.5 / 35.7 / 45.5 / 63.7 / 55.6 / 60.7 / 61.3
LLC / 20.0 / 21.4 / 25.0 / 50.0 / 42.9 / 54.6 / 44.0 / 33.7 / 38.8 / 38.1
MDT / 30.0 / 28.6 / 33.3 / 50.0 / 50.0 / 54.6 / 44.0 / 36.2 / 40.4 / 38.7
  • At Outcome 6 we have maintained our high performance in LLC and MDT where there is an upward trend since 2012.
  • At Outcome 6 in MDTand LLC the school is above the Family, LA, CSC and All Wales averages,and is in Quartile 1 of the FSM benchmark group
  • At Outcome 6 in PSD the school has made good progress, but is still behind comparative data.
Targets v Actuals
11 Pupils= 9.1% per pupil
Target / Actual / +/-
PSD / 100 / 100 / -
LLC / 88.9 / 90.9 / +2
MDT / 100 / 100 / -
FPOI / 88.9 / 90.9 / +2
  • 1 pupil did not achieve Outcome 5 in LLC.
  • 1 pupil did not achieve the FPOI.
3, Performance in National Tests
  • Across the school (Years 2-6) we performed well in the Procedural tests in years 3-6, but less well in year 2. Performance was mixed in the Reading and Reasoning tests, with some year groups performing well and others less well. Overall pupils in year 6 performed better than other year groups.
  • We performed well in the Reading Tests in Years 4, 5 and 6 in the 85-115 agerange compared to our FSM benchmarking group, but less well in years 2 and 3. We performed less well in the >115 range with all year groups in either quartile 3 or 4.
  • In the Procedural Tests performance was strong in all year groups except Year 2 in both the 85-115 range and the >115 range.
  • In the Reasoning Tests we performed well in Years 3 and 6 in the 85-115 range, and we performed well in Years 4,5 and 6 in the >115 range.
National Test Results 2017 – Year 2
English Reading / Procedural / Reasoning
No of pupils / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115
School / 11 / 18.18 / 72.73 / 9.09 / 27.27 / 72.73 / 0.00 / 9.09 / 90.91 / 0.00
LA / 17.67 / 67.99 / 14.34 / 18.26 / 68.90 / 12.85 / 18.51 / 67.62 / 13.88
CSC / 14.20 / 68.01 / 17.80 / 14.46 / 68.23 / 17.31 / 14.98 / 67.89 / 17.14
Wales / 15.65 / 67.93 / 16.42 / 15.68 / 68.07 / 16.25 / 14.95 / 68.26 / 16.78
National Test Results 2017 – Year 3
English Reading / Procedural / Reasoning
No of pupils / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115
School / 13 / 23.08 / 69.23 / 7.69 / 7.69 / 76.92 / 15.38 / 0.00 / 92.31 / 7.69
LA / 17.73 / 67.49 / 14.78 / 17.00 / 70.05 / 12.95 / 15.59 / 72.10 / 12.31
CSC / 15.25 / 65.65 / 19.10 / 14.98 / 67.23 / 17.79 / 13.66 / 69.72 / 16.62
Wales / 16.31 / 65.83 / 17.86 / 15.91 / 67.82 / 16.26 / 14.97 / 68.49 / 16.54
National Test Results 2017 – Year 4
English Reading / Procedural / Reasoning
No of pupils / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115
School / 10 / 0.00 / 90.00 / 10.00 / 10.00 / 70.00 / 20.00 / 20.00 / 60.00 / 20.00
LA / 17.76 / 68.84 / 13.41 / 18.84 / 67.15 / 14.02 / 18.51 / 67.79 / 13.70
CSC / 14.95 / 67.07 / 17.99 / 15.92 / 66.47 / 17.61 / 16.22 / 67.36 / 16.43
Wales / 15.95 / 67.40 / 16.65 / 15.82 / 68.11 / 16.07 / 15.63 / 68.05 / 16.33
National Test Results 2017 – Year 5
English Reading / Procedural / Reasoning
No of pupils / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115
School / 11 / 9.09 / 90.91 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 90.91 / 9.09 / 9.09 / 72.73 / 18.18
LA / 17.56 / 68.15 / 14.30 / 16.11 / 69.07 / 14.78 / 16.44 / 70.11 / 13.41
CSC / 14.84 / 66.22 / 18.93 / 15.00 / 67.21 / 17.78 / 14.57 / 68.83 / 16.59
Wales / 15.99 / 66.94 / 17.07 / 15.43 / 68.43 / 16.14 / 14.38 / 68.88 / 16.74
National Test Results 2017 – Year 6
English Reading / Procedural / Reasoning
No of pupils / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115 / <85 / 85-115 / >115
All Pupils / 14 / 0.00 / 100.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 78.57 / 21.43 / 0.00 / 78.57 / 21.43
LA / 15.69 / 69.14 / 15.17 / 16.39 / 69.73 / 13.87 / 16.06 / 68.55 / 15.39
CSC / 14.97 / 66.86 / 18.17 / 15.05 / 67.13 / 17.81 / 14.92 / 66.71 / 18.36
Wales / 15.58 / 67.85 / 16.58 / 15.93 / 68.13 / 15.94 / 14.79 / 68.09 / 17.12
/ All Wales Core Data Sets
Pupil Tracking Data
National Test Data / diagnostic analyses
School / CSC data
CSC reports
Pupil profiles
Quality Indicator: 1.1.2 Standards of different groups of pupils
  1. End of Key Stage 2
Please note there were 9 boys and 5 girls in the cohort
  • No pupils were in receipt of FSM
  • More able and talented pupils achieve their potential and met their challenging targets in 2017. Pupils with SEN achieve agreed learning goals.
  • In Maths and Science at KS2 there were no gender differences at level 4+ as 100% of pupils achieved the expected level.
  • In English the boys outperformed the girls by 20% which compares favourably with all other comparative indicators.
  • At Level 5 the boys outperformed the girls in English, Maths and Science which again compares favourably with all other performance indicators.
  1. End of Foundation Phase
Please note there were 3 boys and 8 girls in the cohort
  • In PSD and MDT there were no gender differences at Outcome 5+ as 100% of pupils achieved the expected level
  • The girls outperformed the boys in LLC by 33.3%(one pupil)
  • The girls also outperformed the boys at Outcome 6 in all areas, but the gap has narrowed compared to 2016
  • In LLC pupils in receipt of FSM outperformed pupils not in receipt of FSM.
  • 100% of FSM pupils in Y2 achieved the expected level or higher in LLC
  • 100% of FSM pupils in Y2 achieved the expected level or higher in MDT
  • 100% of FSM pupils achieved the expected level or higher in PSD
  • Overall from Reception to Y6, 13.24% of pupils were in receipt of FSM
  • Nearly all FSM pupils achieved or exceeded their targets.
  1. National Tests
Due to the variable and sometimes small number of pupils in each year group, these test results have to be treated with care, because one pupil’s results can have a significant impact on school performance.
  • In Year 2 the girls outperformed the boys in all tests, but we need to take into account that there were only 3 boys in the cohort.
  • In Year 3 the girls outperformed the boys in the 85-115 band in all tests, but the boys outperformed the girls in the higher band in all tests.
  • In Year 4 the boys performed better than the girls in 85-115 band, but the girls outperformed the boys in the higher band in all tests.
  • In Year 5 the girls outperformed the boys in all tests in the 85-115 band, but the boys outperformed the girls in the higher band in the procedural tests. The girls slightly outperformed the boys in the reasoning test in the higher band.
  • In Year 6 there was no gender performance gap at all in the reading tests. In the procedural and reasoning tests the girls outperformed the boys in the 85-115 band, but the boys outperformed the girls in the higher band in both tests.
  • FSM pupils scored in the 85-115 band for all tests apart from the Reading tests in Y3 and Y5, where they scored in the <85 band.
3. Whole School
  • MAT pupils achieved their targets.
  • FSM pupils that enter the school often arrive with low ability but analysis of data shows that they make good progress as they move through the school.
  • No particular groups underachieve significantly. Pupils in receipt of free school meals do at least as well as other pupils.
  • Pupils with SEN make good progress
  • We have successfully funded an additional practitioner to deliver Literacy support programmes / interventions in order to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
  • Pupils in receipt of Catch Up Numeracy make good progress
  • Our SLA with the library service has had an impact on improving the performance of boys in reading
/ All Wales Core Data Sets
Pupil Tracking Data
National Test Data
School / CSC data
CSC reports
Pupil profiles
SEN / MAT / Basic skills registers
Classroom Monitor Data
Subject Leader Reports / Listening to Learners
SFA Assessments
Quality Indicator: 1.1.3 Achievement and progress in learning
  • In lessons, the standards achieved by nearly all pupils is good. Nearly all pupils are making good progress across the curriculum, and acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills well.
  • Nearly all pupils achieve their challenging targets and make the progress expected of them at their stage of learning.
  • Nearly all pupils reading and writing skills have improved as a result of literacy initiatives.
  • The literacy and numeracy skills of nearly allpupils have improved across the curriculum.
  • Nearly all pupils confidently apply their knowledge, understanding and skills across the curriculum.
  • Across the school, standards of speaking and listening are good. Throughout the Foundation Phase, most pupils listen attentively and many respond appropriately to their teachers and peers when answering questions and discussing their work. However baseline assessments show that a significant minority of pupils in our early years have weak speech and language skills. In key stage 2, most pupils are confident when talking to adults and other pupils. They listen carefully and use a good range of more advanced vocabulary in their conversations.
  • By the end of the Foundation Phase, most pupils read with increasing fluency. They use appropriate strategies effectively to read unfamiliar words. They make good use of picture cues to identify everyday words and to read simple books. Many express an opinion about their books and predict what will happen next.
  • By the end of key stage 2,nearly all pupils read fluently and use expression well to indicate meaning. They read to a standard that is at least appropriate to their age and ability. They select suitable texts from a variety of sources and share their opinions about favourite books and authors. Most answer more complex questions well about the different styles of texts they read.
  • In the Foundation Phase, most pupils experiment with mark making successfully and start to produce short pieces of effective independent writing. They use interesting vocabulary and begin to spell and punctuate accurately appropriate to their age. In key stage 2, most pupils write accurately and develop a good understanding of basic grammar, punctuation and spelling. Standards of writing have improved recently, and pupils are beginning to produce extended writing of consistently good quality. In both the Foundation Phase and key stage 2, many pupils’ handwriting is improving, as is presentation.
  • By the end of the Foundation Phase, nearly all pupils add, subtract and order two-digit numbers up to 100. They begin to understand place value and count in twos, fives and tens. They sort different items into categories and use simple fractions. Most pupils know the names and properties of basic shapes and understand about symmetry and right angles. They produce accurate block graphs, tell the time to quarter of an hour and use standard units of measurement appropriately.
  • By the end of key stage 2, nearly all pupils read and order large numbers and use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve a range of problems. They calculate using percentages and decimals, as well as proper and improper fractions, and convert between them. Nearly all pupils measure accurately using standard units of length, weight and capacity. They understand the concepts of negative numbers, co-ordinates, probability and ratio and proportion. They collate and interpret data in different forms successfully.
  • Good progress is being made in Scientific Enquiry with all of the enquiry types being covered through the 2 year cycle.
  • Laptop computers and ipads are used well and in KS2 children research and access programs on a daily basis. Children in all classes can explain how ICT has improved their learning.
  • In the FP staff record assessment material which ensures coverage, progression, continuity and achievements throughout the FP.
/ Pupil Tracking Data
Classroom Monitor Data
MER: lesson obs, listening to learners, scrutiny of books etc.
Assessment Policy
Teacher’s planning files
SFA Assessment file
School data
Pupil profiles
Target Setting /SIMS
IEP books / IEP files / reviews
End of Year Assessments
Pupil books
Subject Leader reports
Cornerstones planning
Quality Indicator: 1.1.4 Skills
  • Nearly all pupils make good progress in developing a wide range of skills (communication, numeracy, thinking and ICT) in order to access the whole curriculum. Their ability to solve numerical problems mentally is good.
  • Pupils are given many opportunities to develop their skills in the wider curriculum, and they do this well.
  • Pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum are good.
  • Nearly all pupils reading and writing skills have improved as a result of literacy initiatives.
  • Nearly all pupils apply their skills without support across a variety of curriculum activities
  • Pupils learning is enhanced through well-embedded thinking skills strategies in both phases.
  • Interventions are effectively planned to ensure that targeted pupils achieve well.
  • Pupils possess a high level of ICT skills.
/ Teachers’ planning files
Pupil profiles
Subject Leader Reports / Listening to learners
Pupils books
End of year assessments
SFA Assessments
Curriculum policies
Pupil Tracking data
MER: Lesson observations, Scrutiny of books, Learning walks
CSC reports
Skills Ladders
Quality Indicator: 1.1.5 Welsh language
  • Many pupils’ reading skills in Welsh have improved and they confidently use Welsh language patterns throughout the school.
  • Pupils’ standards in Welsh across the school are good with excellent features.
  • Pupils confidently use Welsh in different contexts and subjects beyond their Welsh lessons. Eg. During registration and assemblies.
  • Many pupils across the school develop appropriate oral skills in Welsh and use the language confidently in lessons and around the school, for example in Years 5 and 6 when answering questions in mathematics. Many pupils speak clearly with accurate pronunciation appropriate to their age.
  • In the Foundation Phase, the majority of pupils develop appropriate reading and writing skills, and good progress is being made at improving reading and writing skills in key stage 2.
  • Standards at the end of KS2 are high. In 2017, 92.9% of pupils achieved level 4+, 35.7% achieved level 5+, and 7.1% achieved level 6+.
  • Pupils demonstrate a positive attitude towards Welsh.
  • Many children are confident when asking and answering previously consolidated questions / patterns
  • Teachers’ positive attitude towards the language is reflected in the pupils’ enthusiasm
/ Welsh pupil profiles