Fall 2010 Syllabus

CS 108

Computer Applications

3 Credit Hour


Microsoft Office


Division of Math and Applied Sciences

Instructor: Pat Damman

Cloud County Community College

Agri-Business Department

Computer Applications


Fall 2010

COURSE TITLE: Computer Applications

Course Number: CS 108

Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Pat Damman

Office Location: Room 255

Office Hours: See attachment

Telephone: office 785.243.1435 ext: 272 home 785.692.4579


Division: Math and Applied Science

Date of Syllabus: Fall 2010

Tentative Exam and Quiz Dates:


To be announced

Catalog Description:

An introductory computer course designed for individuals to become familiar with micro- computers and their operations. An integrated software program will be used to apply this knowledge in word processing, database, and electronic spreadsheet technology for both home and business use.


At the end of this course, the student will be able to do the following:

1. Exhibit workplace skills as applicable to the working environment.

2. Demonstrate understanding of micro computing terminology through discussion and utilization of technical components and their applications.

3. Demonstrate mastery of basic Windows skills and processes.

4. Use basic word processing features to generate documents utilizing fonts, lines and graphic images.

5. Apply advanced editing and formatting features to create research reports, for letters, etc.

6. Demonstrate basic spreadsheet concepts to create spreadsheets using formulas and functions.

7. Prepare charts and graphs.

8. Design and create a database including sorting and indexing to prepare and print reports.

9. Demonstrate multi-tasking to link work processing documents, spreadsheets, graphs and databases.

10. Understand telecommunication features to access information using the Internet to transfer files from one computer to another.

Prerequisites: None

Textbooks: Microsoft Office

Sequencing: Fall / Spring

Degree: Transfer as equivalent

Campus: Main Campus


Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

1.  Identify the role of agriculture to our national economy.

2.  Demonstrate knowledge world food issues.

3.  Identify regions of agricultural importance. (national & world)

4.  Demonstrate the proper techniques in determining economic growth.


Students will be expected to complete a variety of assignments, quizzes and exams. A student’s final grade will be evaluated according to the following grading scale:

90% of total possible points A

80% of total possible points B

70% of total possible points C

60% of total possible points D

<60% of total possible points F

Will likely consist of: (yet subject to change)

Three exams (100 pts. each) 300

Classroom participation (10 pts. / week) 150

Twelve quizzes (10 pts. each, drop 2) 100

Thirty lab assignments 300

Class participation / Notebook 50 total 900

At the end of each module (WP, SS, DB), a major exam will be given. All assignments for that module MUST BE TURNED IN PRIOR TO THE EXAM, or else a zero will be recorded.


A.  There will be four (4) tests given during the semester. Each test may comprise of multiple choice, true/false, matching and essay.

B. There will be quizzes every Friday. There will be days that I will not give a quiz, yet that days activity will count as a quiz score.

C.  Homework will be awarded according to the activity.


Students who complete an Agri-Business course at Cloud County Community College should be able to:

·  Demonstrate Agriculture literacy.

·  Demonstrate the ability to think critically about Agricultural topics.

·  Demonstrate the ability to function in an Agriculture environment.

Levels of Learning

1.  The student is able to analyze and evaluate agricultural topics.

2.  The student is able to define, interpret, and discuss agricultural topics.

3.  The student fails to define, interpret, and discuss agricultural topics.

Standards: Eighty percent of the students completing an Agri-Business course at Cloud County Community College will be able to define, interpret, and discuss business/computer topics (Level 2).

Evaluation of these goals will be ascertained through a variety of course work that may include reading, writing, discussion, projects, application of technology, and oral report assignments.


Students who complete this course, Computer Applications, at Cloud County Community College will be evaluation the course competencies.

  1. Eighty percent of the students will score a Level 2 or higher on eighty percent of the course competencies.
  2. Fifty percent of the students will score a Level 3 or higher on eighty percent of the course competencies.
  3. Thirty percent of the students will score a Level 4 or higher on eighty percent of the course competencies.


This course is part of the Agri-Business Program. Students who complete the Agri-Business program will be expected to achieve these competencies. Refer to the attached program competency profile sheets.


Each semester student learning success will be assessed. This semester program goals will be assessed by evaluation program competencies.

  1. Ninety percent of the students will score a Level 1 or higher on one-hundred percent of the program competencies.
  2. Eighty percent of the students will score a Level 2 or higher on eighty percent of the program.
  3. Fifty percent of the students will score a Level 3 or higher on eighty percent of the program competencies.
  4. Thirty percent of the students will score a Level 4 or high on eighty percent of the program competencies.







On occasion, handouts will be given to students to read. These handouts are to be read and students will be responsible for their contents on quizzes and/or exams.


It is imperative that each student does his/ her own work. The following policy will apply to all students in class. Infractions of academic integrity (honesty) shall include:

·  Using another student’s work without giving the student credit for the work. In other words, taking someone else’s file and placing your name on it and claiming it is yours, using another student’s quiz, or help on a quiz/exam/paper/assignment.

·  Giving another student your work knowing that he/ she will use it without giving you credit. In other words, giving another student your file(s), papers, etc. knowing that he/she intends to turn it in as his/her own creation, giving another student your quiz, or help on a quiz/exam/paper/assignment.

·  It is not an infraction of the policy to help another student understand how to do an assignment if he/she does the work himself/ her with your assistance.


Any infraction will receive zero (0) credit on the assignment, paper, quiz, or exam.


If you need academic adjustments for any type of disability, see your instruction during office hours or make an appointment. Students also may contact Les Hemphill, Director of Advisement & Counseling, located in the Advisement Center.


Attendance in class is the student’s responsibility, Students are expected to attend class unless they are participating scheduled school activities or have bee excused by the instructor. Students cannot excessively miss class and effectively complete the course assignments. In case you are late or absent from class, it is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and turn in assignments.


Mature behavior is expected and required. Please respect others in the class by turning off your pagers, cell phones and other disruptive devices. Thoughtful discourse is the theme of this class. You are highly encouraged to participate in the classroom discussions; points are awarded for class discussions/ activities.


Makeup exams will only be given by special arrangement with the instructor and must be completed within a reasonable time frame. The make up exams may not be the same exams as given in class. NO MAKEUP exams will be allowed without prior arrangements made.


I may decide to give extra credit during the semester. The decision to do so will remain to be at my discretion, and is open to all individuals


If you are having problems with the course work, please let me know as early as possible. My office hours are intended as a time to work with students and prepare for classes. If you are unable to come during my office hours, please as for an appointment in advance. I encourage you to use E-mail as a reliable way to contact me about any issues.


Tutors are available in the Learning Skills Center and in the Ag office. Contact the instructor for more information.


Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without sound reason and documented as described in the Student handbook. The incomplete must be completed the semester immediately following the semester in which the class was taken. Refer to the Student handbook for a complete explanation.


In case of extremely severe weather, the college may close. The following radio stations will be notified:

KNCK 1390 AM Concordia

KCLY 101 FM Clay Center

KREP 92.1 FM Belleville

KHCD 89.5 FM Hutchinson

KVSV 1190 AM Beloit

KSAL 1150 AM Salina

Students should call the switchboard at 800-729-5101 or 785-243-1435 if they are unable to attend class due to hazardous conditions. Night class and off campus cancellations are left to the discretion of the instructor.


I. Hardware and Software

A. Hardware

B. Primary/Secondary Storage

C. Computer Software

D. Printer Operations

II. Network, DOS, Windows

A. Launch & exit Windows

B. Menus, dialog boxes and toolbars

C. File & Disk concepts

III. Create, Save, Retrieve, Print (Incorporated into all modules)

IV. Word Processing

A. Typing, Correcting, Cursor Movement

B. Page Appearance

1. Tabs & Indents 2. Margins & Page Length

3. Spacing 4. Justifying

C. Editing

1. Copying, Moving, Pasting, Erasing

2. Spell Checking

D. Style

1. Boldface, Underline, Italics, Center, Superscript, Subscript

E. Other

1. Cover Page and Numbering Pages, Headers, Footers

2. Page Breaks

V. Spreadsheets

A. Cursor Movement, Columns, Rows

B. Entering Values

C. Formulas

D. Moving, Inserting, Removing & Copying

E. Printing

F. Absolute Cells

G. Financial Keywords

VI. Graphics

VII. Forms and Folders (Data Base)

A. Designing Form, Field Names

B. Adding Records

C. List View & Form View

D. Printing and Report

E. Sorting Records and Performing Queries

F. Re-designing Forms and Changing Records

VIII. Integration and Other Applications

A. Merge Folder and Form Letter

B. Mailing Labels and Form Letters

IX. Communications

A. Modems

B. Services

C. Internet