



The House met at 09h07.

1. 09h08 Members were given an opportunity for silent prayers or meditation.

2. 09h09 The Speaker made announcements.

3. 09h11 The Speaker read the tabling by the Portfolio Committee on Finance of the KwaZulu-Natal Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill, 2017.

4. 09h12 The following Members gave notice of their intention to move

motions on the next sitting day of the House:

4.1 Dr S M Dhlomo, ANC:

This motion was ruled out of order as it had exceeded the maximum length of 100 words, as laid down by Rule 98 (1) of the Standing Rules of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature.

4.2 Ms P Mbatha-Cele, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

The high level of unemployment among young people in our country which has negative consequences for our communities as youths tend to gravitate towards substance abuse which leads to a litany of other social ills.

This House therefore resolves:

To commend eThekwini Metro for its bold and ambitious plan to train 1 000 artisans over the next three years.

The municipality is also in the process of establishing its very own academy where young people can acquire a full artisan qualification in diesel and petrol mechanics.

4.3 Mr M H Steele, DA, to move:

This House notes:

That the Legislature appears to have indulged in wasteful expenditure and fiscal dumping at the end of the financial year by splurging on luxury vehicles for use by Legislature staff; and

That the purchase of Audi A4s is contrary to the cost-cutting measures imposed by both National Treasury and Provincial Treasury.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the Speaker to establish which officials were responsible for authorising this wasteful expenditure; and

To recover the costs from them personally.

4.4 Mr M B Gwala, IFP, to move:

This House notes:

That AmaZulu Football Club recently launched the Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Legacy Cup Tournament; and

That this annual tournament, which is to be played in Ulundi, will honour the immense contributions made by Prince Buthelezi to all aspects of life in South Africa.

This House therefore resolves:

To congratulate Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi on receiving such a prestigious honour;

To thank Amazulu Football Club for its foresight in recognising and preserving the legacy of a true statesman; and

To call on all South Africans to acknowledge Prince Buthelezi’s contributions to the democracy that we enjoy today.

4.5 Ms P H Khuzwayo, NFP, to move:

This House notes:

On 9 August 1956, 20000 women marched to the Union Buildings;

On that momentous day, they handed over a petition that ended with these words: “We shall not rest until we have won for our children their fundamental rights of freedom, justice and security”;

As we celebrate 23 years of freedom, the NFP honours the women of 1956;

It is not uhuru yet as the struggle for equality remains, with women in our province occupying only 36% of senior management positions.

This House therefore resolves:

To fight harder to attain a more just and equal society.

4.6 Mr V Ndlovu, EFF, to move:

This House notes that:

Kwa-Ward 7 eThekwini Municipality abantu bakhelwa izindlu ngo-2004 engenazo izinsiza njengamanzi until today.

Kwa-Ward 57 eTambo Plaza nakhona into efanayo akukho manzi, gesi, namgwaqo olungele ukusetshenziswa abantu,

Kuyavela ukuthi iningi imali esiyehle ngemilenze eyenza le phrojekthi ingakwazi ukuphela,

Okuxakayo akekho ofuna ukuphumela obala ngale nkohlakalo.

This House therefore resolves:

Akuyekwe ukwakhelwa abantu izindlu ezingenazo izinsiza.

Ukushayela ihlombe igxathu lokusungula inkampani kahulumeni yezokwakha.

Ukucela umnyango wakwa-COGTA ukubna ungenelele kulezi zinkinga zalo Mkhandlu.

[This House notes:

That in Ward 7 of eThekwini Municipality, houses were built in 2004, but services such as water have not been connected to this day;

That the people in Ward 57, Tambo Plaza, are experiencing the same plight – no water, no electricity and no proper road infrastructure that is suitable for use by the community;

That it is rumoured that a lot of money that had been earmarked for this project was stolen, and

That the project is incomplete, yet no-one wants to come out openly and expose this corruption.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on authorities to stop building houses that do not come with services;

To applaud the step that was taken to establish a state-owned construction company; and

To call on the Department for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs to intervene in the problems that are facing this municipality.]

4.7 Ms D D Dlamini, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

The importance of political parties playing their part in ensuring that the upcoming by-elections in Nquthu are conducted in an environment of political tolerance and maturity.

This House therefore resolves:

To welcome the speedy arrest by law-enforcement agencies of persons accused of trying to destabilise these elections through criminal acts, which include the murdering of political opponents; and

To call on political parties to rein in their members so that these important elections are free and fair.

4.8 Ms V V Tambo, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

That South Africans once again celebrated Freedom Day yesterday, commemorating the first democratic elections in 1994.

This House therefore resolves:

To see this anniversary in the context of radical economic transformation, which is a natural extension of our political transformation which has seen our democracy consolidated since 1994; and

To acknowledge that economic freedom is the next goal after attaining political freedom for our people.

4.9 Mr H S Gumbi, DA, to move:

This House notes:

On 25 April Nongoma Municipality suspended and charged three directors, including the municipal manager, named in a R500 million corruption report; and

On 26 April Mr Mthembu, the Chief Financial Officer, was arrested by the Hawks as a suspect in the assassination plot of the late Internal Audit Manager, Mr Archie Duma.

This House therefore resolves:

To support all efforts in cleaning out corruption in Nongoma by the previous administration; and

To bring back stable, accountable government so the people of Nongoma are able to enjoy a better quality of life.

4.10 Mr H F Motala, IFP, to move:

This House notes:

With deep sadness the road carnage which claimed the lives of some 20 learners in Sokhulumi Village last week; and

Although government has rolled out programmes to deal with this curse, the death toll on our roads continues to be an unstoppable scourge.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on government to declare road accidents a national disaster which calls for extraordinary measures; and

To convene an urgent indaba of all sectors of leadership and experts to map out extraordinary strategies to deal with this demon once and for all.

4.11 Ms S Thakur-Rajbansi, MF, to move:

This House notes:

That the acclaimed oratory efforts of our Madiba, Alan Paton, Jan Hofmeyr and others should continue to leave an indelible legacy in the hearts of our learners;

That our Freedom Day celebrations would be greatly enhanced if the department could hold speeches, debates and contests in every school, honouring our democracy; and

That these contests could progress from district to national championship level, culminating with the finals close to June 16, Youth Day.

This House therefore resolves:

To invite discourse on introducing these debates to positively activate our youth; and

To promote the furtherance of social cohesion and nation building in South Africa.

4.12 Ms L C Bebee, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

Since 1994, the ANC-led government has made great strides in economic transformation by making this country a better place for all; and

The introduction of the Ministry of Small Business Development, and support for institutions such as the National Empowerment Fund, Central Energy Fund and the IDC are vehicles through which this government is fast-tracking radical economic transformation.

This House therefore resolves:

To give these institutions more financial support, coupled with proper monitoring and evaluation, in order to attain the envisaged results by our government.

4.13 Ms G N Swartbooi-Ntombela, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

That workers have played an important role in the building of a new South Africa;

They are indeed the bedrock on which our modern day democracy is built as they contribute valuable services in every area of our society; and

This government takes the plight of workers seriously and will defend it at any cost.

This House therefore resolves:

To wish all workers a happy Workers’ Day and Workers’ Month in May; and

To call on workers to continue being a strategic partner to this government as it sets out to improve the lives of all people in our province.

4.14 Ms A M McDonnell, DA, to move:

This House notes:

The ANC government has again been found in breach of the law and the Constitution by pushing a R1 trillion nuclear build project to benefit uranium mine owners, the Guptas; and

A High Court decision has found this to be illegal.

This House therefore resolves:

To call for all role players to have a debate on the energy mix deemed appropriate for the future of KwaZulu-Natal’s economic growth.

4.15 Ms N J Nkwanyana, IFP, to move:

Le Ndlu iyakunaka:

Ukuthi njalo uma kunemicimbi okuthiwa ekahulumeni onontandakubukwa njengesakabuli beqembu likaKhongolose baphendula le micimbi bayenze imibuthano yeqembu likaKhongolose.

Umkhuleko obuseBaqulisini muva nje wokukhululekela izinkinga ezigubuzele izwe ugcine usuphendulwa inkundla yokukhulekela uMongameli u-Jacob Zuma ezinkingeni abhekene nazo nokwenza sizibuze ukuthi thina singena kuphi ezinkingeni zakhe.

Kwalo mgubho wosuku lwenkululeko obubanjwe eManguzi izolo akuwona wokubungaza inkululeko kodwa kubungazwa inkohlakalo futhi kwenziwa sengathi uKhongolose wodwa owazabalazela inkululeko.

Angithi bakwenza ngoba nakhu bencenge isijingi ngokuthi bazigabise kuMongameli wezwe khona eyowatshekisela ngakubo amehlo.

Ngakho-ke le Ndlu inquma kanje:

Ukuba amalungu kaKhongolose awahlukane nalo mkhuba wawo ongalungile.

[This House notes:

That it has become the norm for the ANC to turn government events into their rallies;

The recent Interfaith Symposium, held at Abaqulusi Municipality to pray for the social ills that are facing our country, was turned into a platform to pray for President Zuma and the problems that he is facing; in response to which we have to ask ourselves how that is any concern of ours;

Even the Freedom Day event that was held in Manguzi yesterday was not celebrating freedom, but corruption, and an impression was created at that event that the ANC was the only political party that had ever fought for freedom.

They were doing this because they wanted the President’s attention and for him to notice them.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the ANC to refrain from this untoward tendency.]

4.16 Ms M M Ntuli, ANC, to move:

Le Ndlu:

Ishaqekile ngetulo labasocongi bomashayabhuqe okuzwakala ukuthi bafuna ukubulala uMongameli we-ANC nezwe lase-SA ubaba uMsholozi kanye namaLungu athile kuKhabhinethi nabanye abaningi.

Lokhu kucacisa bha ukuthi isidleke somashayabhuqe asiphelanga kwazise sisenezilonda ngalezi zenzo esinye esenzeka lapha Cross Rds kwaMashu lapho ababulali baba nesibindi sokuthi bona badubula ibhasi ilayishe izimfene.

Ngakho-ke le Ndlu inquma kanje:

Ukuba abantu base-SA bonkana beseke imigomo kahulumeni we-ANC olwela ubunye nokuthula kanye ne crime free society kweminye yayo;

Ukunxusa ukuthi umthetho uthathe indawo yawo ngempela. Abantu abanje abanandawo emiphakathini yethu.

[This House notes:

With shock an alleged plot by assassins to assassinate the President of the ANC and the country, President Zuma, and other members of his Cabinet, as well as many others;

That this will show clearly that the assassins’ nest has not been destroyed, since we are still not over such acts like the one that took place at Crossroads in KwaMashu where assassins were brave enough to shoot a bus that carried “baboons”.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the people of South Africa to support the policies of the ANC-led government which is fighting for unity, peace and a crime-free society, among others; and

To call for the law to take its course; people like these have no place in our society.]

4.17 Ms M C Frazer, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

That the USA is an official sponsor of anti-government protests;

That its ambition is to destabilize countries that are not its allies;

That the protests in Venezuela is [nothing but] a quest to remove the democratically elected President so that they can steal its oil; and

Propaganda is spread by the media, like they did here, to discredit our movement.

This House therefore resolves:

To warn the USA to stop its imperialist agenda and tendencies of destabilizing countries; and

To inform the prophets of doom that the ANC is governing South Africa, and not even a sponsored march will change that.

4.18 Mr G Mari, DA, to move:

This House notes:

That the current and ongoing land grabs by developers of in-fill sites in Phoenix have been revoked by eThekwini Municipality; and

That the motion to review the contracts and agreements was moved by the Democratic Alliance after developers had operated with impunity, destroying play lots, parks and sports fields, with no consultation with the community.

This House therefore resolves:

To congratulate the DA on its motion;

To call on the MEC for Human Settlements to conduct a forensic investigation into the land grabs and allocations; and

To ensure that community facilities are not destroyed in the name of housing the rich and the connected.

4.19 Ms T P Mthethwa, IFP, to move:

This House notes:

Last Wednesday’s election of Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng as President of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa; and

This honour was a vote of confidence in our judiciary.

This House therefore resolves:

To urge him to use his leadership to deepen respect for constitutionalism and the rule of law throughout Africa, and

To call on him to instill courage in his African counterparts to be tenacious in their defense of democracy and the rule of law against any form of abuse and attack.

4.20 Ms N R Majola, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

With disgust the posturing of the DA and its surrogates who blatantly refuse to honestly embrace freedom and human rights commemorations, but instead opt to conveniently organize reactionary marches to sugarcoat their nostalgia for apartheid.