JUNE 28, 2012

1. Chairperson calls meeting to order.

2. Salute to Flag

3. Open Public Meetings Act announcement.

4. Roll call of Commissioners.

5A. Authorization for payment of bills. Non-NL.

(a)  May 2012 Payroll Taxes - $1,458.12

(b)  May 2012 Pension – $350.00

(c)  Wayne Kronowski (Accounting Services for June) $500.00

(d)  Joan Kemble, Recording Secretary (5/24/12 Regular Meeting) - $155.00

(e)  Samuel Klein and Company (2010 Audit) - $5,750.00

(f)  Joseph P. Ambrosio, Esq. (Delivery fee 5/24/12) - $75.00

(g)  Rutgers (6/9/12 course-William Hendry) - $450.00

(h)  Home News Tribune (Publish & Affidavit of Publication 2010 Audit

Summary) - $121.40

(i)  HL (Raritan Baykeeper/Edison Wetlands 6/22/12) - $9,197.50

(j)  HL (Mtgs & Non-Escrow 6/22/12) - $1,837.50

(k)  HL (Gillette vs SERA 6/22/12) - $507.50

(l)  HL (SERA to Economy Auto 6/22/12 total $385.00) – SERA’s share $243.72

Motion to approve payment of bills (a) through (l) as listed.

Second? Roll call vote

5B. Authorization for payment of bills. NL Related, Non-Escrow.

(to be paid when funds are available)

(m)  CME Associates (SSA Environmental Remediation 5/31/12) - $31,435.51

Motion to approve payment of bills (m) through (m) as listed.

Second? Roll call vote.

5C. HDSRF funds.

Received from EDA for February HDSRF from Grant #P35574 - $1,637,543.04

(n) Sayreville Seaport Associates (transfer remediation funds 5/9/12) –


(o) SERA to retain $87,267.69

Received from EDA for April HDSRF from Grant #P35574 - $1,441,966.59

(p) Sayreville Seaport Associates (transfer remediation funds 6/18/12) - $1,334,972.95

(q) SERA to retain $106,993.64

5D. Authorization for payment of bills to be paid from Escrow Accounts.

(To be paid only if Escrow funds are available)

(r) HL (SERA from Conrail 6/22/12) - $367.50

(s) HL (Chase Partners 6/22/12) - $997.50

(t) HL (Faith Fellowship 6/22/12) - $735.00

(u) HL (NL vs Prudential SERA 6/22/12) - $8,577.50

(v) HL (National Lead Remediation 6/22/12) - $4,655.00

(w) HL (National Lead Site 6/22/12) - $1,277.50

(x) HL (SERA to Economy Auto 6/22/12 total $385) – SSA’s share $141.28

Motion to approve payment of bills (r) through (x) as listed.

Second? Roll call vote.

6. Pending Matters.

A. Waterfront Redevelopment Project

B. Adopt Budget 2012

C. Allvision – status

D. Chase Partners (Club Bene) – status

E. VG Resources

F. Robert E. Lee Redevelopment site

G. Jersey Cooperage

H. BDA Quarterly meeting

7. Resolution providing for holding of private executive meeting pertaining to litigation, personnel, contract negotiations and property acquisition/sale.

A. Waterfront Redevelopment Project

1. Remediation budget and related issues

2. MCUA – status of purchase

3. Acquisition of Borough property within NL site

4. Acquisition of Conrail property

5. Edison Wetlands Assoc. & NY/NJ Baykeeper – status

6. Proposed Ordinance Amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Area Zoning

7. Proposed Ordinance Amending the Borough of Sayreville GDP Ordinance

8. Authorization of the proposed Environmental Budget Reallocations

9. Authorization of the proposed WRS Compass Change Order

10. Authorization of the proposed PCB Soil disposal contract between

Hilltop Enterprises and Merion Construction

11. Authorization of the proposed Radiolgoical Soil disposal contract between

Hilltop Enterprises and Merion Construction

12. Authorization of the proposed Radiological Soil disposal contract between

Merion Construction and SSA

13. Authorization of the proposed Soil Disposal Contract for Radiological and

PCB Soils between SSA and SERA

B. Jersey Cooperage

C. VG Resources

D. Allvision

Motion to close private session and resume meeting in public session. Motion seconded. Voice vote.

8. New business.

A. Resolution Authorizing Roux, Inc., to act a LSRP for Parcel B;

B. Resolution Authorizing Sayreville Seaport Associate’s Environmental

Specialists to Begin Preliminary Work on Parcel B in Contemplation

of Remediation

C. Resolution Adopting 2012 Budget

D. Resolutions re Ordinance Amendments WRA & GDP; Authorizing Environmental Budget Reallocations; Authorizing WRS Change Order; Authorizing PCB Soil Disposal Contract and Radiological Soil Disposal Contract between Hilltop and Merion; Authorizing Radiological Soil Disposal Contract between Merion and SSA and Authorizing Soil Disposal Contract for Radiological and PCB Soils between SSA and SERA.

9. Commissioners’ Comments.

10. Chairperson opens the meeting to public comment.

11. Motion to close public portion of meeting.

Second? Voice vote.

12. Motion to adjourn.

Second? Voice vote.