Minutes of Hawkesbury Parish Council Meeting

held on Mon 7th Apr 2008 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall

1 / Present
S Hope(SH Chair), H Bleaken(HB), C Dixon(CD), P Isaac(PI), J Otley (JO Vice-Chair), L Roberts(LR), R Tyson(RT), D Carey (DC Clerk).
2 / Apologies: D Higgs (DH), A Musty (AM).
3 / Public Participation: None.
4 / Approval of Minutes
4.1 / The following alterations were made:
Section / Original / Replaced by
4.1 / Starveall / Starveal
The minutes of Mar.’s Parish Council meeting were then accepted and signed.
5 / Update Of Previous Actions: none
6 / Urgent Correspondence
/ Item / Action or Note
ALCA newsletter (Mar and for Apr)
Sth Glos 2026 vision report
Appointment of external auditor for 2007/08 to 2011/12 - Mazars LLP
Renewable energy leaflets
Supporting Communities in the West of England / Conference, Th 26/06/08 09:30, BAWA
Village of the Year entry form for 2008. / Decided not to enter next year, awaiting final results of this year,
Request for help tracing ancestry / è SH èhistory group. DC to mail author.
Re capacity of electricity supply to Hawkesbury Parish - there is no problem / DC to file.
Request from Chip Sodbury resident to use unused section of allotment.
Reply from SGC re drainage problems etc in Knightstone-Highfields. / DC to ask Knightstone if they have finished the work & if so to request them to clear the skip and make good the site.
ROPSA will inspect play area in April. / DC to inform Hall Committee.
SGC Planning Applications meeting targets. / This was discussed. SH/DC to draft feedback and respond.
Parish Charter Working Group Meeting Brian Glasson to attend. / Meeting The Greenfield, Park Ave, Winterbourne Tue Apr 15.
SSCG meeting Apr24, 7:30 / Meet at Tormarton Community Hall.
Should the Annual Assembly be advertised in the Gazette newspaper?
Insurance Renewal / Includes cover for village of year trophy. Clerk to file.
Comments concerning PK08/0622/F The Big House, St Johns St, HU
Audit Commission report for year ending 31/03/08 / Clerk to forward to RFO.
Village spring clean gloves and rubbish bags received at Post Office
School Hall booked for Annual Assembly / (Methodist Hall already taken)
Standards committee annual report
Streetlights not working (1) near East View, Back St, HU (2) in the Barton, HU / Clerk to report these to StreetCare
SH declared an interest
See section 11 below.
See section 16.1 below
See section 7.2 below.
See section 9 below.
See section 16.2 below
7 / Finance
7.1 / Cost Versus Budget: no report.
7.2 / Invoices to be paid
From / Reference / Amount / Pay/No
Hawkesbury Upton Methodist Hall / Hall hire for police surgery, 28th Feb / £4.00 / Not Pay DH to pay
ALCA subscription for 2008/09 / £260.60 / Pay
Community Action 08/09subscription / £20.00 / Pay
Garden Manicures / Grass Cut - cemetery. Invoice date 31/03/08 / £87.00 / Pay
Hawkesbury Upton Methodist Hall / Room hire for Village of Year meting / £16.00 / Pay
Allianz / PC insurance for 08/09 / £695.77 / Pay
Glos Wildlife Trust / Subs / £25.00 / Pay
D Carey / Clerks fees and expenses / £207.98 / Pay
Clerk to post above cheques. / A06DC
8 / Footpaths
8.1 / The village public rights of way group is due to meet this month. The feasibility of producing leaflets of walks around the village is being investigated
9 / Planning Applications Received
App No. / Address / Description / PCs’ Comments
PK08/0622/F resub of PK07/2659/F / The Big House, St Johns St, HU / Erect two storey side extension / No objection but PC want a condition placed that the chimney is used for decorative purpose only & never used as a combustion flue (due to the close proximity of neighbours bedroom windows).
PK08/0693/ LB / The Big House, St Johns St, HU / Erect two storey side extension / Same comment as above.
Clerk to send PC comments to South Gloucestershire Planning Department. / A07DC
10 / Planning Decisions Made
App No. / Address / Description / PCs’ Comments
PK07/2721/ LB / The Big House, St Johns St, HU / Demolition of existing side lean to extension & erect two storey side extension / No objection
PK08/0151/F / 32 Highfields, HU / Erect 2 storey side ext and single storey side ext & front porch. / The plans not delivered, looked on website, would have liked to comment on the size but haven't had the chance to comment properly
PK08/0481/F / Queens Hive Cottage, Back St, HU / Erect single storey side ext to form additional living acc. / No objection but want condition placed that materials match existing.
/ Sth Glos Decision
Application Withdrawn
11 / Allotments
11.1 / PC decided that when there is a waiting list for allotments, the available allotments must be offered to parishioners first. / Agreed
11.2 / Councillors to visit allotment site, to see if any additional space is available. / A08ALL
11.3 / Clerk to collect £15 for 2008/09 rent from allotment holders & issue receipts. / A09DC
12 / Village Spring Clean
Meet in Hall car park 19th April 10:30, gloves/bags are available from the Post Office.
13 / Village of the Year Competition
13.1 / Meeting W 9th April 7:30 Methodist hall.
13.2 / LR and young volunteers will paint the bus shelter tomorrow.
14 / Feedback from Vision Project: no report
15 / District Councillor’s Report
15.1 / Housing – many houses are due to built in the Yate/Sodbury area and some in rural areas. Consultation time will be only six weeks starting end of April.
15.2 / Poor response times for ambulance call out in our area. SH requests further evidence to support the argument.
15.3 / Municipal waste is being discussed at a sub-regional level, viz. one large or many small incinerators.
16 / Councillors’ Items
16.1 / Annual Assembly 7:30 School Hall. Clark to place agenda (School Report, Hall Report, Police Report, Danny Blakeney presentation) in Shop and Post Office. Clerk to place free advert in Gazette what’s on section. / A10DC
16.2 / Clerk to contact South Gloucestershire Council’s StreetCare about:
Location / Description
Near East View, Back St, HU. / Streetlights not working
The Barton, HU. / Streetlights not working
Bramble Cottage, High St, HU. / Hedges need cutting back to clear footpath.
The Gables, High St. HU. / Drain cover cracked
On boundary between Hawkesbury Parish & Horton – near Upper Chalkley Farm. / Drains flooding again.
/ A12DC
16.3 / Bushes opposite the old shop on Inglestone Common blocking visibility for cars. CD to volunteered to prune them. / A13CD
16.4 / Chase Lane resurfacing has been very successful. DC to thank Julian Wilson of Gloucestershire Council. / A14DC
16.5 / DC to re-contact BWSL for a reply to previous PC question of capacity of sewage pipes in Hawkesbury Upton. / A15DC
16.6 / JO to inspect the seat at the monument to see if repairs are required. / A16JO
16.7 / LR to inquire of Queens Hive Cottage re car repeatedly blocking pavement. / A17LR
16.8 / Discussions have been held with the Enforcement Officer re business being conducted on Church Hill.
16.9 / Streetlights – can orange ones be replaced by white ones? SH to investigate. / A18SH
16.10 / Car speed monitoring results show many cars are exceeding 30mph in HU. The PC supports an application for appropriate signs. / Agreed.
16.11 / Next meetings:
Parish Council Annual Assembly M 28th April, School Hall.
PC AGM and following meeting Tu 6th May Parish Hall (DC to book hall). / A19DC

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