DAFNE Educator Programme

Training Workshop

Application Form


F02.005, Version 9 –October 2017

Specification to become a DAFNE Educator

The following specification is seen as including the qualities for a DAFNE educator, in order to maintain consistently high quality:


  • Understanding of aetiology of Type 1 diabetes.
  • Desire to work in patient centre behavioural approach – communication and facilitation.
  • Empathy with DAFNE philosophy.
  • Enthusiasm for working with people with Type 1 diabetes.
  • Open-mindedness.
  • Being open to and expect constructive feedback.
  • Being able to relate to people on a personal level.


  • To be open-minded about new ways of managing Type 1 diabetes which would include a philosophy of self-management.
  • To be actively involved in the management of people with Type 1 diabetes over the last year.
  • To have worked as part of a specialist diabetes team for a minimum of 1 year.
  • To have ongoing responsibility for/exposure to Type 1 patients.


  • To have a relevant teaching qualification in adult learning or equivalent experience.
  • To have experience in teaching groups.
  • To have expertise in teaching methods that encourages maximum group participation.
  • To demonstrate a willingness to take on skills normally outside the traditional role of a dietitian or a nurse.

In order to become a DAFNE educator you will have to be successfully assessed on:

  • Delivery of the essential learning outcomes from the DAFNE curriculum.
  • Planning the session:
  • Development of personal lesson plans
  • Using a range of teaching strategies for adult learning
  • Identification and use of resources
  • Managing the session:
  • Being able to manage a group
  • Involve participants
  • Problem solving
  • Experiential learning
  • Adult education and interpersonal skills:
  • Good communication skills
  • Encouraging participant problem solving
  • Encouraging group interaction and involvement
  • Non threatening and non judgemental

Please bear in mind that if you do not exactly meet the specification, this does not necessarily mean you are not suitable, although you may find the DEP more demanding.

Proposed DAFNE educators must be aware of the necessary time commitments to complete the DEP and QA requirements of DAFNE.

Applicant details

Please ensure contact details are correct. The information provided will be uploaded onto the central DAFNE database and used to record your DAFNE training.

Surname*: ......

First name*:......


DAFNE centre*:......

Work number:......

Mobile Number*:......

Personal email address:......

NHS Email address*:......

Please indicate which email you would like central DAFNE to use to contact you? Personal NHS

Do you have any dietary requirements? Yes No

If yes, please enter details below.

Please note if this question is not answered, we will assume that you have no dietary requirements for us to consider when organising lunch arrangements on the course.

Are you the identified lead DAFNE educator? Yes No

Course observation

Observation of a DAFNE course must take place no more than 8 weeks prior to the 3-day DEP. Observation can be either internal or external to a DAFNE service. If observation is internal to a service complete the details below. If observation is external to a service observation venue details will be supplied to you by the central DAFNE team.

Observation week date: ………………………………………………………………………..

Observation week venue: ……………………………………………………………………….

Peer review course


If a DAFNE service has an active DEP peer reviewer, the peer review can be executed internally but the course must be delivered on one of the peer review week dates provided for the DEP workshop the trainee registers to attend.


Central DAFNE will allocate an external peer review course date to the trainee. The course date will be allocated upon peer reviewer availability. The service must be able to deliver a course on the date offered. The trainee must check peer review dates with the central DAFNE team prior to booking onto the course.

Peer review week venue(this information is required on submission of the application. Details are required in order to assign a peer reviewer.)


Training dates

Training places are non-refundable and non-transferrable. You cannot mix 3-day course, peer review and 1-day workshops from different programmes. There could be cost implications to a service if your venue changes once peer review plans have been made and any travel and accommodation requirements need to be amended.

Please enter details of the DEP you are applying for. You must be certain you can commit to the dates. Dates can be found on the DAFNE website

Date of DEP: ......

Location of DEP: ......


I the undersigned have read and understood the commitment involved and wish to proceed with the DAFNE educator programme training.

Print Name:......

Signed: ......

Date: ......

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Centre and delivery details

Are you currently working in an active DAFNE service?

Yes – complete parts a) and b) below

No – complete part b) below

Part a)

Centre number (if known): ......

Centre Name: ......

Part b)





Post Code:......

Delivery details (if different from above)



Centre/Hospital...... :





Post code:......

DAFNE Educator Programme Learning Contract

I agree to do the following as part the DAFNE Educator Programme (DEP):

Step 1 (1 hour)

  • Read the DEP file prior to commencing Step 3.
  • Complete and return this form to Central DAFNE with the application form.

Step 2 (prior to commencing Step 3 (3 to 5 hours)

  • Complete background reading.
  • Complete your question sheet provided in the DEP file.

Step 3 (5 days)

  • Observe a complete 5-day DAFNE patient course.
  • Complete observation sheets as detailed in the DEP file.
  • Identify and prepare a case study using predefined guidelines provided in the DEP file.

Step 4 (3 days)

  • Attend each of the 3-day workshops.
  • Develop a personal plan for the delivery of your peer supported course.

Step 5 (25½ – 32½ hours)

  • Recruitment and preparation of patients.
  • Personal preparation, familiarisation with the DAFNE curriculum and resources, production of lesson plans and additional resources.

Step 6 (5 days)

  • Prepare for and deliver sessions as part of a local DAFNE patient course, which will be observed by a DEP Reviewer.
  • Agree areas for ongoing professional development with the DEP Reviewer

Step 7 (1-day)

  • Attend the 1-day follow-up workshop.

All training must be completed in one programme. If the trainee is unable to complete any part of the programme they will need to re-apply. Therefore it is essential that trainees ensure they are available for all parts of the programme they apply for.

Delegate to sign:

Upon completion of the DEP, I agree to comply with the DAFNE Quality Assurance and Audit process.




Service Manager to sign:

I understand the time commitment required and agree to ensure that this time is made available for the above to complete the DEP

Service Manager Name:



Costs & Payment

DEP for 1 educator / £2,360.00

DEP for 2 educators £2,715.00

Payment method

The following details are required for payment of your training place. Please provide the correct details.

  • Purchase order

PO attached: Yes No PO Number: ……………………………………..

  • Cheque

Cheque attached: Yes No Cheque number: …………………………………

  • Visa

If Visa is the preferred payment method, please contact central DAFNE on 0191 293 4115. The payee will be transferred to Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s finance department to process payment

Note: DEP training places will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment. Training places are non-transferrable and non-refundable.

Return Application

We are unable to accept incomplete application forms, please ensure all sections of the form are completed prior to return.

We can accept application forms via email providing it is received from an NHS email account in the applicant’s name. Alternatively please sign, scan and email from an alternative email address or return the signed application form by post to:

Central DAFNE

Ward 2

North Tyneside General Hospital

Rake Lane

North Shields

NE29 8NH

Note: Training places are non-transferrable and non-refundable.

DAFNE ©F02.005, Version 9– October 20171