FEBRUARY 14 – 16, 2015

(Registration deadline- January 31, 2015)

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Address: ______email______

Home Phone #: ______Home Congregation: ______

Birthdate (M/D/Y): ______Gender: M or F Age: ______

Provincial Medical #: ______

Medical Concerns:______

Allergies: ______

Special Dietary Requirements ______

Emergency Contact and Phone # Day: ______Night:______

The youth leader that I am registered with is ______

Enclosed: $75.00registrationMake cheques payable to: Saskatchewan Synod


  • I grant permission for the Retreat Organizers to seek medical attention as required during the 2015 February Youth Gathering.

______(signature of parent/ guardian)


  • I agree to cooperate with the leaders and be an active participant in the gathering. ______(signature of youth)
  • I agree to allow my name and/or photograph to be used in Synod communication as a result of my attendance at this event.

______(signature of youth)

The SK Synod is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information submitted to it by youth and parents who are registering for events. The information that you provide will be used for the purposes internal to the Planning Committee and retained in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Privacy Policy of the ELCIC. Further information on this policy can be viewed on the ELCIC website:


FEBRUARY 14 – 16, 2015

(Registration deadline- January 31, 2015)

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Address: ______email______

Home Phone #: ______Home Congregation: ______

Birthdate (M/D/Y): ______Gender: M or FAge: ______

Provincial Medical #: ______

Medical Concerns: ______

Allergies: ______

Special Dietary Requirements______

Emergency Contact and Phone # Day: ______Night: ______

Enclosed: ______$ 75.00 registration Make cheques payable to: Saskatchewan Synod

I agree to allow the Retreat Organizers to seek medical attention as required for me during the 2015 February Youth Gathering. I agree to assist the presenters in helping to make the gathering a positive event. I understand that my name and/or photograph may be used as a result of my attendance at this event. I have read/ agree to abide by the ELCIC Policy for the Protection of Children, Youth and other Vulnerable People (see Introduction and Policy on ) Attached to this registration is a copy of my current Police Records Check.

______(signature of leader)

I will be responsiblefor the following youth:




