Present : Cllr A. Stott. – Town Mayor

Councillors : D Bowden G.B. Cooke Mrs. D. Cooke

A. Cooper P. Dolan M. Falzon

Mrs. A. Gerrard Mrs G. Gough Mrs. J. Illidge

B. Jamieson T. Lawrenson S. Naylor

Mrs. L. Nelson K. Rimmer Mrs. J. Storey

Also present: Chris Shaw Town Clerk

Mrs. T. Cash Council Secretary /Mayor’s P.A.


Frances Findlay wished to speak regarding the recent reports of flooding in the country. Considers

that a serious reappraisal and Risk Assessment of public safety of our flood defences at Northwich. The financial costs to residents and businesses is devastating due to the serious situation in respect of the flooding. Ms. Findlay advised that the Dane Valley has flooded several times in recent years, and yet CWAC have granted Planning permission for a large housing development. The Environment Agency have said that due to UK climate change, a whole rethink needs to take place regarding flood defences, and although they would like to carry out research, they have low resource to do so. Ms Findlay considers it irresponsible to agree to the Planning until a thorough assessment of this issue. Ms. Findlay was thanked by the Mayor. Cllr. Cooper commented that the water level in the town rivers were just below the acceptable level today, as an example, there had not been as much rain, but the river was flowing fast. Cllr. Jamieson agreed to raise this issue with the Planning Committee.


Apologies for absence and reasons for absence were received from Cllrs. A. Dimelow, Mrs. L. Hough, S. Kryger, T. Murphy and P Naylor.


Members to declare any interest under the following categories:

• Pecuniary Interest

• Outside Bodies Interest

• Family, Friend or Close Associate interest

Cllr. Lawrenson declared an interest in any matters relating to Rudheath Parish Council, and CWAC.

Cllr. S. Naylor declared an interest in any matters relating to CWAC.

Cllr. Dolan declared an interest in any matters relating to CWAC.

Cllr. Gerrard declared an interest in any matters relating to Rudheath Parish Council

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Date Cllr Andy Stott

Town Mayor


1.  That the minutes of Town Council Meeting held on Monday 7th December, 2016 be confirmed and approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr. Cooper, seconded by Cllr. Rimmer.


·  To note the Planning and Environment Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 15th December, 2015. In respect of Planning Application 15/04666/FUL, (Erection of pedestrian footbridge over the River Dane). Cllr. Jamieson reiterated the Town Council are very concerned at the recent decision by CWAC to approve housing development on the Dane Valley Flood plain. The TC to arrange a meeting with the Environment Agency, The Canal & River Trust, CWAC Emergency Planning together with the Town Council.

Northwich Town Centre public realm works on Witton Street are planned for the New Year. The T.C. is to contact CWAC to enquire if the problem with the drainage to the main sewer and the sewer gas leak will be solved.

·  To note the Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 15th December, 2015. Cllr. Cooper requested that an Agenda item is included regarding the presence of defibrillators. There should be one in every school and would like a report to the Finance and General Purposes Committee listing schools and buildings in town where defibrillators are located. Cllr. Rimmer enquired as to Public buildings and if appropriate training on how to use the equipment has been carried out. Cllr. Dolan also commented about Care Homes and that the need for training is fully addressed.


Mayor informed members that he had attended the following events during December.

1.  2nd Peter Pan Pantomime Mid Cheshire College

2.  3rd Cheshire Fire and Rescue Prince’s Trust Graduation, Crewe

3.  3rd Talking Newspapers, Northwich Library

4.  6th Charity Christmas Concert Memorial Court

5.  6th St John Ambulance Awards Ceremony, St Mary’s Weaverham

6.  12th Peter Pan Pantomime, The Grange Theatre

7.  13th Snow White Pantomime Press Night. Memorial Court.

8.  17th Redrow Homes, Joshua Tree Charity opening event

9.  11th Tree of Lights ceremony, NTC Council Offices.

10.  14th Buddies Christmas Carol Concert. Northwich & Dist. Youth Club.

11.  18th Rotary Club NVR Santa’s Sleigh Charity ride.

Cllr. Jamieson wished to thank the Town Clerk and staff of NTC for arranging a lovely Tree of Lights ceremony and entertainment. Cllr. Bowden wished to endorse this.

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Date Cllr Andy Stott

Town Mayor


TC reported on the following: -

Give and Gain Initiative

The next Give and Gain initiative will be on Wednesday 27th January and will concentrate on 3 areas of the town.

Area 1 – a piece of land that is not currently in use off Greenall Road, Alan Street and Danefields Road. This area was originally used by Victoria Road School as a playing field but it is currently suffering from ASB, littering and drug abuse. NTC will hopefully be carrying on the maintenance of this area once we have cleaned the site and will be working with enforcement teams to make this project sustainable.

Area 2 - Ash and Oak Street will have some environmental improvements which have been highlighted at our recent Council meetings. CWAC have confirmed they own part of the land that is currently used and have no specific plans for the area at present.

Area 3 - Matalan and Sainsbury’s issues have also been raised, walkways and steps are covered in leaves which have caused slips, and an unsightly appearance. Contact has been made with these retailers to ask if they wish to take part in the initiative and we are awaiting a response.

More details will be sent over the next couple of weeks, but in the meantime Members were asked to indicate if they are able to support this initiative on the day.

National Infrastructure Commission

Town Clerk has contacted Cllr. Brian Clarke, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Infrastructure regarding the above and a meeting will be arranged in January.


Members will be informed of the date in due course.

Cumberland Street Parking Issues

Members raised concerns regarding the amount of parking tickets being issued on Cumberland Street car park on Artisan Market days, and was subsequently discussed with officers from CWAC. Following on from these, Highways have decided to install additional road markings which will also create 7 new parking spaces. Thanks must go to Jamie Baron from Highways who has worked on this and implemented the changes quickly. Cllr. Cooper added that this issue was raised with Jamie Baron and his colleague in mid December, Jamie came back with proposals, and agreed to clearly mark ‘no parking’ where appropriate and to mark bays up to create the extra spaces. Cllr. Jamieson wished to thank Cllr. Cooper for his time and effort on this matter. Cllr. B Cooke commented that it seems ridiculous that drivers are issued with a fine for not parking in designated Parking bays.

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Date Cllr Andy Stott

Town Mayor

Northwich Town Centre Additional Works

Working in partnership with the Northwich BID, NTC will now give additional resources on the cleansing of the town centre 7 days a week. Work will be for 2 hours per day from 6.00 a.m. until 8.00 a.m., cleansing the top of the town from the Witton Chimes to Burtons. CWAC will still undertake their baseline services in the town centre and this will be an enhancement to that service. NTC now carry out all the spring and summer planting and from April will also be taking on the maintenance of the 32 additional hanging baskets within the town. Cllr. Rimmer asked is there any cost to NTC, but charges will be met by Northwich BID.

CWAC Play Strategy Workshop

Town Clerk recently attended a Play strategy workshop organised by CWAC, which was to bring all key stakeholders from the area together to discuss the future of play provision within Cheshire. The meeting was very informative and hopefully a strategy will be produced to enable all partners to access and share best practice regarding the future of play within our area.


Mayor’s Ball

The Town Mayor’s Ball will take place on Saturday, 12th March, 2016 at Hartford Golf Club, and the cost will be £25 per person. This will include a welcome drink, three course meal and disco. Invitations will be sent shortly. Cllr. B. Cooke commented this is a very good price.

Artisan Market

The monthly Artisan Market and Council Surgery will take place on Saturday 9th January, 2016, and as usual a request will be sent for Councillors attendance.


Cllr. Jamieson explained in detail the New Homes Bonus that is payable. CWAC are proposing to end this for future years. It was hoped that we would use these funds for specific areas in Winnington. Funds have been used successfully in previous years. Play facilities are needed in Winnington and we would be keen to pursue this. Also issues such as traffic on Winnington Lane and Castle Street, particularly work to the deteriorating wall there. If the New Homes Bonus monies are lost, we will not have the ability to attend to making these improvements. It should be noted that New Homes Bonus is a discretionary payment and may be withdrawn. NTC Councillors will have the chance to send a response after the next Full Council meeting on 1st February. Deadline for responses is 5th February, 2016.


Proposal to bring to next meeting by Cllr. Jamieson, seconded by Cllr. Rimmer.

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Date Cllr Andy Stott

Town Mayor


Cllr. Jamieson explained the consultation process. Deadline for responses is 6th January, 2016. CWAC are working with NHS, to step down services. Regarding the Victoria Infirmary, this is key for Northwich. Creating new wards to provide single member wards, these are big issues. Car parking charges, there has been a significant campaign run by NIRA, with a lot of responses, which will be presented to CWAC. Introducing charges will have an impact on the economy in Northwich. Suggestions on how to bridge the gap could be an increase to Council Tax. There is a growing Council Tax base due to housing development taking place. Money going to road repairs could result in increased business rates. There are opportunities of raising funds and avoid car parking charges. Cllr. Jamieson therefore proposed to submit, this was seconded by Cllr. S. Naylor. Cllr. Bowden raised a question regarding Adult Social Care. Cllr. Dolan advised of a £47m shortfall in this area. 2019 will have 1/3 cut. There is rising demand and diminished resourcing with the current aging population. There is the potential opportunity to use 2% additional budget to ringfence Social Care. Our response is taking account of this. There are hard choices to be made on Services. Cllr. Bowden commented that masses of evidence shows that money spent on particularly vulnerable children is an investment, and money spent early on is repaid 13 times of public funds. Cllr. Jamieson thanked Cllr. Cooper for his assistance in editing the response to enable it to be submitted online.


At a recent meeting with Officers from CWAC, a Member of NTC raised concerns regarding the lack of general communication between NTC and CWAC. Following on from this, TC has now agreed with Officers from CWAC, that he will attend all Barons Quay update meetings, and will have regular meetings with the Regeneration Team, Localities and Northwich BID, and will report back to Members each Council Meeting. Will also enquire if T.C. along with a designated Town Councillor can attend CWAC Members Briefings. TC will speak to Localities later this week to arrange a quarterly meeting between Members of NTC and CWAC Officers should the need arise. This meeting will be to update NTC Members, but also to provide a two-way communication programme, to ensure everyone is fully informed.


Decision taken, proposed by Cllr. Bowden, who supports this great step forward, and seconded by Cllr. Illidge. Cllr. S. Naylor commented that CWAC Members Briefings take place at Memorial Court and agreed to attend. Cllr. Rimmer commented that CWAC need to work with us, and it is not acceptable for us not being involved.


Recently announced that the Northern Rail Franchise has been awarded to Arriva Rail North Limited.

Mid Cheshire line service, Manchester to Chester will see a half hour additional express service from

Greenbank to Manchester from December 2017. New trains to replace the older Pacer rolling stock

by the end of 2019. No reference as yet to Northwich Station and the accessibility problems

experienced by passengers. Cllr. Dolan has raised the problem of disabled access at the Station

several times, and any improvements must include this. It should be a condition of the Tender, that