Copying on an Exam

A Teaching Assistant reported a sophomore to Student Judicial Affairs for

copying and/or collaborating during an exam. When meeting with the Judicial

Officer, the student stated that he was taking medications, which caused the side

effects of twitching and nausea. The student stated that the TA might have

misinterpreted the behavior as cheating. Due to the lack of evidence that the

student was cheating, the professor agreed to the recommended actions of the

Judicial Officer. Since this was the student’s first referral, he was given an

Administrative Notice, which is not a disciplinary action but is a formal notice of

University policy related to academic integrity. If the student is later referred for

and found in violation of the University policy that he was officially put "on notice"

about, the disciplinary sanction that he would receive would likely be effected by

the fact that he had previously received the Administrative Notice.


This senior was referred to the office of Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for

plagiarism on a final paper. The professor reported the student due to her lack of

citations and the fact that she had copied portions from an online source. Once

the professor noticed the plagiarism in the paper, he quickly contacted the

student. When in conference with the student, she stated that she was in a rush

to finish the paper and apologized for the lack of citations. The professor stated

that the student showed remorse and asked the professor how to prevent

plagiarism in the future. However, the professor still reported the student for

plagiarism, as he is obligated to do under the Code of Academic Conduct. In

her meeting with a Judicial Officer, the student apologized and said that she

made a mistake. Since this was her first violation, she was given the sanction of

a Censure. A Censure is a written notice or reprimand that the student violated a

University policy and that if repeated, further disciplinary action would be taken.

Failure to Follow Procedures

A junior was referred to SJA for failure to follow directives during a math

placement exam. At the end of the exam, the Teaching Assistant called time and

told the students to stop working on the exam and turn it in. This student failed to

stop working on the test and stated that she did not stop because no one warned

her before time was called. She also claimed that when she asked if she could

continue, no one answered so she thought it was okay. Continuing to work after

time is called is a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct because it is

unfair to other students. Since this was the junior's first referral, she was given

the sanction of Disciplinary Probation for one year.