Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26th July 2016


Suzanne Rhind (Chair) Wayland Partnership Development Trust
Jo Jacklin – My Confidence (Part) / Kira Lucke – Benjamin Foundation
Florence Pand Health Visitor – CCS/HV/NHS / Anita Beckett – Benjamin Foundation
Lisa Savage – Watton Sports Centre / Mark Webster - TCV
Karen McAlese – NCC NCHFF


Carole Adam – Pets as Therapy / Helen Cannell – Volunteers Matters
Lynn Scarrott / Ali Coles
Cheryl McKay / Ben Jest – Smoke Free Norfolk
Zoe Harding / Jackie Rogers
Jean Williams – Happy Project Outreach Worker / Marty Elliott – Norfolk Carers Support
Leigh Taylor – Daisy Programme / Michelle Turner – Growing Buddies
Sean Christie – NCC Public Health
Item No. / Detail / Action
1. / Welcome and Introductions
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting and also thanked them for attending. Everyone introduced themselves.
2. / Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 24th May 2016
Were read, agreed and signed as a true record.
3. / Current Projects
  • Health and Wellbeing Marquee at Wayland Show on Sunday 7th August 2016 will be to promote healthy living. Stalls in the marquee are nearly fully booked.
  • Dementia Café – grant been used to bring in Extend Sessions as well as purchase games and go on trips.
  • Mens Shed – there have been 3 meetings so far and 10 men have shown an interest and are really keen to get a Mens Shed set up. Various venues have been looked at such as CAB Building, St Marys Church and Blenheim Grange. Also they have visited a Mens Shed in Norwich. It is for all ages and backgrounds. Funding is available for a building. Venue needs to be available for use during the daytime. The Grange at Great Cressingham are opening on 15th June 2016 at 10.00am.
  • Job & Career Skills Fair held on 28th June 2016 at Queens Hall –very successful with 160 people attended all ages and there were some job offers made. Next Jobs Fair is 28th March 2017.
  • Youth Social Action – IT training for smart phones and laptops is continuing. The Young Leader is going off to University. Anita Beckett offered that Benjamin Foundation could possibly help to find young people and train them up, also might be good to link with Wayland Academy. Grants available for transport costs.
  • Happy Project – Jean has been out and about in the communities and has now sorted out a Steering Group. So far there is no parent and childcare activities in Great Cressingham. In Watton a board games group is being set up in the Library. Two Teddy Bears Picnics are being held in Great Cressingham and Watton.
  • Big Lunch – held on Sunday 6th June 2016 – 25-30 people attended but all knew. Suggestion made to possibly try a different venue next. Year.
  • Growing Together – grants to make over unloved pieces of land. Pam has been appointed and will start next week.

4. / New Projects
27th February 2017 – 4th March 2017 will be hosting book week. Entitled Once Upon a Time. Exhibition by Young People, suggestion of possibly collaborative painting could be comic/cartoons to get the young people involved. Breckland YAB have grants of £500 to apply for.
5. / Attendees Updates
Anita Beckett – Breckland Youth Advisory Board
Services are better in other towns than Watton. Teenagers are not included in facilities. Improvement for Watton needs all agencies working proactively together to make it better.
Mark Webster - TCV
This is a group for anyone within a radius of 30 minutes from Dereham working on practical conservation tasks whilst at the same time learning about plants/wildlife. A free minibus runs from Dereham. Activities during school holidays starting in October half term with a different project each time. If young people take part they are able to get money off vouchers at Watton Sports Centre.
Karen McAlese – Capacity for Norfolk County Council
Watton is covered by both hubs (Dereham and Thetford). Partnership working is seeing communication improving but there is further improvement needed. Supermarkets do have pockets of money
Florence Pand – Health Visitors
Health visitors are going through a big change and are now moving to locality based. Age range is is now 0-19 and in conjunction with School Nurses. SPA (Single Point of Access) triaged to locatlity.
Lisa Savage – Watton Sports Centre
Fit Family Sessions will be running during the summer Breckland Council and Aspire are delivering these sessions.
They also have funding for a bike shed.
Jo Jacklin – My Confidence/Daisy Programme
Our course in Watton has been very successful and we have been asked to run a further course in Watton and one in Thetford which follow on from Clients having attended the Freedom Programme through Daisy Programme. We are undertaking a large funding bid to Department of Education. Daisy Programme has received a grant of £9,500 from Big Lottery.
6. / Any Other Business
Anita Beckett thanks Suzanne for all her hard work.
7. / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 26thSeptember 2016 at 2pm

Signed and dated as a true and accurate record.

……………………………………………………………… Dated ………………………………………